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X-rays, Cancer, and a U.S. Medical and Dental Industry Cover-up Equal No Patients' Rights

Message Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow

U.S. dentists and other medical professionals demand unnecessary X-rays, but that does not make it right. Why should we risk cancer unnecessarily? Should we not have a choice with respect to cancer? Should we not be educated about our choice between cancer and mandatory X-rays from professionals?

Radiation Damage Studies

As part of my Master of Engineering Degree in Nuclear Engineering studies, I attended the International Radiological Protection School (IRPS) for a week in Sweden. They are operated by the Nuclear Energy Agency in Paris, which oversees nuclear activities in Europe. In that course, I was taught that the IRPS is not controlled by the American medical industry, and that the IRPS could therefore present factual information that is otherwise covered-up in the U.S.

The IRPS taught that medical and dental X-rays in the U.S were unnecessary in many cases, and these excessive X-ray procedures grew unnecessary cancers in patients. That is, the IRPS taught that U.S. dentists and doctors perform many unneeded X-rays on patients, and the IRPS also presented evidence that excess X-rays cause cancer.

In addition to these studies with the IRPS, there is a mounting body of evidence that X-rays cause cancer in patients ("Health effects from exposure to dental diagnostic X-ray", Click Here; " New research on dental X-ray risks", .nature.com/articles/s41415-019-1028-6; "Dental X-rays may be causing hundreds of excess cancer cases each year", click here). In other words, dental and medical X-rays cause cancers, and excess dental and medical excess X-rays accelerate those cancers.

I have never been advised by ant doctor that are risks of cancer from X-rays. I am told that cancer risks from X-rays are negligible. Since cancer t risks increase with the number of X-ray exposures, such statements are not true.

(Article changed on Aug 16, 2023 at 11:22 AM EDT)

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Robert A. Leishear, PhD, P.E., PMP, ASME Fellow, Who's Who in America Top Engineer, NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, NACE Senior Internal Piping Corrosion Technologist, ANSYS Expert, AMPP Certified Protective Coatings Inspector, NACE Cathodic (more...)

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