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I began teaching in 1963,; Ba and BS in Education -Brooklyn College. I have the equivalent of 2 additional Master's, mainly in Literacy Studies and Graphic Design. I was the only seventh grade teacher of English from 1990 -1999 at East Side Middle School, which opened in 1990. My students placed amongst the highest reading and (eventually, when the ELA tests were instituted) writing scores in NYC. This attracted Harvard, looking for teachers who could be matched to "The Eight Principles of Learning", the thesis by Harvard's Lauren Resnick, that powered the Standards project, funded by Pew.
OpEd News Member for 804 week(s) and 2 day(s) 20 Articles, 4890 Quick Links, 8961 Comments, 2 Diaries, 70 Series, 0 Polls Series Listed By Popularity List Alphabetically
Shameful (945 articles)
Behavior today that is antithetical to the values we Americans and good people everywhere hold dear!
Charlatans & Liars (789 articles)
Snake-oil salesmen disguised as legislators, governors and politicians substitute outright lies & misinformation for truth, along with magic elixirs (no evidence required).
wrecking Ball (732 articles)
Removing things that the people of this nation already have, rollin back regualtions, erasing rules and creating new laws which eradicate important things we the people already have.
FRAUD & Mendacity. (514 articles)
Outright FRAUD & lying needs it s own space now that Trump is in town.
Insanity AFOOT! (449 articles)
News that indicates the end of the values that we humans held sacred, and end to truth, and the triumph of those who wish to destroy everything .
Crisis in America (400 articles)
With the advent of a serial liar and an incompetent, ignorant unstable person to the office of President, we are facing a Constitutional crisis, as well as a cultural one, as rules, regulations and our values are eroded.
UTTER CONTEMPT (374 articles)
Crossing the line from the rule of law, from democracy and from ethics and values. These links show the venality not just the greed!
CHARTER Schools --the school CHOICE fraud and chaos (266 articles)
'The implication of 'school choice' programs is that good choices by 'consumers' lead to good results, and poor choices lead to poor results. But recasting poverty as a choice is not only misguided but damaging to the fabric of democracy. High-stakes standardized testing also creates a marketplace of shoddy comparisons--a marketplace that fails to see the strength in certain types of variation because it erroneously regards all variation as weakness.Charter schools do no better than public schools, and in most cases do worse, despite the fact that they get to choose students, and eliminate the most needy children. Moreover, many are riddled with fraud, because they are not accountable to the people or the government.
Ending democracy: end the institution of public schools (242 articles)
The INSTITUTION THAT IS OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS is the road to opportunity, and it is also the only way we can have an informed citizenry with the kind of prior knowledge, real, true facts about our history and human behavior throughout the past. Those who want to end our democracy know, that if they control our schools then democracy is over.
WEALTH (229 articles)
Wealth: the growing disparity is creating a great chasm between the masses of the people and the obscene wealth in the hands of a few, who are creating a NEW world order.
Democracy Crisis (235 articles)
With the advent of a serial liar and an incompetent, ignorant unstable person to the office of President, we are facing a Constitutional crisis, as well as a cultural one, as rules, regulations and our values are eroded.
Meddling Through Disinformation: Weaponizing LIES (201 articles)
Disinformation is not new, but in the age of the internet it has been weaponized. in this era of transformation -- information technology never seen in history is exploding in the anarchy of cyberspace, even as tv and media has been usurped by those who profit from lies and disinformation. A tsunami of talking heads , 24/7 , inundates the the people, with so much false and misleading stories and memes, that ordinary folks, even bright, educated people who can think critically and have a modicum of prior knowledge, just give up. Our corrupted Congress then undoes the rule of law, and all the regulations that were put in place to protect us.
hateful rhetoric the damage done (142 articles)
we have entered an age of post-truth politics. Facts are losing their ability to support consensus. To build a serious solution to any issue 'after this election we will need to confront the unworkable ideas and vicious emotions that Trump has dragged into the open.'All this work that has been done to try to stem racism in this country has sort of been unraveled, at least among the GOP, and that has to be fixed.'
2016 GOP campaign of clowns (98 articles)
The crazy antics of the liars and bamboozlers that th gOP have set in motion to become our leader!
Transformational era of information (120 articles)
The inadvertent consequences of all this access to info and data is upon us
White supremacy, racism rise of hate (77 articles)
America is being torn apart, by purposeful tactics to divide us and destroy what our Constitution!
The Media: what it does and doesn't do (47 articles)
The media is the key to our democracy, as we the people get to know what is happening only when we hear or see it. Five corporate entities own the major media outlets, paper and tv...and that is why Americans are ignorant of how our democracy is being assaulted!
The truth about Testing: inventing failure so as to "fix" what wash never broken. (50 articles)
Testing and evaluation IS NOT about standards... it is about profits. Congress enshrined the NCLB act which is the crux of the tragedy and allowed the testing company Pearson to rake in a fortune while kids lost everything we once took for granted Its goal is to ensure that schools fail, so they can be rated as failing! Then they can be'FIXED' by the CC! . Read how testing replaced learning as the objective: ' The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education' by Diane Ravitch; The road to opportunity ended. The Bush policy and the Duncan rant became the national mandate, and the professional at the bottom , lost the right to plan lessons that enable kids to learn. They evaluated the teachers our of their jobs, their civil-rights and that is What VAM means. The tests were not reform. They were a 'magic elixir, no evidence required, and now that the evidence is in, as this series reveals, the charlatans who run the country, the media and now the schools want to continue the ruinous policy that dumbs down a nation to the point where propaganda wins, the people are so Bamboozled that they will elect liars.
Reforming democracy (45 articles)
standing up to big money and denouncing the culture of corruption that permeates our political system.
Tests: The truth and the propaganda. (47 articles)
The testing strategy used by the Charlatans who took over public education in the blink of an eye, once the groundwork was laid and the real professionals were removed. Evaluating is a tool of a practitioner used to determine levels in order to plans. By making evaluation the center of NCLB, teaching became the national narrative instead of learning. This series will show you all you need to know about tests, what they accomplish, and what they cannot do... which is to assess the talent and expertise of an authentic educator.
Science & Health (32 articles)
News that helps us to know about issues that affect our health, and that of our children.
Learning: what it really looks like (32 articles)
How the human brain acquires SKILLS is complicated. People can easily be fooled into thinking that a school or classroom is actually enabling this acquisition. Fancy tech programs, new curriculum components ,colorful displays and other magic elixirs may look good, but have nothing to do with genuine LEARNING
Human Rights (36 articles)
This has become an issue in the 21st century, as human beings are subjected to horrific conditions and face torture, rape and murder in lawless nations, and in our own country.
TESTS: the truth vs the propaganda (27 articles)
The testing strategy used by the Charlatans who took over public education in the blink of an eye, once the groundwork was laid and the real professionals were removed. Evaluating is a tool of a practitioner used to determine levels in order to plans. By making evaluation the center of NCLB, teaching became the national narrative instead of learning. This series will show you all you need to know about tests, what they accomplish, and what they cannot do... which is to assess the talent and expertise of an authentic educator.
Rule of Law; no accountability (30 articles)
America's promise for supporting the Rule of Law is what made the world look at our experiment in democracy as possible. But now, it is being eroded.
bernie (18 articles)
The authentic man in an election cycle where varies and corrupt entities vye to be the president our nation.
The Network for Public Education was founded in 2013 by Diane Ravitch and Anthony Cody. We are an advocacy group whose mission is to preserve, promote, improve and strengthen public schools for both current and future generations of students. The goal of NPE is to connect all those who are passionate about our schools -- students, parents, teachers and citizens. We share information and research on vital issues that concern the future of public education at a time when they are under attack. Contact us at info@networkforpubliceducation.org
Data, hacking cyber security (16 articles)
Articles that offer insight into how data is being collected and used.
2020 America in crisis (17 articles)
As the pandemic rages, a lawless president enabled by a corrupt Congress and sycophants have disabled our lives.
Many of the leaked Paradise Papers documents came from Appleby, a white-shoe law firm in Hamilton, Bermuda.Meredith Andrews for The New York Times Last year, the release of the Panama Papers caused a huge sensation across the globe, exposing a hidden world of wealth held offshore. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists brought together hundreds of reporters from around the world to examine the millions of documents that were leaked to two reporters at the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung. For their work, the I.C.I.J. won the Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting.
Technology and Learning the truth & the lies (8 articles)
Online learning is being sold as a real thing, and used to replace authentic teachers who know what learning looks like in a child, and who enable genuine acquisition of CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS .
religion rears its power (7 articles)
All Americans concerned about -- freedom of religion-- shielding children from unwanted religious indoctrination at school; and protecting public education
Hope & Grassroots efforts (6 articles)
What we the people can do to stop the erosion of our democracy.
METOO/ Himpathy (5 articles)
The issues, the past, and now, about how our society raises men to respect women |