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The Global Warming Fallacy, Polar Warming, Energy Use, and Continental Shifts

Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow
Message Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow

Climate change is far more complicated than just blaming the oil, gas and coal companies. The scientific basis for climate change policies is based on some science and a lot of nonsense, rather than science alone. As long as politicians and reporters shape public policy, science suffers. When the ill-informed lead the way, we will all be lost.

Climate Change is Upon Us

There is too much evidence that confirms the evolution of climate change to ignore this monumental problem. However, blaming the oil, gas, and coal industries as the only problems overlooks the complexity of this problem, and prevents the solutions needed to address climate change. Claiming that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions are the primary cause of global warming is false, i.e., a global warming fallacy is moving forward.

Mankind has executed far more damage to our planet than just carbon dioxide emissions. Also, the records of climate change predict that there is something else going on. If we do not address the global problem, this climate change problem will overcome us - perhaps not in my lifetime, but maybe in yours. We just do not know what is going on. We should work to find out what is happening, rather than blaming some companies, and then forgetting to solve the whole problem.

New Technology and Climate Change

New theories are presented here to consider the shifting of the North and South Poles. Polar warming and continental drift result as the poles change location, or wobble. Resultant polar warming is the primary factor causing the current climate changes of our planet.

Parallel to these new theories, CO2 generation from the burning of fuels for energy use are reconsidered. CO2 is far less important with respect to global warming than currently believed.

Also, energy production accounts for more than half of the energy associated with global warming. A simple arithmetic calculation has been intentionally ignored by those who promote global warming and blame the oil, gas, and coal industries. This calculation was so fundamental that overlooking this arithmetic was impossible for competent scientists.

This article challenges fundamental understandings of our planet through new science.

Figure 1. A history of the Ice Ages on our planet - Ice cores from Antarctica.
Figure 1. A history of the Ice Ages on our planet - Ice cores from Antarctica.
(Image by Adapted from Illinois state government.)
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Glacial Advances and Retreats and the Incoming Glacial Melting

Based on available evidence, climate change is coming whether we like it or not. In Figure 1, recordings of oxygen isotopes have been evaluated to determine when ice ages, glacial advances, and glacial retreats occur. Ice ages are far fewer than the glacial advances and retreats that occur between the ice ages. The most recent ice age was 1.5 million years ago, but significant glacier retreats and advances occur every 175,000 years or so. The present glacial retreat, or polar warming, started nearly 20,000 years ago, and may continue for thousands of years, as shown in Figure 1.

'During glacial periods, large quantities of water are locked up in ice, resulting in thick, heavy sheets of ice covering much of the continents in the higher latitudes and significantly lower sea levels worldwide. In North America, the Laurentide ice sheet covered most of Canada as well as the northern part of the United States from Maine to Montana and as far south as St. Louis and Cincinnati during [the distant past]. This massive ice sheet was roughly 2 miles thick at its core, and the volume of water locked up in the ice sheet was the equivalent of roughly 120 meters of global sea level. A second, smaller ice sheet called the Cordilleran Ice Sheet covered portions of western Canada and the U.S., stretching as far south as northern Oregon in the U.S. Throughout the Pleistocene and part of the Pliocene, these ice sheets advanced and retreated at variable rates, significantly altering the landscape. Geologists have used these landform changes to partially reconstruct the glacial history of North America. Although this reconstruction does not tell the whole story, it does provide a basic working framework within which to interpret the North American glacial-interglacial cycle.'

'Recent work with ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica, as well as research on changes in marine isotopes, has revealed a more complex series of changes between warmer and colder global climatic conditions.' 'This research has focused on fluctuations in the ratio of heavy to light oxygen isotopes (oxygen isotope ratios) as a proxy indicator of ocean temperatures and ice volume. As climates cool, greater quantities of the light oxygen isotope, d16O, become concentrated in the snow precipitation that forms the continental ice sheets, resulting in ocean water that is enriched in the heavy oxygen isotope, d18O. When the climate warms and the ice sheets melt, light oxygen is returned to ocean water, reducing the ratio of heavy to light oxygen. Ice cores recovered from Antarctica provide an annual record of the oxygen isotope ratio in snow over the roughly past 800,000 years. This record has been correlated with a similar record obtained from ice cores in Greenland that covers the past 400,000 years and with less precise records from marine sediment cores that extend back over 5 million years. Together, this global data set has been used to identify more than 50 different cycles of higher and lower oxygen isotope ratios, which correlate with fluctuating ice volumes and related changes in global temperature ("Explore the Ice Age Midwest... plants and animals of the Pleistocene", click here).'

Apparently, there is something going on with the planet that we do not yet fully understand. From Figure 1,glacier melting and subsequent advance appears to be nearly cyclic, and the cycle for the next glacier melting has arrived. This presently unknown process affects climate change, and ignoring this process can have drastic effects on any actions and preparations for climate change.

Climate Change or Something Else?

In the clamor of climate change, the more obvious causes of natural disasters are quickly dismissed.

The recent fire in Maui in August of 2023 is a classic example. Fires have been attributed to earlier farming that cut down all natural vegetation to grow crops. Later, non-indigenous, flammable grasses and housing replaced the farmland. A fire was waiting to happen, similar to the tinderbox that was created some years ago in Yellowstone. These tinderboxes were not created by global warming; fire conditions were created by our mismanagement of natural resources. Even so, global warming is cried as the cause of these fires by some people.

I live in the southern U.S. in South Carolina, and I live in such a tinderbox as well. Years of forest mismanagement have left a layer of flammable material in nearby forests for many miles in all directions. If drought conditions ever combine with a spark, a fire disaster can happen here. Similar to Maui, there are people expected to cry 'Climate Change'. The issues are too complicated to blame climate change for everything.

Many floods are now blamed on climate change. However, many floods are caused by developers who strip the land of the trees and vegetation that absorb water to stop floods. Again, the issues are too complicated to blame climate change for everything.

More importantly, these examples of false global warming claims provide fodder for the press and politicians to act like scientists and claim that they are further proving global warming. Incompetence does not equal science. We need facts, not junk science.

Figure 2. CO2 Emissions in our atmosphere.
Figure 2. CO2 Emissions in our atmosphere.
(Image by US government)
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Figure 3. World enrgy use.
Figure 3. World enrgy use.
(Image by Our World in Data)
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Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change

Figure 2 clearly shows that carbon dioxide, CO2 is increasing in our atmosphere to affect temperatures ("Climate - How Exactly Does Carbon Dioxide Cause Global Warming?", click here). This CO2 in the air also increases the CO2 concentrations in our rivers, lakes, and and oceans. Overall, we do not understand the full effects of CO2 on climate change.

A global energy imbalance to cause global warming is presently attributed completely to carbon in the air, and I disagree.

'The absorption of [infrared light and release of heat energy] by carbon dioxide means that Earth [and atmosphere] still absorb [71] percent of the incoming solar energy, but an equivalent amount of heat is no longer leaving. The exact amount of [this] energy imbalance is very hard to measure, but it appears to be a little over 0.8 watts per square meter. The imbalance is inferred from a combination of measurements, including satellite and ocean-based observations of sea level rise and warming ([Figure 4,] thobservatory.nasa.gov/features/EnergyBalance).'

Figure 4. Solar energy entering the Earth's atmosphere.
Figure 4. Solar energy entering the Earth's atmosphere.
(Image by US government)
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The Earth's Energy Imbalance

In past centuries, the energy at the periphery of our atmosphere is assumed to approach equilibrium. Basically, the energy entering equaled the energy going out. Today, ocean levels are rising, and the energy out may no longer equal the energy in. Considering the ocean level changes, an energy imbalance has been estimated.

Our temperatures are affected by greenhouse gases like water and carbon dioxide, and temperatures are also affected by our energy industry. We use 179,000 TerraWatt hours of energy (Figure 3, "How much energy does the world consume?", click here). The total energy imbalance - and resulting temperature increase - on our planet is presently estimated at 286,000 TerraWatt hours ("Climate and Earth's Energy Budget", thobservatory.nasa.gov/features/EnergyBalance).

CO2 Generation and Energy Use

Our global hunger for energy drives the need for coal, oil, and gas. Even all of the other forms of energy like nuclear, wind, solar, etc. dump heat into our atmosphere. According to science - the First Law of Thermodynamics - energy is neither created nor destroyed. Once we create heat it is here to stay until that heat moves out into space. Our planet does not have a plan to keep dumping heat into the air. Too much energy is trapped in our atmosphere, and global temperatures increase due to this worldwide energy imbalance.

Since 1980, CO2 generation increased by about two-thirds and energy use increased by almost one half. The exact relationships between greenhouse gases, our energy consumption, and climate change are not clear. Even so, approximately 63% of our estimated energy imbalance for the Earth is due to the energy that we use. The simple calculation is

179,000 TerraWatt hours / 286,000 TerrWatt hours = 62.6% ~ 63%

We are expected to believe that climate change experts could not figure out how to perform this calculation. I think not.

Moreover, both forms of energy are expected to contribute to climate change, i.e., heat from energy production and heat from carbon generated into the atmosphere. That is, the 179,000 TerraWatt hours of energy dumped into the air is a significant portion of the energy imbalance of our planet.

Nobody wants to say that an ever-increasing population increases the need for energy and the resultant dump of heat into the air and waters of our planet. The more people, the more energy use, and the more heat exhausted to our planet. To my knowledge, this statement is new to science, where energy use may be as significant as CO2 formation when climate change is considered.

Greenhouse Gases and the Earth's Energy Imbalance

Let's recap greenhouse gas effects and the energy imbalance.

First, consider greenhouse gas effects. When sunlight enters the Earth's atmosphere 48% of the energy from light reaches the Earth's surface as another 23% reaches our atmosphere. This energy bounces back into outer space in the form of infrared light or our planet will experience warming.

To explain the reflection of infrared light, consider a car with light going through the windows. Infrared light bounces off of the upholstery and dashboard. the glass of the windows blocks infrared light, and the car interior can heat to above 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly, water and carbon from CO2 absorb infrared light to heat the atmosphere of our entire planet.

Now, consider the energy imbalance. Approximately 63% of the Earth's energy imbalance has been shown here to be attributed to energy production. If we continue to increase the rate of energy production, global warming will increase, regardless of CO2 emission controls placed upon the oil, gas, and coal industries. Energy production is increasing in many developing nations, and global warming will result.

The remaining 37% of the present energy imbalance needs accounting. However, climate change is coming from a planetary process, which is not yet fully understood. We do not know how much of the remaining energy imbalance is due to this planetary process or how much energy is due to CO2 greenhouse effects. In other words, we do not have any idea, whatsoever, of how CO2 emissions affect global warming. Yet, we march forward to fix CO2 emissions without addressing other global warming problems.

Hydrogen in Place of Carbon-Burning Fuels

Hydrogen is recommended as an alternative to oil, gas, and coal. When burned with air, hydrogen combustion generates NOx gases, rather than CO2 ("Interpreting combustion emissions from hydrogen and hydrocarbon Fuels", click here). Nitrogen (N) in NOx gases does not vibrate and give off heat when struck by infrared light; i.e., there are minimal greenhouse gas effects from burning hydrogen. However, I am unaware of any study to evaluate the effects of massive poisonous gas releases to our atmosphere if hydrogen combustion expands to a global scale for energy production.

A Primary Cause of Polar Warming rather than Global Warming

Since we do not know what is happening to our planet, I will postulate a new theory. As already known, the North and South Poles move ("Scientists ID three causes of Earth's spin axis drift", click here). As the poles move, northern ice and Antarctic ice move into warmer climates and melt. This melting process explains the cyclic pattern of melting that was proved by Figure 1. Also, this new theory is consistent with the fact that energy is neither created nor destroyed. So-called global warming over the past 800,000 years was, in fact, polar warming as the Earth rotated.

Even so, this new theory raises a question, since the pole movements were only observed to be 4 inches per year in the 20th century. Also, the magnetic North Pole currently moves even faster than the rotational North Pole at 28 miles per year ("2012: Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All The (Geologic) Time" .nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/2012-poleReversal.html). A wobble of the axis that takes 175,000 years to complete that wobble explains the interconnected shift of the Earth's axis and resultant polar warming. The cyclic nature of polar warming needs further study.

Even so, the shift of the Earth's rotational axis and the magnetic North Pole can both be explained by a common cause. The Earth is basically a molten core surrounded by a thin hard crust, where the diameter of the Earth is 7918 miles, and the thickness of the crust varies from 3 miles under the oceans to 6 miles on land. Similar to the large-scale rotations and currents of the oceans, rotations (Figure 5), currents and friction occur inside this molten core as lava moves inside the Earth. Although, the movements on the crust of the Earth may interact with the molten core motions - the opposite is true - the core is the biggest contributor to the Earth's behavior.

Over time, core rotations change the locations of the poles of the Earth. Polar warming, not global warming, cycles every 175,000 years or so, and minor polar warming occurs every 10,000 years or so. Ice melts as air temperatures rise. Accordingly, we cannot stop the imminent onslaught of rising oceans as polar warming occurs, but we can prepare for such an eventuality.

In short, I strongly disagree with those people who claim that global warming is moving the North and South Poles and melting glaciers. The opposite is true, the moving poles are causing polar warming, and the extent to which global warming - rather than polar warming - is melting our glaciers is unknown.

Since polar warming is the primary cause of present changes in sea level, the global warming advocates have used this evidence to falsely claim that C02 causes all aspects of global warming. Even though false claims are in place, C02 concentrations in the air adversely affects shellfish ("How is climate change impacting shellfish in the ocean?").

Given that my new ideas have been plagiarized in the past, I choose to call this new research, 'The Leishear Polar Warming Theory'. All in all, I have collected data from multiple sources for the work presented here, but I disagree with the analyses and conclusions of those sources in many respects. New knowledge does not repeat what others have said - new knowledge builds upon the work of others.

Figure 5. Ocean current rotations.
Figure 5. Ocean current rotations.
(Image by BC Campus)
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Axis Wobbling and the Internal Lava Flows in the Earth

A few words are needed to explain the complexities of fluid flow inside the earth's core. The earth is comprised of the solid inner core, the liquid outer core, the solid mantle, and the solid crust, which is partially covered by water. That is, the outer core is the only part of the Earth's interior that is molten lava, or high-temperature liquid rock (Figure 6, BC campus, click here).

This outer core erupts upwards through cracks in the mantle and earth's crust to create volcanoes. For example, the Hawaiian Islands moved across the Pacific Ocean as volcanoes erupted as a continental plate shifted (Figure 7, Click Here). A conclusion from this island formation is that the same forces that crack the crust must crack the mantle as well.

This outer core is in constant motion due to the rotation of the Earth. The Earth's rotation also induces a Coriolis effect on the outer core similar to the oceanic rotational currents. Another outer core motion is induced by the gravity of the sun. Every day, the sun's gravity hammers against this molten core, since the Earth tilts in the same direction with respect to the sun to cause the seasons (Figure 8, ceplace.nasa.gov/seasons/en). Minor contributors to lava motion are passing comets.

The motion of the outer core lava of 80% iron is incredibly complicated. There are several major forces to cause outer core motion, or fluid flow.

  • An East-West lava flow in the outer core due to rotation.
  • Circular Coriolis lava flows in the outer core in the northern and southern hemispheres.
  • Lava flows in the outer core due to the sun's gravity
  • Possible minor lava flows due to sun spots - or solar flares / coronal mass ejections in particular - where coronal mass ejections are a sudden surge of the sun's surface into space (Figure 9, Solar flare with mass ejection, ceplace.nasa.gov/solar-activity/en/).
  • Lava flow in any direction in the outer core due to comets passing the earth.
  • Possible gravitational interactions between lava flows in the core and tectonic movements of the Earth's crust.
  • Possible gravitational interactions between lava flows in the core and glacial movements above.

These complex lava flow motions cause the rotational and magnetic axes of the Earth to shift. Even so, the influences for each of these effects require further study.

Figure 6. The Earth's core.
Figure 6. The Earth's core.
(Image by BC Campus)
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Figure 7. Hawaii formed from a volcanic hot spot that moved West-Northwest with the movement of a tectonic plate.
Figure 7. Hawaii formed from a volcanic hot spot that moved West-Northwest with the movement of a tectonic plate.
(Image by US government)
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Figure 8. The sun's gravitation and the titling axis of the Earth cause daily unbalanced forces throughout the entire Earth, including the liquid outer core.
Figure 8. The sun's gravitation and the titling axis of the Earth cause daily unbalanced forces throughout the entire Earth, including the liquid outer core.
(Image by US government)
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Figure 9. A solar flare and the ejection of material from the sun.
Figure 9. A solar flare and the ejection of material from the sun.
(Image by US government)
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Where are We with Climate Change?

Politicians and the press are grabbing onto only part of the climate change-warming problem. We do not know how significant CO2 emissions are to global warming. We do not know how hydrogen combustion will affect our planet. We do not know how CO2 increases in air will affect aquatic and animal life. We do not know the all of the effects of population growth on global warming. We do not completely know how polar warming occurs. We do not know the scope of future damages from polar warming. Solving only part of the climate change problem because the problem is too difficult will cause even greater problems.

In short, we do not understand what is happening with respect to climate change. We need to find out what is going on for the future of our planet.

Pretending that we can stop climate change by stopping the oil, gas, and coal companies from energy production is dangerous. Deaths and destruction have been predicted by others as a direct result of global warming, but if we do not understand global warming itself, we cannot accurately predict impending deaths and destruction.

These new theories that are presented here took years to put together, while I worked on theories for nuclear power plant explosions, pipeline explosions, oil rig explosions, and piping failures. Consistent with my other discoveries and inventions of new theories, I expect phenomenal resistance to these new ideas. More importantly, politicians control the money, and without money, new technology and science are impeded.

Figure 10. Continental plate formation from earthquakes.
Figure 10. Continental plate formation from earthquakes.
(Image by US government)
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The Shift of Continental Plates

Understanding that the Earth's poles wobble, a new explanation can also be provided to explain the motive forces for earthquakes. As the Earth's axis wobbles, the centrifugal forces due to rotation change direction on the Earth's crust. These changing directional forces exert continually changing global forces on continental plates.

Such changes in global forces move the continental plates against each other, and earthquakes are born. Earthquakes formed the continents as continental drift was controlled by changing forces on the tectonic plates of the earth's crust (Figure 10).

When the Earth formed, the Earth was out of balance. According to science - the Second Law of Thermodynamics - everything goes to a maximum state of disorder or minimum energy condition. Consequently, the Earth will tend to form a uniform sphere during rotation, rather than remaining as an imperfect sphere. To approach this natural condition of a balanced sphere, the continents shifted away from each other to form the continents as we know them today. There is much evidence to this effect.

For example, I have seen seashell fossils inside the caves of the mountains of West Virginia, as I crawled through Hamilton Cave near Franklin. That is, The West Virginia mountains were under the ocean at one time in our planet's history. As the continental plates shifted, the mountains rose up from the ocean.

In short, molten flows of lava inside the Earth caused the Earth's axis to wobble, This wobbling caused earthquakes. Earthquakes formed the continents. All in all, this new theory of polar shifting has sweeping implications to the understanding of our planet. Again, I have dedicated many years to developing these complicated new theories.

Letters to NASA, NOAA, and Oil Companies

A link to this article was forwarded to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) with the following letter. The first sentence of this letter was sent via text message to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) along with a link to this article. Quick responses are not expected, if responses are sent at all.

Global Warming Mistakes

A new scientific article presents new research and new evidence with respect to global warming and climate change ("The Global Warming Fallacy, Polar Warming, Energy Use, and Continental Shifts" by Robert A. Leishear, PhD, ASME Fellow). These findings uncover potentially great risks to our planet. Since these discoveries are new, the potential scope of destruction to our planet is not yet known. That is, we do not know the possibilities for death and destruction across our planet. Please consider these new discoveries and provide comments.

Chevron, Exxon, Shell, and BP were also sent more detailed descriptions of this article.

(Article changed on Aug 28, 2023 at 2:39 PM EDT)

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Robert A. Leishear, PhD, P.E., PMP, ASME Fellow, Who's Who in America Top Engineer, NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, NACE Senior Internal Piping Corrosion Technologist, ANSYS Expert, AMPP Certified Protective Coatings Inspector, NACE Cathodic (more...)

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