This morning's (9-18-11) Associated Press report on "Social Security options" outlines several wretched but frank proposals from the Republican presidential candidates, each designed as bait to current contributors to gamble their future economic security for the rewards and virtues of private investments. Giving the devils their due, one must admit -- despite their kowtowing per usual to big-money greed interests -- the Republicans have demonstrated more frankness with this issue than have the Democrats, who have offered...well...what?
Giving the Republican captive media some barely deserved credit for what they themselves would view as balance, the A. P. report concluded with: "Obama has mostly avoided the issue in the first three years of his presidency, arguing that Social Security has not been a major contributor to the nation's fiscal problems. As a candidate in 2008, Obama proposed increasing payroll taxes on high-income workers to help shore up the system, but he hasn't pushed the idea since taking office."
Well, the captive media got that exactly right. Obama has not "pushed" reinforcement of Social Security, nor has he "pushed" for Peace, nor for Investigation of the Lies for War, nor for any major Social Progress, nor for the Recovery of American Credibility in the eyes of the DECENT governments of the world.
Ahh, the "D" word -- Obama has not "pushed" for anything "DECENT" for our senior population, for our poor, for a descending middle class. The last thing I can recall Obama "pushing" for were huge gifts of the people's treasure to Big-Money failures, which was supposed to "trickle down" to us "ordinary" folks.
Well, we're still waiting for the drops. Still waiting for the real federal jobs program. What do we get? Not much more than tap dancing up to the microphone and lofty rhetoric. Even with a partisan majority in both houses of Congress, Obama gave away the people's store, conceding to the Republican minority in private sessions before vital issues were presented on the floor of his Democrat majorities in both houses.
With this all, the captive A.P. missed an opportunity to -- however quite fairly -- malign the Democrat President, dwelling as it did on the "not pushing" side of their case. It's been recently worse than "not pushing," with Obama floating the idea that the Social Security cost-of-living-index could be calculated by a new and different formula that would depress future benefits to the delight of the Right.
Did you perhaps miss this? Did he state this persuasion loudly and boldly? Of course not. That's not his style. He'll get immediate Republican support however, and we can count upon more of their contributions in this arena if Obama's "floater" does not attract massive liberal opposition, which lamentably has not been in sufficient evidence across Obama's reign.
And that is the final point: Obama has worn down the viability of the two-party system by denuding the Democrats of strong and vocal opposition against the Right, the Greed Interests and the War Profiteers by his constant and infernal concessions to them.
Of what use to the people is a two-party system with both parties to the right of center? In effect, America has but one party: Republican-Democrat Inc.
Why has not the Left raised more of a row here? Why have we for the most part simply and practically voicelessly observed the absence of strong voices championing the cause of the people and against our endless war making? Could it be because we have not held OUR elected accountable? Were we beguiled by the campaign rhetoric? The appeals to "unity" favoring the privileged?
Yes, we the majority, the middle-class, have either not detected what's being done to us or have lacked the gumption to stand up and sufficiently loudly raise our voice in our self-interest.
Across the next fourteen months we'll have one more chance, one more opportunity to resurrect America from the refuse of Republican-Democrat Inc. One more chance for a real voice for the people and for peace from our lying wars of the past ten years.
We'll need to select the right leadership for this next and perhaps final chance. Frankly, I at this time do not know who is the best champion of the people's and peace's cause. But I am convinced that we, America and our future history can no longer afford more Republican-Democrat Inc. headed up by the current pontificator and concessioneer.
Obama no longer deserves the people's support, nor can the real people afford him and his misrepresentation for four more years.
The people need to wake up the Democrats or find other representation. Let them know we're serious.
It's not too late. We'll go elsewhere if the Dems persist in not getting the real message and offering more of the false messenger.
I will now sound off with the hope you will speak up. Time is running short. We need to get to work for decent representation, sincerely clear voices and beneficial accomplishments for the people and for peace, all so woefully lacking under Obama's pathetic and misrepresentational tenure.
Fourteen months and counting. We need to start now.