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Wednesday, August 5, 2009 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Introducing The Hardline…A Blunt Biden Upsets Moscow Biden’s blistering comments made front page news in a clearly affronted Moscow, who immediately demanded clarification from The White House, wanting to know precisely what the US administration meant when they proposed a “reset” of relations.
Saturday, November 1, 2008 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Dumb & Dumber and Joe the Plumber - It Couldn't Get Any More Farcical. Hang On..Is That The Terminator? Ok, It Just Did. Just when you think McCain would have had enough of his own ridiculous stunts....he just has to pull another. In campaigning for the GOP ticket, Arnie shows that his judgement, much like his acting, is very poor. The public recoil in disbelief with every painful-to- watch misadventure, but like an older version of David Blaine, McCain is never quite done.
Thursday, October 30, 2008 SHARE More Sharing Will The 7 Year Old Running McCain's Campaign Please Own Up? Enough Already. By unashamedly ripping off every message from his opponent, McCain's campaign team seem to be 1) completely incompetent, 2) uninspired and lazy 3) seven or 4) all of the above.
Friday, October 24, 2008 SHARE More Sharing The Audacity Of Hope V The Ignobility Of Fear Asking Americans to find unity in diversity, Obama presented his vision of America during his keynote address at the 2004 Democratic Convention. A truly united nation, it's a vision of America as it should be. But by adopting the well-worn GOP strategy of the politics of fear, the McCain/Palin campaign has perpetuated a condition which threatens to diminish that vision. Can hope prevail?
Saturday, October 11, 2008 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Something Is Rotten In The State of Palin By "taking off her gloves", Palin reveals her true colours; inciting hate campaigns with divisive attacks, she represents the worst of America.
Thursday, October 9, 2008 SHARE More Sharing McCain: The Great Pretender For those who state that they miss "The McCain of old", I would like to suggest that they entertain the notion that he never actually existed, and is in fact the same man he always was - the selfish, cruel, opportunist.

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