New photos clearly prove that explosions ignited inside the Fukushima nuclear reactors during the 2011 disaster. Authorities now pretend that there are new questions to be answered. The American Nuclear Society and other authorities have refused to recognize or publish explosion facts, but censored facts are getting too difficult to ignore.
New photos show the damages in a report released by the Tokyo Electric Power Company ("Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 Primary Containment Vessel Internal Investigation (Non-Submerged Area) Status Inside the Pedestal", click here). This report was condensed by the Associated Press ("Images taken deep inside melted Fukushima reactor show damage, but leave many questions unanswered", click here). These new photos show that the control rod drive (CRD) mechanism was bent and damaged (Figure 1). This control rod mechanism is located below the reactor pressure vessel, which contains the nuclear fuel to create nuclear power. Such damage is consistent with explosions, where such an explosion exerted high forces on the control rods.
Figure 1. Piping damages due to nuclear power plant explosions.
(Image by Tokyo Electric Power Company) Details DMCA
Figure 2. Melted nuclear fuel due to a nuclear reactor explosion.
(Image by Tokyo Electric Power Company) Details DMCA
Also, icicles and clumps have now been observed (Figure 2). These observations are consistent with a damaged nuclear reactor pressure vessel that leaked molten nuclear fuel through the bottom of the cracked, or damaged, pressure vessel, following an explosion, or explosions, inside the reactor pressure vessel.
Multiple explosions ignited at Fukushima, inside and outside of the pressure vessel. Note that the Tokyo Electric Power Company has not admitted that a reactor explosion occurred, and they have not admitted that they have now photographed molten fuel that leaked from the nuclear reactor and solidified below the reactor as clumps and icicles.
However, I conclude from extensive investigation that nuclear fuel has now been photographed. In fact, I stated in earlier reports that fuel was expected to be found outside the reactor pressure vessel due to explosions, and this prediction is now confirmed (Figure 3). The facts are coming together as we learn more about this preventable nuclear reactor explosion and related meltdown.
Also, the control rod assembly damage appears to have been caused by an explosion inside the reactor pressure vessel that drove the assembly downward to bend metal rods. However, sufficient information is not yet available to confirm this probable explosion damage mechanism. Regardless of the explosion details, rod damages were certainly caused by explosions.
Figure 3. Explosions, leaked molten reactor fuel, and damaged control rod equipment.
(Image by Adapted from Tokyo Electric Power Company) Details DMCA
This equipment was damaged by the large forces of explosions, which have been documented in a series of scientific engineering publications ("Expert View: Water Hammers Exploded the Nuclear Power Plants at Fukushima Daiichi" by R. A. Leishear, click here). First presented to authorities in 2011, this scientific theory has been continually thwarted by those who influence nuclear safety ("The American Nuclear Society Fights Against Nuclear Safety to Kill People and Destroy Our Environment" and " The U.S. Government Murders Us Through Indifference and Deceit - Cover-ups Throughout U.S. Industries".
The next nuclear power plant explosion is on the way before 2039 ("Nuclear Power Plants Are Not So Safe: Fluid Transients / Water Hammers, Autoignition, Explosions, Accident Predictions and Ethics", by R. A. Leishear, click here). Even so, profits have taken priority over our lives for quite a few years ("Book Publisher Wanted for a New Book, "Industrial Murder for Profit""). The Fukushima explosions cover-up by our government cannot withstand the light of the facts. Perhaps with this new evidence, our government will finally take action to save lives and the environment.
Waiting for the next nuclear power plant explosion is not acceptable. As I have repeatedly stated, we can stop the next nuclear power plant explosion!
The following message was sent to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Associated Press, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the American Nuclear Society and the Tokyo Electric Power Company in Japan. Immediate responses were not received, and earlier correspondence were unanswered.
'Fukushima Explosions
Recent Tokyo Electric Power Company photos confirm nuclear reactor explosions at the Fukushima nuclear power plants.' 'See "More Exposure Of The Fukushima Explosion Cover-up - Stop The Next Nuclear Power Plant Explosion".'
(Article changed on Mar 21, 2024 at 9:06 AM EDT)