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Life Arts    H4'ed 10/8/22

Cabin Fever in a World of Stooges

Author 517692

John Hawkins
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Bear in the Woods
Bear in the Woods
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In "Idiot's Deluxe," Moe has a nervous breakdown

and all the slaps, bonks and belly punches

of his adoring fellow stooges, political and aesthetic,

can't revive his spirits -- he's had enough!

In a cabin by a lake, they all go mad with fever

and a brown bear who should be sh*tting in the woods

to spread the johnny appleseed from eden to hell

instead steals their vehicle and ignores the pontificating Pope

and snubs a hitch-hiking red riding hood, gams out, wolfish grin

Beatles on the radio, the weird album the one with sitars

he's a throwback hippie looking for a commune that suits his poetry

he's on fumes now and his shrooms won't hold out much longer

and he's a mess of artless zen, and thinking

20 years of schoolin and they put him on the gig shift

and he'll be damned if he'll ever turn right like Jerry Rubin

the yippie/yuppie scofflaw hit and run over jaywalkin in La La Land

(probably by some deep state loon on payback patrol)

so the grumbling bear feeling terribly anachronistic, goes F*ck It

flips to radio WLGB and "I Love It" with Charlie XCX

and veers radically left in an era calling for centrist restraint

and finds himself head over heels and hugging a tree

and Moe can't recover because he's a Stooge

and a miserable infantile megalomaniac at heart like his hermanos

colicky little shits crying night and day, "I want that teat!"

and getting hung out to dry with jugs of Similac to share

and they grow up in a world where you don't have to grow up

or give a good goddamn or give a good goddamn

Idiot's Deluxe is the world they deserve

why the f*ck we laugh at them, beats the hell out of me

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John Kendall Hawkins is an American ex-pat freelance journalist and poet currently residing in Oceania.

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