Truth lost out in the 2016 presidential election, to the "alternative facts" of the Republican campaign sponsored by the Big Money Makers, as well as to the "bad Russia" inventors of the Democrat campaign sponsored by the Big Money Controllers (a.k.a. Banksters).
The people lost -- the one authentic populist candidate actually supporting their best interests scuttled in the Democrat primaries. (Definition of the word "democrat": a person who believes in the political or social equality of all people. Where were such in the nominative process?)
Facts and integrity be damned, most Dems nonetheless lined up as instructed by their partisan controllers, while a minority were tempted away by the false prophets of Republicania, with the result of actual political integrity direly suffering the coronation of the bombastic character Trump -- who aside from his wretched reputation -- refuses to button his jacket even upon the presidential dais. (Pardon the fashion note -- I couldn't resist noting the slovenly incongruity presented us from the world's most powerful platform.)
Where are the voices of authentic political courage, intelligence and goodwill in all this? Certainly not in the New York Times, not in the Washington Post, hardly on the major TV networks, and rarely above the louder voices in our Congress from either side. What's left? We can seek out OpEd News, RT News, Amy Goodman, Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky, Paul Jay (The Real News) and such genuine sources as you may recommend.
Let us know, spread the voices of reality and political decency, lest we remain condemned as Pogo described: "We have met the enemy and he is us."
(Article changed on January 24, 2017 at 15:14)