In parallel to a series of 50 articles in OpEdNews I am writing a book, which is based on these Op Eds, peer-reviewed journal papers, and other research. "Industrial Murder for Profit" has been turned down by a number of publishers so far, but this whistleblower work proceeds. A publisher is wanted to produce this work to save lives.
The following Introduction to this book summarizes this ground-breaking research, which confronts those who kill us for profit.
Introduction to Industrial Murder for Profit
'There is something grossly wrong with our society when we stand by and watch people die - needlessly. Our governments kill people through their cover-ups of industrial disasters, and my goal for a new book is to compel our governments to kill less people. Stop these murders.'
Figure 1. A Carlsbad gas pipeline explosion burned 12 people to death. An 80-feet-tall tower is shown - flames shot hundreds of feet into the air. ('Stop the Burn Deaths from Gas-Pipeline Explosions', 'Gas Pipeline Explosions and Deaths can be Stopped').
(Image by US government) Details DMCA
'To protect industrial profits, our governments lie to us - over and over - during official investigations, and our governments thereby risk our lives. Money before the lives of citizens is government policy and priority.
'A readable story of massive government cover-ups that kill our people and destroy our environment will be uncovered in this book. These cover-ups result in the unjustifiable killing, or murder, of our citizens. To knowingly kill people when industrial disasters can be stopped constitutes murder.
'Science topics will be briefly introduced in this book to explain very complicated disasters. In fact, these scientific complications are the fabric that is used to cover-up disasters and near-disasters.
'This work looks at numerous industrial disasters to prove the extent of government cover-ups and the extent to which the mainstream press and professional organizations support these cover-ups. Disasters that are affected by these cover-ups include:
- Cross-country gas pipeline explosions burn a dozen people to death every year, and burn and injure an additional 50 to 60 people every year (Figure 1, click here).
- Cross-country oil pipeline breaks spill oil into our waterways to kill fish and wildlife (Figure 2, click here).
- The Three Mile Island disaster shut-down the nuclear power industry for decades in the U.S (Figure 3, click here).
- Fukushima explosions shuttered the nuclear industry completely in Germany, and affected nuclear power in many other countries as well (Figure 4, click here).
- The Fukushima explosion disaster spewed radioactive dust across the northern hemisphere, and caused deaths of the elderly during evacuations (Figure 5, click here).
- The next, preventable nuclear power plant disaster is expected before 2039 (Figure 6, click here).
- Offshore oil-rig explosions have killed hundreds of workers and caused massive oil spills (Figure 7, click here).
- Trillions of dollars in expected water main breaks kill people due to gastrointestinal illnesses (Figure 8, click here).
- Bridges collapse due to inadequate designs and maintenance (Figure 9, click here).
- Global warming errors in technology and resultant misguided policies threaten lives and our planet (Figure 10, click here).
- Unnecessary X-rays cause cancers, but make a lot of money (Figure 11, click here).
- U.S. nuclear weapon defenses are inadequate, and these inadequacies threaten our safety if a nuclear conflict ever arises (Figure 12, click here).
'Similar, ongoing disasters can be stopped, or minimized, but our governments cover-up the causes of these disasters to protect industrial interests, and the Press typically supports such cover-ups. Our lives and our environment are at risk, where industrial profits overrule government actions that could stop disasters. Our lives and our money are of no consequence to our governments. Industrial profits alone are the protected territory of governments.'
Figure 2. A common, preventable oil pipeline leak ('The Keystone Pipeline Oil Spill in Kansas - The Mushroom Theory - Stop the Oil Spills').
(Image by US government) Details DMCA
Figure 3. Three Mile Island nuclear power plants, where explosions ignited during a nuclear reactor meltdown ('From Water Hammer to Ignition, The Spark That Ignited Three Mile Island Burst From a Safety Valve').
(Image by Anerican Society of Mechanical Engineers) Details DMCA
Figure 4. An exploded, 6-inch-diameter steel pipe in a German nuclear power plant ('The American Nuclear Society Covers-up Nuclear Power Plant Explosions, Endangering Lives and the Environment').
(Image by German government) Details DMCA
Figure 5. Fukushima explosions and a radioactive dust cloud could have been stopped ('Nuclear Threats - Part 5 - An Incoming Nuclear Plant Explosion Disaster- Zaporizhzhia Near Missed This Next Disaster').
(Image by US government) Details DMCA
Figure 6. Fukushima explosions and the next predicted nuclear power plant explosion ('Deceit is the Core of Nuclear Power Explosion Safety').
(Image by US government and Leishear Engineering, LLC) Details DMCA
Figure 7. A Cover-up of the Piper Alpha explosion that killed 167 men ('What Really Happened at the Piper Alpha Oil-Rig Explosions - New Findings - Stop Killing Oil-Rig Workers').
(Image by UK government) Details DMCA
Figure 8. Killer E. Coli due to water main breaks ('The CDC Should Stop Drinking-Water Dangers - Stop E. Coli and Listeria Disease Outbreaks and Lead and Copper Poisonings!').
(Image by US government) Details DMCA
Figure 9. Bridge dangers can be stopped ('The U.S. Bridge-Safety Cover-up - Bridge Collapses Kill People').
(Image by Arkansas Department of Transportation) Details DMCA
Figure 10. Global warming happens over and over on our planet. We are facing the next cycle ('The Global Warming Fallacy, Polar Warming, Energy Use, and Continental Shifts'').
(Image by Adapted from Illinois state government.) Details DMCA
Figure 11. X-rays cause skin cancer like the cancers shown here ('X-rays, Cancer, and a U.S. Medical and Dental Industry Cover-up Equal No Patients' Rights').
(Image by Government Agency) Details DMCA
Figure 12. The nuclear bomb at Nagasaki killed tens of thousands. Bombs of this size are considered acceptable as tactical nuclear weapons ('Nuclear Threats - Part 4 - Take Action against U.S. Cover-ups in Nuclear Power and Nuclear Missile Defense').
(Image by US government) Details DMCA
(Article changed on Oct 09, 2023 at 5:25 PM EDT)