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March 2016

Thursday, March 31:

Hillary Clinton's Support Among Nonwhite Voters Has Collapsed (6 comments)

Throwbacks (1 comments)

Republican Party crisis deepens as candidates renege on "loyalty" pledge

Intifada for Dummies: Why a Popular Uprising Is Yet to Take Off?

The reign of the robots: economists getting it badly wrong (1 comments)

China Is Already Living in 2020 (1 comments)

Why the Repub. Establishment (such as it is) Doesn't Like Trump (3 comments)

"Secure the Border": Politician-Speak for "I'm a Tyrant Who Thinks You're an Idiot" (8 comments)

How They Brainwash Us

How the TPP Helps Dictators Get into Washington's Good Graces

Why Mainstream Media Disses Bernie (2 comments)

Peak Oil Distractions Pt 3 (2 comments)

Why The Major Media Marginalize Bernie (57 comments)

The "War on Terror" 2.0 for Dummies

Don't Cry Too Much For Belgium (3 comments)

Want To Stop The Spread Of Terrorism? Then Stop Creating More Terrorists (10 comments)

Watch: Israeli Gov't Calls for "Civil Elimination" of Left-Wing Activists and Roseanne Barr Goes on a Rampage (5 comments)

The Case of Ivan Teleguz

Wednesday, March 30:

How Do We Democratize Our Media? (2 comments)

The Whole World Is Watching Brazil's Hollow Men (3 comments)

Progressive "Triumph": Neofascist Message Pusher Disappointed in Messenger (1 comments)

Teacher Union Case Underscores The Importance Of The Supreme Court

Groundbreaking Study Confirms Link Between Fracking and Earthquakes

Laissez-faire? Free or Fair Markets? -Market Control from the Start- Part 4

Why The Brussels Attack Was All But Inevitable (2 comments)

What motivates US policy toward Israel? (3 comments)

What is the US doing in the South China Sea?

Bernie Sanders has Hillary Clinton right where he wants her (1 comments)

Why is the Republican Establishment Trying to Stop Trump? (3 comments)

The CIA naked photos scandal is a wake-up call (1 comments)

Update on the Boston Marathon Bomb Case

From Democracy to Pathocracy: The Rise of the Political Psychopath (47 comments)

Tuesday, March 29:

The Four Minute Video You Show to Hillary Supporters #ImWithHer (11 comments)

Bernie Please Disavow Sarandon, And Do It Now (6 comments)

The Battle for America's Soul (31 comments)

Bernie's Right. Wall Street's Business Model Really Is Fraud. (1 comments)

Think Trump's 45 Percent Tariffs Are Bad? Try Obama's 10,000 Percent Tariffs (1 comments)

"Democracy Awakening", God knows we need it (1 comments)

Greenwald: FBI-Apple Fight Tied to U.S. Effort to Access the Communications of Everyone Everywhere (1 comments)

Israeli War Lies Fall As Corporate Media Falls

Thomas Farrell: What's Coming Next in the Republican Presidential Primary?

The Day Obama Chose Peace Over War (7 comments)

A week of being Palestinian (1 comments)

Trump and Clinton: Censoring the unpalatable (12 comments)

U.S. State Department: Don't Hurt ISIS

Spiking health care costs under ACA is a myth (2 comments)

Blowback Denial, Climate Denial, and Apocalypse

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton is a Bad Hand in the World Series of Political Poker (5 comments)

Cuba: Detente or Monroe Doctrine Imperial Plot? (3 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Erin Aubry Kaplan on Loving Obama No Matter What

Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination (18 comments)

Donald Trump's Bold, Progressive Idea to end ISIS, reduce dependency on M.E. oil and even save the planet (15 comments)

The Israel Lobby's Totalitarian Agenda: Smash Free Speech and Criminalize Resistance (2 comments)

Monday, March 28:

So Far, Obama Has Failed on Clemency (2 comments)

The Nature Of Fascism (2 comments)

Brazil, like Russia, under attack by Hybrid War (1 comments)

An Open Letter To All Supporters Of The TPP (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders as Commander-in-Chief (7 comments)

With 3 Wins, Bernie Sanders Claims the Momentum Is On His Side

Sanders Soars: The Democratic Race Is Closer Than The Republicans'

Election 2016: The X-Files/Napoleon Dynamite Factor

Terrorism: Then and Now

Hillary's Latest Bow to AIPAC (1 comments)

Donald Trump and his Debate Rope-a-Dope

Laissez-faire? Free or Fair Markets? -Restraint of Trade- Part 3

How Putin's leverage shaped the Syrian ceasefire

Head in the Sanders, Up Hillary Creek, Without a Trump Card (1 comments)

Ten reasons why WA superdelegates should support Bernie Sanders (3 comments)

Why Bernie Should Draw Right-Wing Fire Now (1 comments)

Nuclear Power Plants: Pre-Deployed Weapons of Mass Destruction (7 comments)

Toxic Air in Oregon Attributed to Stained Glass Industry (2 comments)

Jeffersonian Constitutional Amendment for Democratization of U.S. (5 comments)

Sunday, March 27:

We Are All Islamic State (21 comments)

Putting A Face On MS (3 comments)

Mavericks and mad-as-hellers march to Washington for a pro-democracy rebellion. Because it's time. (7 comments)

The European Jihadi Union (3 comments)

Europe's Egocentric Terror Grief (2 comments)

Comeback Kid Bernie Blows Out Coastopolis - Why He Can Win (2 comments)

American Resurrection! (5 comments)

Operation Beluga: A US-UK Plot to Discredit Putin and Destabilize the Russian Federation (8 comments)

Bernie's Bird and Avatar's Tree of Life "blessing' Of Jake Sully (7 comments)

Saturday, March 26:

Media coverage of most issues illustrates a derelict traditional mainstream media (5 comments)

Parents protest as dream of bilingual education in Israel turns sour

America, we have a problem: Homelessness is out of control (16 comments)

Kerry Balks at Supplying MH-17 Data (3 comments)

Does The United States Still Exist?

Highlighting Western Victims While Ignoring Victims of Western Violence (2 comments)

Will Trump Be Able to Reverse His Unfavorables? (3 comments)

So MANY Op-Eds Pushing Corporate "Free Trade" (4 comments)

Bernie Sanders: "I Am That Candidate" Who Can Beat Trump (1 comments)

Terrorists: Why Do They Want to Blow Us Up? (21 comments)

Lithuania should find its own way in the European Union (1 comments)

Consider Clinton's Experience... at Lying, Spycraft, Corruption (55 comments)

President Obama's Use of Smart Power versus Hillary's Use of Stupid Power--A Video Review (3 comments)

Friday, March 25:

War Is A Lie: David Swanson in Asheville

Dancing With Clowns (1 comments)

A Dozen Reasons Sanders Voters Are Justifiably Angry at the Media Right Now (13 comments)

If there were such a thing as political terrorism, AIPAC would take the crown (1 comments)

Obama's Foreign-Policy Self-Enslavement (2 comments)

How Syria Was Swept By The Merchants Of Death (5 comments)

A Frightening Move to the Right in the US and Elsewhere (9 comments)

Why there must be a write-in election for President (10 comments)

Secular stagnation and jihadist attacks. Why?

Peace Movement Ebbs & Flows Depending on Which Party is in Office (6 comments)

Gideon Levy: Americans "Are Supporting the First Signs of Fascism in Israel" (3 comments)

Early and accurate diagnosis of TB and lung cancer vital: No excuse for misdiagnosis!

Bernie Meets with LA Times Editorial Board (this is the complete transcript!) (5 comments)

American Ship of State

Russell Simmons, A Happy Vegan and Others (2 comments)

Congratulations, GOP. It Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Party (15 comments)

Hillary Must Win Over Sanders Supporters--Or Else (8 comments)

Obama Visits Havana: Cuba Libre for Real? (4 comments)

Mary Wentworth: Chipping Away At The Gap / Sanders Weekly Update (4 comments)

Shared Economic Growth: Tax Reform That Would Actually Work (14 comments)

Democrats Need to Give Up Being Deficit Hawks Even When it Feels Good Politically

So Many Children Left Behind: Interview: Education Reformer Diane Ravitch (4 comments)

Thursday, March 24:

Crucified for the Crime of Extremism: Jesus Died in a Police State (4 comments)

Trump is Positioned to Win the Presidency (15 comments)

Attacks on Marine firebase reveal secret US escalation in Iraq (1 comments)

Phoenix Election Chief Blames Voters and Laws for Super Long Lines on Tuesday

How to Make the United States an Ethical Model for the World (10 comments)

France's Stubborn Smokers (1 comments)

Strike at the root of the problem to kill TB

Bernie Sanders Is Currently Winning the Democratic Primary Race, and I'll Prove It to You (12 comments)

Trump: The Political Albatross Wrapped Around The GOP's Neck (6 comments)

Trading Student Safety for Independence? (1 comments)

Workers Knew First

USDA's Short Supply of Empathy (3 comments)

Donald Trump Channels Howard Beale (1 comments)

Give Me A Sign, Bernie! (47 comments)

Blind Loyalty to the Clinton Brand Needs Re-Examination (8 comments)

US Media Hid Al Qaeda's Syria Role

Wednesday, March 23:

US Intel Vets Warn Against Torture (1 comments)

Without Super Delegates Clinton Can't Win Nomination

Imagine How President Donald Trump or Ted Cruz Would Respond to the Brussels Attacks (4 comments)

Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry (6 comments)

An East Wind

Time for These Two Democrats to Go (3 comments)

Brazil's revolution starting to reveal its true colors (7 comments)

Peak Oil Distraction Pt 2 (2 comments)

The Ides of March Primaries (4 comments)

Hillary, Bernie, AIPAC: A Stone Cries Out (1 comments)

Sanders Offers Little Hope for Mideast Peace (3 comments)

Sanders Supporters Are Not Sheep; They're the Future (3 comments)

A history of silencing Israeli army whistleblowers -- from 1948 until today

An Alternative Choice if Bernie Sanders Loses the Nomination (12 comments)

The Presidential Race: The West Weighs in (1 comments)

Tuesday, March 22:

I'm not on Drugs ... Maybe I'm Dreaming (3 comments)

Another Elite Gang-Up On Sanders: His Proposals Would Undo America (7 comments)

After invading Iraq 13 years ago the US is still making the same mistakes (3 comments)

Federalism is a Pandora's Box; if Syria Succumbs to It, Others Will Follow

Bernie Sanders supporters must remain the alter ego of the Democratic Party (22 comments)

Conservative columnist's mea culpa: No, Not Trump, Not ever (2 comments)

The Clinton/Trump AIPAC "Pander-Off"

Zero-Sum: The Savage Vision Driving a Terror-Ridden World (3 comments)

How the People's Party Prevailed in 2020 (3 comments)

A world war has begun. Break the silence (10 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Paul Engler on THIS IS AN UPRISING

Tuesday March 22 AZ, ID, UT Primary Day Open Thread

Bernie Needs Editorial Page Endorsements and Letters to the Editors to Secure Nomination (5 comments)

Listen Carefully, Hillary People, One More Time: Only Bernie Can Beat Trump - You Will be Responsible (3 comments)

Bernie Sanders Middle East Policy Speech: text & video-- the one he would have given to AIPAC (21 comments)

If Trump Wins -- We Lose (94 comments)

Laissez-faire: Free or Fair Markets? Price Fixing - Part 2 (2 comments)

Like The 1968 Riots? More Like A Trumped Up Laugh Riot! (1 comments)

Monday, March 21:

A Bushel and AIPAC (1 comments)

Fact-Check This: Arrogance Of Elites Helps Drive The Trump Phenomenon (1 comments)

A Terrible Beauty: Ireland's Easter Rebellion

Is the "Gig Economy" Here to Stay? (1 comments)

Fascism, American Style (3 comments)

Obama's Break with the Establishment (2 comments)

Do Unto Others: A Chilling Look at Israel's Treatment of Palestinians and Why HRC Should Have address It at AIPAC

The U.S. Terrorized Cuba, Not the Other Way Around

Finally Pakistan says Taliban is ours (2 comments)

American Democracy Struggles To Recover From Betrayal

Laissez-faire? Free or Fair Markets? - the True American Way - Part 1 (1 comments)

Concerned About the Integrity of U.S. Primaries? What to Do? (4 comments)

Why I Hate Sheep (1 comments)

Trudeaumania charms Washington

The Most Eloquent Letters to the Editor Endorsing Bernie Sanders (22 comments)

Georgia Poised to Pass Unconstitutional "No Justice" Bill (2 comments)

Donald Trump: The Racist Messiah (7 comments)

Sunday, March 20:

Voting With Our Feet (59 comments)

An Ugly Smear Campaign (1 comments)

What Happens When Neither Political Party Answers to the Bottom 90%? America in Crisis (16 comments)

My Terrorist, Your Terrorist (1 comments)

The Democratic Party's "Superdelegates" Are Super Wrong (3 comments)

Time to Build the Revolution (1 comments)

The Zionists Censor a Textbook (2 comments)

Trump's Version of an African-American Voter Outreach Campaign (1 comments)

Sanders under pressure to quit from Democratic leaders, media (7 comments)

Shine the Light of Truth on Poor Honduras (4 comments)

America Cannot Be Great Again (15 comments)

AMERICA NOW (Part 2): Do We Really Want A Good Society? (36 comments)

Robert Scheer Talks With Thomas Frank About Democrats' Shift Away From Addressing Inequality (Audio) (1 comments)

#CanWeAgree ? New Left Hashtags: #HillaryClinton & #BernieSanders Supporters (5 comments)

How the U.N. is stealing our "UNALIENABLE RIGHTS" to grow food and Medicine through U.N. Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1 comments)

(Palm Sunday Homily) Christians Supporting Donald Trump: How Luke's Passion Narrative Prepared the Way (4 comments)

Saturday, March 19:

U.S. Air Force's Ability to Deliver Death But Not Food Is A Choice (1 comments)

March 19, 2003 -- Thirteen Years Ago Resigning Due to President Bush's War on Iraq (4 comments)

Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria? (7 comments)

To Cuba with Hate

Will We Miss President Obama? (6 comments)

The First 100 Days: What Would Donald/Hillary/Bernie Do? (14 comments)

Mean-Spirited, Low-Lived Fellows Are Nothing New in American Politics (3 comments)

Living in an Age of Donald Trump, David Icke, and David Duke

Canada Rejects The Rule Of International Law And Embraces International Barbarity (9 comments)

Psychological, Emotional, and Moral Injuries of War

AMERICA NOW: The Consequences of Our Choices. (16 comments)

Imperial Elections (13 comments)

Full Speech: Bernie Sanders MASSIVE Rally in Salt Lake City, UT (3 comments)

"Hit-man" says Hindus cause most riots (1 comments)

Republicans try to stop the Revolution of the Rubes (6 comments)

Election 2016: They Don't Own Your Vote (3 comments)

Friday, March 18:

Has The Election Finally Killed TPP And Corporate "Free Trade"? (3 comments)

The Russian ultimate lethal weapon (14 comments)

Key Strategy: What Bernie Supporters Need To Do Now, And A Message For Clinton Supporters As Well (3 comments)

Behind the Crimea/Russia Reunion (8 comments)

When will the US government stop persecuting whistleblowers? (2 comments)

How to Fight Poverty Through Full Employment

Why I won't vote for Hillary in November: A Neolib Posing as a Progressive vs. a Reality TV Star Posing as a Fascist (3 comments)

Appointment of Israeli spokesman viewed as snub to US (1 comments)

Think Again Hillary Democrats: 10 Reasons Why She Could Lose this Fall (32 comments)

Run Bernie, Please Keep Running

In a fog of fiction, Sanders offers truth (6 comments)

Originalist Sin (1 comments)

Human Rights Hypocrisy: US Criticizes Cuba

Obama's Seven Slaughters: It's a Disease, Not a Doctrine (5 comments)

China, U.S. and Climate Change: "Amazing model for negotiating meaningful action"

Looks Like It's Hitler vs. Mommie Dearest (4 comments)

Subprime Auto Loans: the Next Shoe to Drop? (1 comments)

Breaking through Fukushima denial (2 comments)

Racism 101: Debunking White Supremacy (1 comments)

Trade Agreements versus Trade Liberalization (5 comments)

Political Cartoon Trump-Hitler (1 comments)

The Moral Relativity Principle No Longer Applies to Progressives (63 comments)

Social Democracy in Venezuela, Latin America, and the World (10 comments)

What does it take to beat drug-resistant TB?

So Much Evidence So Little Time (4 comments)

Bernie and Goliath (5 comments)

Why BDS Cannot Lose: A Moral Threshold to Combat Racism in Israel

Thursday, March 17:

An American Mussolini (25 comments)

The Ever-Curiouser MH-17 Case (3 comments)

The Killing Fields of Baghdad: The Case of Hillary, Layla, and "Little Deer" (2 comments)

A Great National Sick-Out -- It's Past Time

Tell Your Senators to Do Their Job (4 comments)

The "Lighten Up!" Presidential Campaign Platform

Go West, Young Man: Bernie Sanders' Path to Victory and Political Revolution (2 comments)

What Bernie Should Do Now: Good for Bernie, Good for Hillary, Good for the Nation (7 comments)

Hollywood's Ethnicity Problem (1 comments)

Koch Brothers' Dark Dirty Wizards Behind the Trump Curtain (11 comments)

Liberty Is Security

The SCOTUS QUANDARY (3 comments)

How Bernie Could Win the Remaining States: a letter to Campaign Manager and Advisor (7 comments)

Trump Is Right Predicting Riots (12 comments)

"Biden Rules" Explained

The Violent Image That America Projects To The World (6 comments)

Palestinians and Their Allies Resilient

Earthlings Full Length Documentary

Brainwashing Trumps Reason (1 comments)

Clinton vs. Trump: Consider 3 Factors

Hillary Is A Neocon (8 comments)

Wednesday, March 16:

Merrick Garland, What's the Point? (2 comments)

Donald Trump 2016: Making America Racist Again (24 comments)

What No One in the Media Has Asked the Candidates About War (12 comments)

A Key Component of US Fascism Is Already in Place (4 comments)

Secession, Trump, and the Avoidability of Civil War (10 comments)

Here's What Bernie Sanders Will Bring To The Democratic Convention (1 comments)

Mini-Super Tuesday: The Campaigns Remain Contested

Marc Ash Writes a Piece, "Merrick Garland, What's the Point?" Here's the Point

Russia's Latest Move in Syria Serves to Reinforce the Diplomatic Track

The Crazy GOP Establishment

"Prime Minister" Lula: The Brazilian game-changer (1 comments)

Open Thread: Voter Suppression in Florida? (1 comments)

Vulnerabilities Tested As Clinton Keeps Winning (3 comments)

Cancer Awareness Empowers Women

"I don't know" Isn't an Excuse (1 comments)

Bill and Hillary's Interventions Raise New Doubts About NATO (1 comments)

Simulating Instant Runoff Flips Most Donald Trump Primary Victories

Drumpf, Cruz, and Sanders: Politics-As-Usual or Better or Worse?

Kuwaiti man repeatedly tortured is freed after 14 years in Guantanamo

Why Hillary Would Lose to Trump, Cruz or Kasich (204 comments)

Devil's Playground: Overheard Exchange on the Internet (1 comments)

Open Letter to President Obama to Take Concrete Action on Ending the US Blockade/Embargo on Cuba, and to Return Guantan (1 comments)

Peak Oil Distractions Pt 1 (3 comments)

We Live by Myths (5 comments)

Will Russian Withdrawal Lead to Federal Syria or More War?

To Funnyman Maher, Climate-Fracking Corruption Is One Big Joke (9 comments)

Election 2016: "One Person, One Vote" Kills Real Choice (16 comments)

The Media's "Repetition Compulsion" in Coverage of the Presidential Primaries (2 comments)

AIPAC Is Coming to Town

Tuesday, March 15:

John Kiriakou: The Very Existence of the NSA Is Illegal (4 comments)

Draghi's Giant Giveaway; More Handouts for Wall Street

Loose lugs lose elections: Are the wheels falling off Hillary Clinton's campaign car? (6 comments)

Russia's Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy

Is There Something About Democracy that Doesn't Scare Me? (22 comments)

Putin Shuns Syrian "Quagmire" (2 comments)

Respect only Integrity

Hillary Clinton's Link to a Nasty Piece of Work in Honduras (7 comments)

The Message President Obama---Wasserman Schultz Must Go, and Go Now (1 comments)

Kerry Sought Missile Strikes to Force Syria's Assad to Step Down (5 comments)

Bernie Sanders vs the Clinton-Obama establishment (3 comments)

Day of reckoning for Bernie and the "Donald"? (2 comments)

How the "Dumbest" Country Became the Leader in Technology and Innovation (8 comments)

Please Write Senators to ask new FDA Commissioner to Rescind Approval for the Neurotoxic Artificial Sweetener Aspartame (1 comments)

Media Manufacture Narrative of U.S. Benevolence Towards Cuba

America's Gestapo: The FBI's Reign of Terror (3 comments)

They Just Didn't Know Any Better! A Modest Proposal on Historical Relativism and Universalism---(Irony) (8 comments)

Putin's Syrian surprise-we should have seen it coming (18 comments)

Monday, March 14:

Encryption: The Precedent Is the Voting Rights Act

The Rise of Trump Shows the Danger and Sham of Compelled Journalistic "Neutrality" (3 comments)

What's The Problem With "Free Trade"?

The New Truth About Free Trade (6 comments)

I Declare: It HAS Gotten Better!

Dangers from Pesticides (1 comments)

Strong Crypto: An Offer in Compromise for President Obama (1 comments)

Canadian Duplicity and Israeli Apartheid (2 comments)

Ms Sonia Gandhi: Tell us he is not your Hit-Man (1 comments)

The African Union's President Seeks Re-Election at Home

Trump Dreams of White House Cabinet (2 comments)

We Are the Change (1 comments)

My Vote of Zero Confidence (and Zero-Confidence!) in Your Disabled Community (3 comments)

Trump the Alpha Male? (9 comments)

President Obama's decree may save sacred Apache ceremonial land from being made into a copper mine (2 comments)

Our wounded democracy (3 comments)

The Mexicanization of the United States (3 comments)

Violence Against Protesters at the Heart of Trump Theater (5 comments)

The Entertainmentization of Politics (5 comments)

What Does The Constitution Actually Say About Waging War? (4 comments)

Sunday, March 13:

Politicizing Sports

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary's Emails (41 comments)

The five foreign policy questions every candidate should be asked (1 comments)

Violence, racism and the Trump campaign (1 comments)

Crucify Him -- the unintended consequences of bigotry, hatred and intolerance! (1 comments)

Chileans Living In New Mexico Endorse Bernie Sanders (2 comments)

Trump's "Chickens Come Home To Roost" (3 comments)

What it means being Indian

Judge's Iran Ignorance Is Widespread and Dangerous (1 comments)

Donald Trump's rhetoric horrifies American Muslims

Clinton NEVER! (22 comments)

Sanders and Clinton After Michigan: A look at the map. (3 comments)

Hillary's Obscene Dance with Superdelegate Medusa (8 comments)

Saturday, March 12:

Victory for Young Voters in Ohio as Judge Rules in Favor of Sanders Campaign

Senate Republicans: Do Your Job (4 comments)

The Era of Small Government Is Over (2 comments)

GOP Debate: Setting The Record Straight On Social Security (1 comments)

Israeli textbook "bad for Arabs, bad for Jews"

Bernie Sanders' Statement on Disturbances at Trump Rallies (4 comments)

The Great BDS Debate

Building the Republican Base: Sowing the Seeds of Fragmentation

EU Migration Deal: A Camel, Not a Horse (2 comments)

Hillary's Double-Standard on Protests

Bernie Sanders: Chicago Mayor Picks Wall Street Pals over Public School Pupils (5 comments)

Trump's Supporters, GOP Supporters-- Authoritarian, Damaged and Dangerous (8 comments)

Standing Up for Free Speech Is Not a Threat to Free Speech (1 comments)

"War Capitalism" and the rise of the Empire of Cotton

Chicago Tribune Should Endorse Bernie Sanders (3 comments)

Bloody US Establishment Honors Wife of 'The Great Facilitator' of the Murder of 1/2 Million Central Americans (1 comments)

Friday, March 11:

Hillary Clinton, Stalwart Friend of World's Worst Despots, Attacks Sanders' Latin American Activism

If you like Trump, you'll love Sanders (11 comments)

Why Smart Phones Make Clinton-Sanders Polls Stupid. (2 comments)

No Bern Notice: The Imperial Myopia of Candidate Sanders (82 comments)

Miami Democratic Debate Proves Both Campaigns Don't Think It's Over (2 comments)

Bernie Sanders & Donald Trump redefining gatekeepers? (VIDEO) (2 comments)

Michigan and Mississippi: Should Red-state Delegates Vote on the Nomination of a Blue-state Candidate? (3 comments)

Hillary's Hypocrisy: Silent Protester Assaulted and Ejected from Speech (5 comments)

A School District's Attack on Special Education (2 comments)

"US-led invasion of Libya opened up massive arsenals to terrorists" -- Chris Hedges (4 comments)

Trumptopia (3 comments)

Once Again, I Solve Everything

Bernie Beating Hillary in Blue & Purple States with Delegates & Votes (16 comments)

The Global Suicide Ritual (5 comments)

It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting With the Chair (2 comments)

Neocons Red-Faced Over "Red Line"

Workplace and School Bullying "Cold Interview" "The Silent Epidemic" - YouTube (5 comments)

Thursday, March 10:

Time for Bernie to Go After Obama, but with balance (4 comments)

If You Value The Truth...

Bazooka Joe Biden goes ballistic... with hypocrisy (2 comments)

Politics Not as Usual: Is This the Age of American Fascism? (3 comments)

How "Pravda" Reported Bernie's Win in Michigan (3 comments)

A Warning From the B.I.S.: the Calm Before the Storm? (1 comments)

Clinton Proves Best PR in the World Can't Sell a Terrible Product (2 comments)

Sanders' upset win in the Michigan primary (1 comments)

The Penalty for Poverty Should Not Be Death (1 comments)

Time for Sanders to play hardball: With Hillary Stumbling after Bernie's Michigan Win, He Should Attack Her Integrity (3 comments)

Humanity, Humor, Humility, Emotional Intelligence Are Essential for Presidential Candidates (10 comments)

Agenda Against Trump? We Can Only Hope So (19 comments)

What the Trump Phenomenon Means for Israel (2 comments)

The Suspect Massachusetts 2016 Primary (5 comments)

White Men, Go to the End of the Line! (10 comments)

Igniting, Harnessing the Massive Power of the People (10 comments)

On Race, Religion, and Human Complexity (6 comments)

Wednesday, March 9:

The Honduras Killing Field (6 comments)

Not Every "Ironclad" Prediction Comes True - Dewey Agree on That? (2 comments)

Obama claimed to want transparency. His actions suggest the opposite (2 comments)

Nobody Knows the Identities of the 150 People Killed by U.S. in Somalia, but Most Are Certain They Deserved It (6 comments)

The Media Send Us Messages

Two Corrupt Establishments (3 comments)

Torching the Truth (5 comments)

What Are We Paying Mitch McConnell For? (4 comments)

Who Is the Better Bet to Beat Trump, Hillary or Bernie? (12 comments)

Auto-Bailout Backfire: Does Sanders Have Antidote To Negative Politics?

The Unraveling Of Turkey's Democracy (2 comments)

Super Delegates And Democracy

Most dangerous Presidents in America on Day # 1

Changing Channels (2 comments)

Literature is an enjoyable and fulfilling exercise.

The American Fascist (3 comments)

Angela Merkel lost control of the refugee crisis (1 comments)

Retired Army Lt. General to Trump: "Military is not his palace guards" (1 comments)

Don't Listen to the Media or Polls: BERNIE SANDERS IS WINNING!!! (14 comments)

Don't Work--Smirk! (3 comments)

Reform Public Education: Classically (18 comments)

Tuesday, March 8:

Questions From Israel: How and Why Trump?

The Failure of Religion in America (7 comments)

NYPD: Resistance Is Felonious (10 comments)

Smelling EU fear, Turkey moves in for $6.6bn kill (2 comments)

The Two GOP Extremes: Cruz And Trump (3 comments)

Lula and the BRICS in a fight to the death (3 comments)

Forcing the Mainstream News Media to Quit with the Clinton Bias (6 comments)

Hillary Might Break the Glass Ceiling If She Wins, But She Won't Put a Dent in the Military-Industrial Complex (6 comments)

Dignity's Future

How most aid to the Palestinians ends up in Israel's coffers (7 comments)

Is the FBI's problem with Apple for real? (1 comments)

Who's the EEOC's Carlton M. Hadden?

The Financial System Is A Larger Threat Than Terrorism

Here's How 'President Cruz' Will Govern (1 comments)

Auto Bailout Controversy: "Gotcha" Politics vs. Building Trust (1 comments)

Franklin P. Lamb: The truce in Syria bodes well for salvaging our Cultural Heritage

Just Shut Up and Vote: The Futility of Representative Government in an Age of Robber Barons (5 comments)

Iranian elections: repercussions in Middle East

BLM Complicity in sale of 1,794 Wild Horses (3 comments)

Talk Nation Radio: Seth Kershner on the Campaign to Demilitarize U.S. Schools

How Would Knowing the Truth Change U.S. Policy on ISIS? (4 comments)

War Is A Total Lie (3 comments)

Canadian Ted Cruz cruising to victory? (9 comments)

Monday, March 7:

Hillary Haunted by Libya (1 comments)

The Killer Drone Lovers Have Their Movie (2 comments)

Clinton Still Hides Her Speeches (1 comments)

Socialists Rain On Spain

Bill McKibben Arrested + 56 Others in Ongoing Campaign Against Proposed Gas Storage at Seneca Lake

The Media's Not Being Honest About Its Trump Obsession (1 comments)

Analyzing Bernie Sanders' "Black Problem" (4 comments)

Michigan, Ohio, Illinois -- Finally Some Blue States (1 comments)

Hillary Clinton and the DNC's Super Delegate Fraud. (29 comments)

Weekend Update: Sanders Still Rising; Republican Nightmare Worsens

Toronto Supporter Drives to Michigan to Campaign for Sanders (2 comments)

How Come We Didn't Know Bernie Made an Album?!? (6 comments)

Nancy Reagan's life was far from charmed, but she managed to make it into the stars (2 comments)

Understanding the Texas Abortion Laws and Their Dangerous Implications for All of Medicine (7 comments)

Seattle Times Endorses Bernie Sanders and John Kasich (By Seattle Times Editorial Board) (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Obama. Putin and the U.S. Election (6 comments)

Five Years After Fukushima, "No End in Sight" to Ecological Fallout

An Indictment of Bigotry Within the Republican Party. (1 comments)

Trump As The Golden Calf: How Many Angry, Old, White And Classless Rubes Are There? (7 comments)

How the GOP's Spirit of Strife Has Damaged the Nation (9 comments)

The Antidote to Absurdity: Winona LaDuke and Mililani Trask (3 comments)

Sunday, March 6:

A Union Self-Divided Tain't No Union Uh Tal (1 comments)

Blue-state Bernie and the DNC's Plutocratic "Victory" Rules

Michigan Sanders/Clinton Debate Open Thread (11 comments)

The Brazilian Earthquake (29 comments)

Thomas Farrell: Profiling the Oppo-Appeals in the Match-Up of Donald J. Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016

America's Radical Transformation From a GM Economy to a Wal-Mart Economy (2 comments)

Election 2016: Rage Against the Voting Machines (4 comments)

Why Obama should not appoint a Supreme Court Justice (23 comments)

How Bernie Sanders Might Solve and Beat the Super delegate Problem (14 comments)

The Senate is the Real Name of the Game This Election (2 comments)

Clinton's record on free trade: national and global implications (19 comments)

SMM II, Anyone? (4 comments)

Saturday, March 5:

US Republican Party in crisis as Romney denounces Trump (1 comments)

Imagine Obama's national security policies in Trump's hands (1 comments)

Enormous, Humongous January Trade Deficit Hits Jobs, Wages (4 comments)

Turkey Falls Under Boot of Dictatorship (3 comments)

The Mercury Doesn't Lie: We've Hit a Troubling Climate Change Milestone (4 comments)

Thomas Farrell: President Donald J. Trump? (3 comments)

Unsubstantiated inflation worries (1 comments)

Letter to Hillary Clinton (1 comments)

Basic Income: We Cannot Afford Not to Do It (11 comments)

A US "Trojan Horse" in India? (2 comments)

Solving Energy Supply Problems In One Sentence (3 comments)

Marriage Freedom: Yes, Polygamy is Next (3 comments)

This Might Really Be The Most Important Election (33 comments)

E. None of the Above (1 comments)

David Stockman: Why Neocons Fear Trump

Pennsylvania GOP Put Their Agenda Above Children and Families (3 comments)

Trump Reflects Publicly What The GOP Has Covertly Stood For (6 comments)

President Trump? It Ain't Gonna Happen (8 comments)

NRA Mouthpiece w/ Violent Past Pushes "Babies With Guns" Bill

Delusion and Fear at the Core of Trump's Ascension, by Maurice Webster (2 comments)

Donald Trump: A Problem Even for Conservatives (1 comments)

So what to make of the "Donald"? (9 comments)

Friday, March 4:

Another Friday (2 comments)

The Amazing Criswell Predicts -- More Trumpety-trump-trump-trump (1 comments)

Hillary Clinton and Saudi Arabia (2 comments)

Hillary's Newest Black Endorser, Russell Simmons, is A Banker, Being Sued, Investigated (1 comments)

Why Is Our Government Working for the Private Good Over the Public Good? (12 comments)

The New York Times Calls Out Trump For What He Is, And Who He Represents

Sanders Response to Clinton's Speech on Jobs (7 comments)

The Last Trump

Current Republican voting patterns should put Democrats on notice (4 comments)

Dark Money: What Might the Money Media Cover If They Weren't Covering Trump?

Murder Is Washington's Foreign Policy

Hillary's Political Sorcery (26 comments)

Hillary to bankers: "That just cost you 500 mill." (1 comments)

Berta Caceres, Beacon of Light, Gone, But Not Extinguished (3 comments)

"Places To Go" For Progressive Voters (3 comments)

Donald Trump's Policies Are Not Anathema to U.S. Mainstream but an Uncomfortable Reflection of It (4 comments)

Jobs Report: Sunny with Storm Clouds Looming (1 comments)

Everybody Turn Out for a Day of Peace and Solidarity in New York (2 comments)

Clinton's Credibility Questioned as Bill's Philanthropy 'Takes It to the Limit' (7 comments)

The Upcoming Decline and Fall of the Donald J. Trump Republican Presidential Campaign! (9 comments)

Who Sired Trump? Ronald Reagan (1 comments)

Thursday, March 3:

Europe's Slow Motion Debacle (7 comments)

For-Profit Incarceration: Every American Should Be Appalled (5 comments)

Where Huff Post Draws the Line ... And Why We REALLY Need a People's Upwising (3 comments)

Profile in lack of courage: Sen. Warren has Betrayed the Cause that Made her a Senator and a Progressive Hero (14 comments)

The Revenge of the Lower Classes and the Rise of American Fascism (28 comments)

Are We Willing to Pay the Price for Peace? (4 comments)

Blood Money: Four More Years of Drug War Horror with HRC (3 comments)

Why the Critics of Bernienomics Are Wrong (2 comments)

Blame the DNC if Serious percentage of Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Not Back Hillary Clinton (113 comments)

Irish Shillelagh Austerity (1 comments)

The Congressional Progressive Caucus Believes in War (2 comments)


Time to Come out of the Closet: Thoughts on the Supreme Court

Mary Wentworth: 15Down 35ToGo:Sanders Weekly Update (3 comments)

Who's Really Winning the Presidential Race? Watch and be encouraged... (7 comments)

Super Tuesday: Who Really Won? (27 comments)

Emerging from a "reign of terror": Palestinians in Israel hold first BDS conference

Wednesday, March 2:

Birth Certificate or DNA, that is the Question?

"Plan B" and the bankruptcy of US Syria policy

Trump Success Born and Raised In Fear and Hate

Thomas Farrell: Progressives and Liberals Should Keep an Eye on the Republican Presidential Primaries (3 comments)

Clinton Wins a Lot -- But Sanders Holds His Own (1 comments)

"Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane - YouTube (2 comments)

Why Let Red States Choose the Democratic Nominee?

The War Monument to End All War Monuments (4 comments)

Why the Iranian elections were a huge success (4 comments)

Kari Ann Owen: Compassion vs Safety: Facing Violent Mental Illness in a Neighbor

Trump and Cruz: Will Somebody Sue, Already? (1 comments)

Sanders/Trump: The 2016 Anti-Establishment Ticket (1 comments)

Planting a Flag in LAUSD's District 2 (1 comments)

Indian media is like devil quoting from the scriptures (2 comments)

Freedom of the Press, Trump Some More, and Why I'm Proud to Be in the "Alternative Media" (2 comments)

What's at Stake in Apple's Privacy Fight

Bernie's Obstacle Course (1 comments)

Choosing a Leader (2 comments)

Warped Views of President Obama Push "Conservatives" Into Bizarre, Unconstitutional Territory

Trump: Taking Control, Shaking the Foundations of the Republican Party (16 comments)

The Trump Campaign: Bad for America, but Good for CBS (1 comments)

Bernie, Time to Grow the Seeds of Revolution (80 comments)

Is the Fix In? DNC Chair has sold out US citizens to the financial sector of loan sharking! (23 comments)

Super Delegate Chicken - Will Bernie Supporters Toss the Democratic Election? (4 comments)

Economic Democracy -- Yes We Can Part 5 of Fair Income, Political and Equitable Wealth Distribution a Series

Democratic Closed Presidential Primaries Hurt Sanders, Help Clinton, Could Cost Dems Election (9 comments)

Tuesday, March 1:

"Supreme Leader" Trump and the Wall Street Mullahs (2 comments)

Congress showed it's willing to fight the FBI on encryption. Finally

Socialism No Longer A "Dirty Word" In The USA (11 comments)

The Scandal of Voter Suppression (1 comments)

Apple Wins Major Court Victory Against FBI in a Case Similar to San Bernardino (1 comments)

Time to Speak Up

The Republican Party's Perfect Storm (1 comments)

Election 016: Finally a Real Third Way? (5 comments)

Peter Liang Highlights the Asian American Identity Crisis

We Poisoned Kids in Flint to Keep Their Parents From Having Jobs (5 comments)

New Study Confirms: Private "Trade" Courts Serve the Ultra-Wealthy (1 comments)

Why Should Trump Disavow Racists, If the GOP Can't

Supreme Obstruction

India's 2016-2017 budget reflects a mirage for universal health

The Dynamics of Super Tuesday are Changing Faster than Clinton can Flip-Flop! (13 comments)

Reality Check: No Matter Who Wins the White House, the New Boss Will Be the Same as the Old Boss (4 comments)

Article Five Political Discourse Between Two Women (2 comments)

Ralph Lopez: NY Newsday Confirms: A Vote for Hillary is a Vote for Trump, Sanders Leads Trump Solidly (5 comments)

Judgment Day (1 comments)

Super Tuesday Open Thread (26 comments)

Post Capitalistic Society - Economic Democracy Part 4 of Fair Income, Political and Equitable Wealth Distribution a Ser

Shame on Elizabeth Warren; She Betrayed Progressives (200 comments)

"He STILL Killed Scalia!" The Obama Conspiracy Machine: Will It Continue After The Awards Are Handed Out? (4 comments)


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