F-22 Raptor shows its weapon bay
(Image by (From Wikimedia) Edward I. Fagg, U.S. Navy, Author: Edward I. Fagg, U.S. Navy) Details Source DMCA
The Constitution Of "The Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America" -- Part 2 - Our New Bill Of Rights and Responsibilities -- Article 11 -- The Direct Democracy Nation's Rights and Responsibilities Of National Self-Defense.
(59) The Right of Our Direct Democracy Nation to automatically direct and mandate Our National Defense Forces to strike mighty blows against all armed foreign intrusion, or invasion, across Our Borders Of and Within Our Sovereign Territory.
Any violent and dangerous attack that comes to and within Our Sovereign Territory, as soon as it is Truthfully perceived, is to be eradicated as quickly as possible.
Our Military Forces may push back the forces of aggression 100 miles and then wait for directives from Our Direct Democracy Governance System.
It is hoped that We Americans will master the art of surgical strikes against an enemy, so as to minimize noncombatant harm of an aggressor nation.
Incoming missiles and/or air power, as soon as detected and confirmed, is to be considered "The First Blow" at Us. This "First Blow" sets Us Free to Defend Ourselves"which includes retaliation in whatever way We deem Just and necessary, in order to preserve Our New Nation, "The Direct Democracy Republic Common Wealth Of The United States Of America".
The Responsibility of this Right, is that Our Defense Forces have the ability to immediately counter a direct threat on Our Sovereign Territory"without any dangerous delay that would accrue from waiting for a Direct Democracy decision about this matter.
(60) The Right to defend the Earth and Human World of the Earth with attacks, of whatever kind is deemed necessary by We The People, against any and all producers of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.
Our "clandestine services" (spies) will dedicate themselves to this extremely Just Cause for the future safety of Our Planet. Find these vile production centers and networks, so that We can eradicate them!
It is hoped that Many Other Nations will agree with and help Us in this sacred endeavor.
We might consider the development of super-nuclear missiles to control meteor threats to Our World and Planet. But these should produced and stored on another planetary body, of strategic location. (Could We, instead, build mobile super lenses, to melt meteors from Sunlight?)
The Responsibility of this Right is that We achieve this goal with zero to minimum harm to those Peoples of other Nations, who are not directly involved with this kind of evil weapon production.