Both parties are hobbled by infighting and incompetence. Only one keeps winning elections.
(Image by DonkeyHotey) Details DMCA
The final peg of corrupt politics was driven home in the 2016 nomination and election processes, with not even the old charade of "the lesser-evil choice" being viable as a barest decent option. On the one hand we had a Republican clown with a record of visibly crooked commercial enrichment , and on the other the wife of not only a past president of wretched personal morality who was censured for such by congress, but who she herself had crafted her would be presidential agenda behind locked doors -- -reportedly at personal fees of $225,000 a pop and upwards -- conspiring with the same banksters and Wall Streeters who destroyed our national economy in 2007 and 2008 at their own illicit enrichment, resulting in massive eviction of mortgagees and vast homelessness -- and this candidate never revealing one smidgeon of the context of these covert dealings in the pursuit of her nomination and election endeavors. And who having lost her game, now imperils our national security by blaming Russia for conspiring in a cabal against her and America -- a gambit of potentially perilous consequences indeed.
Should we survive the next four years without total governmental disaster, we must face up to what's happened here, namely the descent of our "only two choices" into the corrupt hands of self-serving masters.
With all that criticism, it's reasonable that I be held expected to offer a specific fix. I don't have one, except to offer the urgent awakening to the problems of a two-party fixation, both parties of which present abundant evidence of corruption and/or ineptitude in their nominative processes. We must look further and wider into an arena of candidates and decent party organizations.
While I would personally favor the perspectives and political moralities of such as a Bernie Sanders or a Jill Stein, I would also welcome and encourage candidacy of more conservative persuasion -- but with both sides offering clear evidence of a much higher standard of integrity and genuine motivation in serving the best interests of the American people and peace in the world.
We need a new start in our political foundation. We need to start seeking it, debating, arguing it, abandoning the current two-party fixation. And we need to start this now if the American concept of actual democracy is to be resurrected within the further descent we can anticipate over the next four years, if indeed we will have that long an opportunity.