1) Satan usurped man's dominion over the earth through the temptation of Adam and Eve;
2) The Church is God's instrument to take dominion
back from Satan;
3) Jesus cannot or will not return until the Church
has taken dominion by gaining control of the earth's governmental and social institutions.'6
Sarah Leslie pinpoints to the central deception behind the current spread of Dominionism among various Protestant denominations across America today:
'Dominion theology is a heresy. As such it is rarely presented as openly as the definitions above may indicate. Outside of the Reconstructionist camp, evangelical dominionism has wrapped itself in slick packages - one piece at a time - for mass-media consumption. This has been a slow process, taking several decades. Few evangelicals would recognize the word 'dominionism' or know what it means. This is because other terminologies have been developed which soft-sell dominionism, concealing the full scope of the agenda. Many evangelicals (and even their more conservative counterparts, the fundamentalists) may adhere to tidbits of dominionism without recognizing the error.
'To most effectively propagate their agenda, dominionist leaders first developed new ecclesiologies, eschatologies and soteriologies
for targeted audiences along the major denominational fault lines of evangelical Christianity. Then the 1990s Promise Keepers men's movement was used as a vehicle to 'break down the walls', i.e., cross denominational barriers for the purpose of exporting dominionism to the wider evangelical subculture. This strategy was so effective that it reached into the mainline Protestant denominations. Dominionists have carefully selected leaders to be trained as 'change agents' for 'transformation' (dominion) in an erudite manner that belies the media stereotype of southern-talking, Bible-thumping, fundamentalist half-wits.'7
Sarah Palin comes out of the circles of such Dominionist networks. Sarah Palin was reportedly re-baptized at age twelve at the Wasilla Assembly of God church. Palin attended the church from the time she was ten until 2002, over twenty-eight years. Palin's association with the Wasilla Assembly of God has continued nearly up to the day she was picked by Senator John McCain as running mate.
Palin is now under investigation for possible improper use of state travel funds for a trip she made on June 8 to Wasilla. Her trip in turns out was to attend a Wasilla Assembly of God 'Masters Commission' graduation ceremony, and a multi-church Wasilla event known as 'One Lord Sunday.' At the latter, Palin and Alaska LT Governor Scott Parnell were publicly blessed, onstage before an estimated crowd of 6,000, through the "laying on of hands" by Wasilla Assembly of God's Head Pastor Ed Kalnins, her former pastor.
The pastor, Ed Kalnins, and Masters Commission students have traveled to South Carolina to participate in a 'prophetic conference' at
Morningstar Ministries, one of the major ministries of the Third Wave movement. The head of prophecy at Morningstar, Steve Thompson, is currently scheduled to do a prophecy seminar at the Wasilla Assembly
of God. Other major leaders in the movement have also traveled to Wasilla to visit and speak at the church.
In his sermons, Kalnins promotes such exotic theological concepts as the possession of geographic territories by demonic spirits and the inter-generational transmission of family 'curses.' Palin has also been 'anointed,' by an African cleric, Bishop Thomas Muthee, prominent in the Joel's Army movement, who has repeatedly visited the
Wasilla Assembly of God and claims to have effected positive, dramatic social change in a Kenyan town by driving out a 'spirit of witchcraft.' 8
As Governor in Juneau, six hundred miles from Wasilla, Palin attends the Juneau Christian Church of Pastor Mike Rose, an Assembly of God Third Wave church.
Sarah Leslie describes the movement which has supported Sarah Palin for most of her life:
'New Apostolic Reformation. This dominionist sect is a direct offshoot of the Latter Rain cult (also known as Joel's Army or Manifest Sons of God). Chief architect of this movement for the past two decades is C. Peter Wagner, President of Global Harvest Ministries and Chancellor of the Wagner Leadership Institute. His spiritual warfare teachings have been widely disseminated through mission networks such as AD 2000, which was closely associated with the Lausanne Movement. A prominent individual connected to this sect is Ted Haggard, current head of the National Association of Evangelicals.'9
C. Peter Wagner is quoted by Leslie defining his view of what he calls 'The New Apostolic Reformation,':
'Since 2001, the body of Christ has been in the Second Apostolic Age. The apostolic/prophetic government of the church is now in place. . . . We began to build our base by locating and identifying with the intercessory prayer movements. This time, however, we feel that God wants us to start governmentally, connecting with the apostles of the region. God has already raised up for us a key apostle in one of the strategic nations of the Middle East and other apostles are already coming on board. Once we have the apostles in place, we will then bring the intercessors and the prophets into the inner circle, and we will end up with the spiritual core we need to move ahead for retaking the dominion that is rightfully ours.'-- C.Peter Wagner
Wagner, who took over Haggard's Colorado Springs center when the latter was forced to resign in disgrace, claims that there are as many New Apostolic Reformation churches in the US as Southern Baptist churches. The movement worldwide is estimated as high as 100 million people. And yet its impact is completely under the radar of most researchers outside of those in the movement itself.
An 'end-time soldier in God's army'?
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