There is a small but dedicated group of people -ever expanding - taking the simple, straightforward step of reclaiming their elections in their towns. Town by town, they are making it happen.
How? Watch this short video of Town Meeting in Lyndeborough, NH from March 2010 to see how one town passed a local ordinance prohibiting concealed vote counting in its elections.
Information about this action, complete with local ordinance template and instructions for conducting public elections is included in my "Hands-On Elections" handbook:
This is the movement under way throughout New Hampshire now.
Many others of you, too, can do this in your cities and towns. Massachusetts, Maine, and the other New England towns support local control and the Town Meeting to pass local laws. In other states there are other mechanisms for local control.
Here is one of our Protect the Count-ers explaining his bias for action:
"I believe we do not know where the country is going but we can know where our votes are going. Starting by exercising our existing right for oversight of the voting process right here in our town we can have a say in the direction our country is taking."
See Ken here:
I invite you to "like" our Protect the Count NH facebook page to follow our news:
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. ~ Margaret Mead