I know you respect the Constituition of the United States and do not approve of illegality on the part of the Bush administration.
Nazi war criminals were hanged at the Nuremberg Trials for committing war crimes. Does the American system of justice allow for the hanging of American war criminals? It would seem to me that if they did the crime, they should do the time.
The same thing can be said about President Bush. As Commander-In-Chief, George W. Bush ordered the invasion of a country that posed no threat to the United States. In so doing, he became guilty of launching a war of aggression, which is a war crime. Subsequent to that, over a million innocent Iraqi civilians have been killed by U.S. forces.
Impeachment will NOT do the trick. Impeachment does not address the issue of mass-murder.
See link: http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2005/pinter-lecture-e.html
What is it going to take to address the issue of President George W. Bush being a mass-murderer?
This President has defied the laws, defied the Constitution, defied Congress, been in Contempt of Congress --and still he is president! How is this possible?
As a citizen of the United States of America, you are part of that government that we still call "The United States of America." I would think that you would recognize that in a state run by a gang of thugs, your only chance for your own survival is to take refuge in the law. If not, you shall surely be overcome by more powerful men, and perish.
If you have not already done so, please inititate every possible legal proceeding against the criminals that have flourished in the Bush administration, starting with George W. Bush. We need to empanel a Special Congressional Grand Jury, and issue subpoenas.
As an American and a firm believer in the Constitution and its system of checks and balances, I urge you to support a subpoena of George W. Bush to explain to the American people how it came to pass that the Executive Branch not only gave the green light to invading Iraq, but also misled the Congress and the people of the United States by saying that that Saddam Hussein was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and was in possession of weapons of mass destruction. Both of these claims made by the President were lies. In the words of Richard A. Clarke, former counterterrrism security chief in his book Against All Enemies, we invaded a country that posed abslutely no threat to the United States, Iraq.
Thank you for your attention to this critical matter.