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Working as an urban educator for over 25 years--I 'moonlight' as a writer. I write part-time for The Huffington Post and enjoy the task of curmudgeon,(at least where career politicians are concerned). I consider myself a political independent who is absolutely convinced that the '2-party' system has got to go. As my hero, I.F. Stone once said; "all governments lie." I merely wish to point out the lies, especially the incredibly stupid ones.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 16, 2019 GOP House members reprimand racist Steve King--while silent on systemic child abuse by Border Patrol
Jakelin Caal Maquin died while in Border Patrol custody at the age of 7. Her death was due to child abuse and neglect, as she was denied food and water for 7 days. To date, no one has been investigated or indicted. Jakelin's death is symptomatic of the systemic abuse of migrants by the Border Patrol.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, May 23, 2015 Liquid Plutonium destined for your kid's Capt. Crunch, courtesy of NAFTA/TPP/ISDS?
The critical core mechanism of the TPP is the Investor-State Dispute Settlement or ISDS. ISDS allows corporations the unilateral right to sue countries and claim unlimited taxpayer damages. ISDS is a kangaroo court with corporate attorneys serving as judge, jury and executioner.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 25, 2013 TPP--the 1% solution to democracy--government by corporate dictates
The TPP sells our right to self-govern to corporate forces. Negotiated for several years in secret; even members of Congress are threatened with prosecution if they dare inform the public.
SHARE Thursday, March 7, 2013 The Sequester aka ultimate poker...only the rich can win
The sequester is brought to us by the corporate front group 'Fix the Debt,' under the stewardship of the Obama administration and the GOP. They are playing legislative 'chicken' with our money and our futures.
SHARE Wednesday, February 13, 2013 Drone Wars, DOJ Death Squads and the White Paper
Secret laws and secret courts have replaced the Bill of Rights, with the president now claiming the right to serve as judge, jury and executioner to alleged terrorists or those who would grant material support. The white paper leaked and proves that US citizens are included in this miscarriage of justice.
SHARE Sunday, December 30, 2012 Dick Armey...Armed Assailant?
While Occupy activists face the potential of indefinite detention for constitutionally protected dissent; Dick Armey gets away with possible assault.
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 1, 2012 FUKUSHIMA...the 'Japanese Chernobyl'...politics still trumps safety
Fukushima a year later remains a metaphor for failed safety procedures, corporate cronyism and placing profits ahead of safety. This piece investigates the major issues surrounding this disaster.
(15 comments) SHARE Wednesday, March 7, 2012 H.R. 347 The 'Trespass Bill' of 2011 Criminalizes Protest
H.R. 347 aka The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 effectively criminalizes protest with federal felony penalties. It has now passed both Houses of Congress with no publicity at all. It will now go to Obama. This is time sensitive. Lobby Obama to VETO this Trespass Bill which 'trespasses' on our rights.
SHARE Thursday, October 13, 2011 Free Speech & Civil Rights in the PR Age of Obama
This piece explains the danger of Patriot. The 'lending material support' portion of Patriot nullifies both the 1st and the 5th amendments. Ironically, the President of 'change,' President Obama is its biggest cheerleader.
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 30, 2011 Rep. Conyers: Obama Demanded Social Security Cuts--Not GOP
Rep. John Conyers, founding member of the Congressional Black Caucus, held a press conference 07/27/11 where he 'outed' Obama as the source of the demanded Social Security cuts--not Boehner, not the GOP. This press conference was not covered.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 22, 2011 My brother, uninsured and recently diagnosed with AIDS...
Medical treatment, denied or delayed costs lives. The GOP plan to dismantle Medicare/Medicaid is stupid, shortsighted in terms of public health risk, and immoral.
(1 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 27, 2011 The True Meaning of Passover, aka...Spiritual Wisdom of Conscience
This piece deals with the crossover of religious action dictated by conscience and political action. It holds Rep. Eric Cantor to a higher standard along with the rest of the GOP.
SHARE Thursday, April 14, 2011 GOP's Boehner, Cantor, Ryan--Sheriffs of Nottingham 2.0
The GOP has plans to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security by a combinatio of privatization and outright thievery. Note that the same GOP leaders who pushed the Wall Street Bailout are the same ones who are working feverishly to dismantle Social Security and Medicare.
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, March 11, 2011 A 'Net Neutrality Primer'
Net neutrality simply means no corporate or government censorship of online content. The net is 'neutral,' to any type of content. The House Committee on Energy & Commerce wants to throw out FCC regs meant to protect a free and open internet. Rep. Fred Upton is the Chair of the committee and a handmaiden of Koch Industries.
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, March 1, 2011 Koch Industries, Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline...BP on the Prairie?
The proposed Keystone XL 'tar sands' pipeline, designed to be part of a 'fossil fuel superhighway' between Canada and the US could be a 'BP on the Prairie. Decision makers are lobbyists and politicians, not scientists and engineers.