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Leaving behind a treacherous government now addicted to perpetual war, its limitlessly greedy and power-lusting masters, as well as the retarded albeit smirky Republicans and their evermore clonish Democrat colleagues, a braindead electorate incapable of recognizing its own best interests, the hypocritical Christians who '"support our troops," and the tiresome, sloganeering and feckless activist-hobbyists, as well as those who profit from their plastic morality -- I now repair to my Jungle Home amidst the giant palmettos on a dirt road running east from the Gulf coast that neither the US Mail nor school buses dare assay, and there to gain the more decent and trustworthy company of the indigenous sand tortoises and rattlesnakes.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 3, 2017 America: Best at Everything including Movies (?)
Are Americans actually the best at everything, including their cinema, and -- oh yes -- their choices in politics and war?
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, August 11, 2017 Solution to the "Korean Problem"
Here is the quite simple solution to the current problems between the U.S. and Korea that involves the full-time participation of but two persons.
(3 comments) SHARE Friday, June 16, 2017 The Plastic Menace Revitalized
The Trumpsters are pushing the Defense Department to increase our forces in Afghanistan in order to divert attention from Trump's maladministration, regardless of the costs and lives to be wasted.
SHARE Wednesday, June 7, 2017 Yet Another Wretched "Surge" Urged
Another "surge" to be urged in Afghanistan promises nothing except hopeless slaughter on both sides with the sole advantage to the profits of the weapons makers and kickbacks to their politicos.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, May 25, 2017 Where to now, "...in a world I never made"?
The real people of the Democrat Party are at sea, now directionless after being misled by their bankster-supported leadership.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 21, 2017 Tales from the Flyin' Trumpeze
Trump makes it quite clear in less than 24 hours in Saudi Arabia that weapons of mass slaughter and destruction are atop America's priorities list.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Comey, "You're Fired!"
Trump's action to fire the Director of the FBI appears to be taken from the script of his former third-rate TV show.
(13 comments) SHARE Friday, April 14, 2017 Reform the Current Democrat Establishment?
Can the current misrepresentative Democrat hierarchy be supplanted by honest agents of the people? Or must we proceed to form a new party that does?
SHARE Friday, April 7, 2017 Pogo, We Need a Reminder!
The people of the United States are guilty of a lamentable choice of leadership for the past 36 years, and still seem to have problems coming to grips with it.
SHARE Saturday, March 18, 2017 "Wire Tapping Trump Towers" Clarified
Is there one scintilla of truth that supports any of the Trump claims of phone tapping of his Towers during the presidential campaign?
(9 comments) SHARE Thursday, February 23, 2017 Where is America, and Where is it Going?
A "democratic" party now corrupted by insiders along with the usual republican "big money" persuasion require a thorough examination and correction, possibly by the necessity of the conventionally denigrated emergence of a third party.
SHARE Monday, January 23, 2017 "Alternative Facts" and Such
Truth lost out in the 2016 presidential election, to the "alternative facts" of the Republican campaign sponsored by the Big Money Makers, as well as to the "bad Russia" inventors of the Democrat campaign sponsored by the Big Money Controllers (a.k.a. Banksters).
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 22, 2016 We Got Trumped. So Now What?
If indeed democracy survives the next four years in our country, we will need to clean up and perhaps expand the nomination process to provide promise for more decent and effective governance in future.
SHARE Thursday, November 3, 2016 America's Politcal Groupies
America's traditional political parties; i.e., the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, have in reality long lost any resemblance to whatever their original and traditional partisan postures and ethics were. Do we have a chance at decent government?
(8 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 20, 2016 The President Missteps into the Election
As officially President of all the American people, Obama should not personally intrude in the citizens' choice of his successor.
(9 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 3, 2016 The Charade of the Lesser-Evil Choice
There is no "lesser-evil." Nevertheless, both major parties have been internally corrupted and are foisting that favorite old device on an electorate to capture the bobble-headed vote.
(31 comments) SHARE Friday, July 22, 2016 Beware the Lesser-Evil-Choice Canard
There is the proposition that we must choose the lesser-evil in 2016. Yes, both are bad. We must now prepare to never allow this again.
(36 comments) SHARE Monday, June 20, 2016 Hillary Insufficiently Lesser-Evil
The secrets that Hillary shares with the banksters are too expensive for us meager voters to learn. Will you trust her with your vote? Not this liberal!