Because this process multiplies debt in proportion to the vital circulation, and because ever more of the vital circulation is inherently dedicated to servicing debt, versus sustaining the industry which is compelled to do so, the ultimate consequence of that process is catastrophic failure under terminal sums of debt.
Thomas Jefferson did not solve these issues, but he put the problem like this:
If the American people ever allow banks to issue their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation [by having to maintain a vital circulation by perpetually re-borrowing principal and interest as subsequent sums of debt, increased perpetually so much as periodic interest], the banks and [bank owned] corporations which will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property, until their children wake homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.
The Clintons of course claim to have presided over what they tell us is the greatest industrial expansion of modern history.
But this claim is a lie. Starving for ways to replenish the circulatory deflation imposed by the debt which had been accumulated to Clinton's terms in office, and with the public already rendered unable to afford sustaining a circulation itself, the false boom of Mr. Clinton's claimed industrial expansion merely served as a temporary stop-gap to replenish the circulation.
How quickly we have forgotten that purported boom was a bust before it got out the gate. Company after company after company spent 90 percent of its revenue on celebrations and expensive cars for "key" executives. Not only are almost all of those companies gone, even by the time Mr. Clinton left office, few of them had made a penny of profit.
During the subsequent Bush regime, the circulation has been replenished by monumental borrowing, not just for war, but even for the oil you so much depend on.
All this while debt has been multiplying at escalating rates toward inevitable failure, with no "representative" of the people advocating solution; and so, it will be against the further multiplication of the resultant, far greater sum of debt (already collapsing us), that Mr. Obama hopes to succeed.
The president-elect hopes to create millions of jobs. How are we going to sustain those jobs which we already cannot afford to sustain, saddled with all the further debt which will be incurred?
Even if we could sustain them for some while, further, perpetual, escalating multiplication of debt would soon swallow up any ostensible benefit.
He hopes to create those jobs by expediting technology we already have, to become energy independent. But the only real reason we cannot implement that technology is we are saddled with so much debt already.
So if our new President follows in Mr. Clinton's footsteps, Mr. Obama can only succeed if we can afford that technology we already have, at considerable delay, and at the further cost to the public that short-sighted course condemns us to.
So how do we get there from here?
The answer has been here for 30 years (; and in fact the powers that have been have only worked to keep it from you: mathematically perfected economy™ ( makes all these things possible immediately, and without cost, simply by eliminating the unearned takings which the people Mr. Obama is installing in his cabinet are so accustomed to.