I am a member of an honorable family that has been split into pieces because of the lies that have been perpetrated against us in the name of our great nation. I served in the military for 20 years, ending abruptly when I determined it was no longer possible to continue after what I saw happen on 911. Almost immediately, I knew there was something horribly wrong with the officially advertised story as to the events of that truly horrific day!
My son is now a Marine who serves with the same trust and honor which I had when I initially entered the US Air Force in 1982. He is to be stationed in Afghanistan soon and I am at significant odds with my feelings. I appreciate his desire to serve his country and his depth of courage and faith in so doing. The thing I am at odds about has nothing to do with our family, but those that are making the decisions that put members of my family in harm's way!
Their lies, deceit, and unlawfulness have only been surpassed by their arrogance and outright desire to instigate chaos in the continuing illegal and unprovoked attacks upon other sovereign nations. And they are not finished! They intend perpetual and innocuous take over of everything and everyone we hold dear, and they will not stop until they are stopped. In war they find profit and control, so they desire no end to hostilities, but instead create them in any part of the world they deem necessary to fulfill their self-aggrandizement.
The events of 911 cauterized the American public into solidified support of their trusted leadership to pursue retribution for the mass murder of American citizens on our own soil. 911 was the pretext for wars in both Afghanistan and Iraq. We were told there were direct connections between the perpetrators of the crime and attacking them would not only allow justice to be served, but would also provide the safety and protection that our leadership took an oath of office to provide.
We were told Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that the only way to avoid the smoking gun of a mushroom cloud from a nuclear attack on our cities was to attack them and remove the threat. We are now fed the same lie about Iran, even though our $40 billion a year intelligence apparatus tells the exact opposite story. We have military drills, most recently Immediate Response 2008 in Georgia, that turn into offensive military actions which are then blamed on others to instigate death and hatred where it did not previously exist.
In short, the current leadership of our nation (I am not distinguishing between political parties for that is trivial in this comparison), and those who control and manipulate them from behind the scenes, are guilty of the highest crimes imaginable under the Constitution of The United States of America. They have violated the trust of the American people and, in fact, used that trust as a tool of manipulation to instill a quasi-patriotic and offensive aggression mentality. In so doing they put honorable men and women warriors in harm's way without care or regard for their well-being or basic protection.
Treason is the most accurate definition of their crime! Mass murder of innocent people is the result. Their future goals include the destruction of the moral fiber known as care. There are those among us, however, who care way too deeply to allow this to happen! May our Truth-filled spirit live on and stand tall in humble, yet bold strength of mutual character!
Guy S. Razer, LtCol, USAF (Ret.)