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Curt Day is a religious flaming fundamentalist and a political extreme moderate. Curt's blogs are at http://flamingfundamentalist.blogspot.com/ and http://violenceorsurvival.blogspot.com/
(2 comments) Friday, January 18, 2013 Has Israel Become America's Pope?SHARE
For some, it appears that all of America's personnel and policy decisions must receive Israel's approval before proceeding. This would make America's relationship with Israel comparable to any Catholic's relationship with the Pope. But such a relationship would be rife with tribalism and authoritarianism.
Friday, January 4, 2013 A New Year's Resolution For the American Conservative ChristianSHARE
In America, Conservative Christians have hidden behind Biblical passages like Romans 13 to avoid confronting those in authority with their sin. If such Christians wish to faithfully represent the Gospel, they will need to grow a faith-based courage to confront those in authority regardless of the retaliation that could result.
Friday, November 2, 2012 Why This Pro-Life Christian Fundamentalist Is Voting For Jill SteinSHARE
As a Christian Fundamentalist and a pro-lifer, I am voting for Jill Stein. My choice is despite her views on abortion. Rather, my choice is based on the culmination of her other views that provides the best pro-life platform of all the candidates.
Friday, August 24, 2012 When Empathy Is Greater Than Real World WisdomSHARE
At 12 years old, Rachel Corrie wrote powerful and insightful poem on the homeless. Only, what started as a description of the homeless became an indictment on the rest of us.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012 Martin Luther King's Review Of The Good SamaritanSHARE
What Martin Luther King saw in the parable of the Good Samaritan strikes at the heart of American Conservative Christianity. Whereas King saw the Good Samaritan asking the question, "If I do not stop, what will happen to this man?" Conservative Christians are constantly worried about themselves.
(1 comments) Monday, June 4, 2012 The Fundamentalists' Faux-Pas: Pro-Life = Anti-AbortionSHARE
The current Fundamentalist equation of the term pro-life with opposing abortion neglects the fact that the term "pro-life" means more than just opposing abortion, it also includes doing and supporting what is necessary to protect and maintain life. Therefore, the pro-life tent should be expanded to include those who support social and environmental programs as well as those who oppose war. At the same time, we all need to look at ourselves to see where we are not consistent in being pro-life.
Thursday, May 24, 2012 When Squeezed, is the Church "Wimpy, Wimpy, Wimpy?"SHARE
The Conservative Church has a mixed record in handling pressure when it comes to taking a stand. The Church does well when confronting the individual with sins, but because of divided loyalties, it struggles to do the same when it comes to challenging the status quo.
Sunday, May 6, 2012 An Open Letter To All Conservative ChristiansSHARE
Conservative Christians do not have to agree with how the Occupy Movement is trying to change things to oppose the greed that the Occupy Movement is fighting.
Sunday, November 6, 2011 Why Many Christians Don't OccupySHARE
Many conservative Christians have been reluctant to join the Occupy Movement. This isn't because of their faith but because of what has been associated with their faith.
(1 comments) Tuesday, March 29, 2011 It Is Time For Christians To Moral Up by Curt DaySHARE
This article is about Christians needing to change from selectively practicing moral values to consistently practicing moral values
(1 comments) Saturday, August 14, 2010 Mr. Krauthammer, Only God Determines What Is SacredSHARE
Mr. Krauthammer's condemnation of the building of a Islamic religious center close to Ground Zero because he considers Ground Zero to be sacred is not just non-kosher, it is a proclamation of superiority. It also challenges the First Amendment of the Constitution.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 America's KonkordatSHARE
Just as the Roman Catholic Church compromised its values for their own immediate welfare with the Nazis in the agreement called "The Konkordat," so many American Christians have compromised their values for their own welfare by supporting American Capitalism.
Monday, July 20, 2009 Are All Wars Gang Wars? by Curt DaySHARE
This article suggests that perhaps, we should equate the wars that countries fight with gang wars. Reasons for doing so go back to the writings of St. Augustine.
(2 comments) Saturday, January 31, 2009 Listen To The NeoprophetsSHARE
Christians need to listen to God's neoprophets as they warn us about relying on war and violence. Those who don't listen might be repeating the mistakes that God's people made in the Old Testament. That mistake was refusing to listen to God's messengers.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 Agatha Christie And The 10 CommandmentsSHARE
If we take an Agatha Christie approach to the 10 commandments, we can see how we eliminate these commandments from our lives.
(1 comments) Saturday, September 6, 2008 Sunni vs Shia American StyleSHARE
Though we often do not understand the violence that exists between some Sunni and some Shiites, we should be able to understand the divide that exists between the two sects. That is because our political conventions showed that America has a similar religious divide between the Republicans and Democrats.
Saturday, June 21, 2008 Does Peace Come From Ruling Or Serving?SHARE
While teaching his disciples to follow his example by serving others rather than ruling over others like the godless of his day, Jesus gives us a key to unlocking peace with others.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 When Taking The First Step To Peace, Follow JesusSHARE
While reconciling God and his enemies, Jesus started by caring for those enemies and being bothered by their problems. Perhaps it is time for those who believe in Jesus to follow that example rather than to call for war against our enemies.