In the name of justice, I arrest you. There is no Department of Justice anymore, thanks to you. In its place, I arrest you.
In the name of more than 3,000 dead U.S. soldiers, who died in a war that only you wanted, pursuing a cause only you understood even to this day, I arrest you.
These soldiers died in a war fraudulently justified by your misrepresentations to Congress to obtain a Congressional War Powers Resolution, a war of aggression prohibited under international law and by our Constitution.
In the name of the victims of thousands of tons of Depleted Uranium weaponry, many of these victims not yet born, I arrest you.
In the name of honesty about Global Warming and Nuclear Power, I arrest you, and Al Gore, too, who claims to be "from Tennessee and immune to radiation." The rest of us are NOT immune to it (nor is he, he just professes not to know it).
Iran's PEOPLE (and her leaders) desperately want nuclear weapons because of you. North Korea's leadership does, too -- who knows what their people want (perhaps they are aware of the dangers of nuclear proliferation, but I doubt it). The double-standard for nuclear haves and have-nots isn't working; the only standard that WILL ever work is abolition.
You deny the deaths you cause -- perhaps A MILLION IRAQI PEOPLE ALREADY. And don't say it's much less than that, and don't say you just don't know, but at least they have freedom. They don't have freedom, and nobody's free in a coffin. You can't apologize to a dead person.
SCIENTIFIC STUDIES TRUMP POLITICS. Just type the number "655,000" into "the Google" (as you call it) and see what comes up, Mr. President -- a peer-reviewed epidemiological study conducted by Johns Hopkins University public health scientists, published in the United Kingdom's leading medical journal, Lancet, and sponsored by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for International Studies. And, the death RATE has probably increased DRAMATICALLY since that study was published last year (if only due to the "sectarian violence" you caused to flare up). So, Mr. President, you've probably caused close to a million deaths in Iraq, maybe more, not counting soldiers. And the dying is getting more frequent, not less. Over 500 bodies were recovered in Baghdad this month (May 2007) alone, many with clear signs of torture or mutilation. Our soldiers saved 42 today, but that's a drop in the bucket. But give those soldiers some medals anyway -- they deserve them.
I arrest you for starting a bloodbath. I arrest you for destabilizing Iraq despite being carefully and accurately warned what sorts of things would happen, and THEN, to make matters worse, you let our soldiers -- bad seeds under worse command -- violate rules against torture, be callous about civilian deaths, and use overkill as a tool of war, conveniently renamed "shock and awe," to destroy the minds and hearts of a people. You even let some forms of torture be institutionalized unilaterally by our forces. Under whose authority did you do this? Alberto Gonzales's? He's no authority! He's the one that should be arresting you RIGHT NOW! But he's your friend, so he won't do his sworn duty. Perhaps he thinks he serves a higher authority than his own word of honor. God only knows what that might be, but it seems to be you.
Before your father's war, the Iraqi people had no quarrel with, and many even loved, the American people. Somehow, even through the sanction years, we kept many friends there. But good luck finding Iraqis who love us now, and would dare to admit it. I arrest you for making "loving America" an object of ridicule around the world. The shining star on the hill turned out to be the scattered light of gamma rays, x-rays, alpha-particles, and beta particles.
Let's talk about the future. I can't arrest you for what you will do in the future, but I can arrest you for those who MUST die in the future because of what you've ALREADY DONE.
Let's see the notes from Dick Cheney's vile energy plan. It's vile because it's a secretly-arranged bailout for the nuclear industry. It's the source of the nuclear industry's self-proclaimed "Nuclear Renaissance" and sets the stage for future MELTDOWNS which will kill thousands, perhaps even MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, and continue a grave mistake.
Many of the dead will be children -- perhaps your own, Mr. President, and those of the reporters who fawn over you. I arrest you for killing the media in America. Corporate conglomerates ate them for lunch.
I arrest you for not educating yourself about the evil you create. I arrest you for not understanding that science trumps not only politics, but economics, too. The dying and the sick will drown the heathy in sorrow, in hard work caring for the ill and suffering, and in debts unpayable, for the cost of medical care IS prohibitive. I arrest you for that, too, for you have made even basic health care a service for the elite.
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