I don't think it's a matter of IF Musk has dirt on Trump. The world's richest man has the resources to dig deep and Trump is a very vulnerable con man and convicted fraudster and sexual offender who, I am sure, has much to hide.
Elon Muskwearing a tee shirt, Brings Son to Oval Office,manifesting incredible disrespect for the office and the POSPOTUS. Trump, appearing cowed and dominated, silently lets Musk pontificate.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Inside Edition) Details DMCA
Outside of his children and the official White House sadist, Stephen Miller, Trump doesn't treat anybody like he treats Musk. I think it's because Elon has enough dirt on Trump to take him down, destroying his popularity among his cult members.
If my premise is correct, then Musk is extorting Trump, not that Trump can accuse him. It is the nature of extortion, that the victim has too much to hide to accuse the extorter
This scenario is the kind that we see in fictional movies and novels. The pitch for a script would be something like this: The richest man in the world. Spends $100 million to find the worst dirt on a Presidential candidate. Once he gets the dirt he owns the candidate and invests millions more to get him elected. Then he acts like he is the real power in the oval office, embarrassing the actual president who he's bought. AND, it means Musk has far more power than is already evident.
I've long thought that Billionaires, even the most benign and well intentioned, are too dangerous to exist. This situation is another argument of making it illegal to be or become a billionaire.
What do you think? Does Elon own Trump? And if he does, what can be done about this extortion crime?