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Peter Barus
At: /peter_barus

"What becomes possible, soon becomes necessary: invention is the mother of necessity"
       -- Peter Barus

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I'm an old Pogo fan. For some unknown reason I persist in outrage at Feudalism, as if human beings can do much better than this. Our old ways of life are obsolete and are killing us. Will the human race wake up in time? Stay tuned...


OpEd News Member for 923 week(s) and 5 day(s)

154 Articles, 2 Quick Links, 376 Comments, 5 Diaries, 5 Series, 0 Polls

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5 Diaries

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
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William Kristol's twisted analysis of the foreign policy impact of an Obama candidacy: it will cause a nuclear war in the Middle East by forcing Bush's lame-duck hand... well, duh! But Kristol never understood how crazy the President really is and he still doesn't; he thinks this is a reason to vote against Obama.

Monday, March 24, 2008
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We saw what the man is really made of. You cannot fake the kind of honesty he showed, and under such extreme duress. You cannot strategize such a setting or such a response. In a moment like that, when the world holds its breath and waits for you to fall, no speechwriter's talent, no great orator's skills can help. In that superheated crucible, only the irreducible elements of one's character will remain.

Saturday, March 8, 2008
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(2 comments) Arrest them? You got to be kidding. Who is going to arrest them? These guys are just too dangerous to go after.

Friday, January 18, 2008
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(1 comments) Those electronic voting machines have been sitting in warehouses since '04. Has anybody checked the settings? That's an awful lot of memory cards...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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According to Dahr Jamail, more than ever before people are being detained after being accused of membership in "militias supported by Iran." Cheney/Bush want to bomb Iran. Think they won't?


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