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January 2014

Friday, January 31:

Why Henry Waxman Was One of the Most Important Congressmen Ever (4 comments)

Book Review: Empire’s Ally: The U.S. and Canada (2 comments)

Return, Return oh Shulamit (3 comments)

Amanda Knox and the Wages of American Imperialism (6 comments)

Jamie Dimon's Raise Proves U.S. Regulatory Strategy is a Joke (3 comments)

The Curse of Capitalism (21 comments)

The State of Our Nation: The Greatest Threat to Our Freedoms is the Government (1 comments)

Private Spooks and Corporate Persons: The American Experiment Takes a Hit (2 comments)

The Innocence of American Imperialism (1 comments)

Proposal for Discussing Solutions (6 comments)

The Federal Court Trashes Net Neutrality... and the Internet (6 comments)

Enough Is Enough: Banksters Are Not Our Only Option (18 comments)

What is this, Family Guy? (1 comments)

Why is the Fed tapering? (7 comments)

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipisicing Elit (1 comments)

Thursday, January 30:

On Wall Street, Sounds of Silence From the President (1 comments)

Norge On (1 comments)

The Real State Of The Union (1 comments)

Still Trying to Sink an Iran Deal (1 comments)

The Anti-Latell Report (II): Calderon Phone Conversation

Media hypocrisy on the Somnath Bharti incident - Forgetting that India is racist. With itself.

America is Being Decimated by a Raging Political Crisis (50 comments)

Spring Days of Action to End Drone Killing, Drone Surveillance, Global Militarization (1 comments)

Prosperity for Main Street, not Wall Street (1 comments)

The "Real" Political Corruption (2 comments)

Pope Francis Strikes Again: This Time It's Abortion (7 comments)

Does Obama administration view journalists as Snowden's "accomplices"? It seems so. (4 comments)

Screw You America!: A Belated New Year greeting from JP Morgan Chase and Co. (4 comments)

A time-line comparison of the rise of Fascism in Nazi Germany and today's United States. (40 comments)

Pakistan names team to hold peace talks with Taliban (2 comments)

Pathological Liar Clapper Goes on Offense (18 comments)

Now's the Time to Slander Russia (2 comments)

*Godly Denialists Won't Be Raptured from Climate Hell (24 comments)

Gentrification Is Merely the Transformation Of Large Cities Into Post Industrial Cities (7 comments)

Eye of the Beholder: Seeger & Scarlett (1 comments)

Obama out Orwelled Orwell | Lee Camp Interview

Dipsy Doodle: What "Globalization" Has Wrought (7 comments)

Obama Comes Out Fighting

Psychologist Group Raises Concerns about APA Ethics Decision (2 comments)

Wednesday, January 29:

It's the Other Oscars -- and yet again the winner slips away (1 comments)

Grimm Reality (2 comments)

American State of the Union: A Festival of Lies (7 comments)

State of the Union: Right on Wages, Wrong on Trade

The New Wave of Financial Instability (1 comments)

The Tragedy of Lower Wages (1 comments)

Smoking Goes Electronic (3 comments)

Short-Circuiting the Future (2 comments)

Sex and Class at Heart of Davis "Scandal" (3 comments)

Pakistan's leadership crisis. Exploring the causes. (1 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Lenin's State and Revolution: Chapter One Part 2 (5 comments)

Money, Politics, and the 99% (9 comments)

Hate the Super Rich (2 comments)

Coming to Grips with Global Warming (2 comments)

Group Think & Political Identity (3 comments)

GOP Again Spins the Bogus Line of Obama the Dictator

Congressman Grimm - It Is Time for You to Go (12 comments)

VIDEO: 2014 State of The Union (minus the Corporate Influence)

US media blacks out Snowden interview exposing death threats (6 comments)

NYT improperly redacted latest NSA leak doc, revealing name of agent and a target (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 28:

The Passing of Anthony Guarisco (2 comments)

State of the Union (4 comments)

Why Japan is dreaming of 1914 (2 comments)

How Junk Economists Help The Rich Impoverish The Working Class (13 comments)

American Crisis (23 comments)

Time to retire fears over aging populations (1 comments)

The Anti-Latell Report (I): Oswald at the Cuban Consulate in L.A. (1 comments)

Complaints about Left-Wing Media Bias Have Always Been Unwarranted (4 comments)

Who Needs the Gestapo When You Have "Angry Birds"? (9 comments)

*In Colombia Fundamentals Work Better Than Bombs (2 comments)

Open Posthumous Letter to President Reagan (10 comments)

Legalize Democracy | full documentary (1 comments)

Review of The Film Pandora’s Promise, Or the Pandora of The Nuclear Industry Or You Must Be Nuclear Scientist/Engi (8 comments)

Top 1% Got All the Goodies, But Bottom 99% Haven't Yet Suffered Enough, Say Republican Top 0.01% (15 comments)

Ban red-light cameras in Florida--a perfect example of government selling out citizens (3 comments)

Pete Seeger (1919-2014): He Changed the World One Song at a Time (3 comments)

'NATO 3' in court on terrorism charges, defense claims entrapment (3 comments)

Monday, January 27:

Cut Off the NSA's Juice (2 comments)

No Tears for the Real Robert Gates (4 comments)

Koch Brings Good Things to Life!

Keep on Truckling: Mayor of New York's Job "is to be a defender of Israel"

Why Aam Aadmi Party deserves a chance!

Taxpayers Paying For Ignorance (1 comments)

Crazy-world: No justice for inmates…in schools or prisons (1 comments)

SOTU 2014: The Cognitive Power of the President (2 comments)

The Farmer Who Took on Corporate Globalization (1 comments)

Village Destruction in the Jordan Valley

Freeze Heating Fuel Prices Mr. President

How Economists and Policymakers Murdered Our Economy (18 comments)

The Myth of Human Progress and the Collapse of Complex Societies (8 comments)

Pakistan resists US pressure to release Dr Shakil Afridi

Seedtime -- About the "Magical Reality" of Seeds and the Peril of GMO Seeds (1 comments)

2014: Expecting The SOS From The Christian Right (1 comments)

Sunday, January 26:

Misplaced Lessons of Tahrir (1 comments)

Crime Doesn't Pay? JPMorgan Chase Begs to Differ (7 comments)

American Health Care's Temporal Order (3 comments)

Why the Millennials Give me Hope

Right-Wing Gun Nuts—Our Tame Second Amendment Lapdogs (15 comments)

U.S. "Dismantling" Rhetoric Ignores Iran's Nuclear Proposals (2 comments)

The Enduring Stench Of Racism (1 comments)

Another Ritual Attack on President Obama’s State of the Union Address

The Enemy Never Changes (2 comments)

Sunday Homily: Pope Francis, Jesus and David Brooks on Wealth Redistribution (14 comments)

The final campaign of Martin Luther King Jr. (1 comments)

Nothing New Under the Sun (8 comments)

Saturday, January 25:

Intelligence Officials Make Direct Threats on Snowden's Life (7 comments)

Rouhani and the 1914 remix (2 comments)

Dinesh D'Loser (9 comments)

The engine that drives the Republican party! (17 comments)

Post-Holiday-Debrief in a "Recovering" Economy (3 comments)

What happened to Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream? (1 comments)

Why There’s No Outcry (4 comments)

Society’s Depreciating Standard of Fame

Painting With A Broad Brush (1 comments)

Holocaust and Native American’s Genocides event in Dallas organized by a Muslim. (3 comments)

The Balance of Power (BOP), With the Passage of Time, Witnesses the Frequent Changes (1 comments)

*Pope Francis is Window Dressing (1 comments)

If spring comes can winter be far behind?: Protest in Delhi

The Fukushima Secrecy Syndrome -- From Japan to America (14 comments)

Let's Discuss Justin Bieber (1 comments)

Why Improving Chemical Facility Safety and Security Must Be a National Priority

President Obama Casts Ugly Glare on Race Tainted Drug War (1 comments)

Vladimir Putin: A Portrait (2 comments)

Must Oligarchy and Technological Unemployment Continue to Decimate the Middle Class? (22 comments)

Open Letter to The 85 Richest People on The Planet (cc: Kevin O’Leary) VIDEO (3 comments)

After Big Obama Speech NSA Programs are Still Illegal (5 comments)

The Greedy Rich Control

Why Is Obama So Corrupt? (47 comments)

Needed: A Science, Economics and Lifestyle of SMALL-- It's Time to Face Reality-- Too BIG is Too Dangerous-- (83 comments)

End the Death Penalty. Allow Vigilantism. (4 comments)

The situation in Egypt, through the eyes of An Egyptian American (2 comments)

Students Rally To Topple The TPP

Reproductive Rights in a State of Emergency (3 comments)

Friday, January 24:

The Judgment of History; Or Why the Breaking of the Oligarchs Avenges President Kennedy's Assassination—Part Four (8 comments)

The Anti-Latell Report

They're Fast-Tracking the Future, TPP Style -- But We Can Stop Them

Could a Rand Paul Candidacy Be the Best Thing Ever for Liberals? (1 comments)

Neocons Take Aim at Syrian Peace Talks (2 comments)

How Many of These People are Progressive Change Agents Working for the Public Good?

Education spending is already plenty, but not enough is allocated to teacher pay! (4 comments)

Don't be Fooled: Black Racism Causes White Racism (4 comments)

Die, Kochs, Die!—Here’s Why I Stirred That (Pol) Pot (6 comments)

*America's Plight and a Possible Solution With Third-Party Cooperation (8 comments)

To Dump Citizens United, We Need To Legalize Democracy

The Legend of the Centrist Iranian Politician (2 comments)

Why Socialism? (5 comments)

Karma: It’s Real (1 comments)

It's Class Warfare, Stupid! (1 comments)

Psychology's Newest Joke: Not Very Funny (1 comments)

They Never Announce When You Prevent a War (2 comments)

The Infrastructure of American Democracy Is Dysfunctional (1 comments)

Thursday, January 23:

Will Kyiv be the Next Beirut?

If the President Does it, It Isn't Illegal

One of Ezra Klein's Last Wonkblog Posts Made an Unwonky Mistake About My Obamacare Op-Ed

Texas executes Mexican national in defiance of international law (1 comments)

Part 5: Battling the TPP with Enlightenment, Love and a Thirst For Meaning in the Face of Death (3 comments)

*War-Promoting Media's Snow Job and King's Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments (1 comments)

Offering Assessments as Assertions Creates Confusion. Why!

The Why Behind Egypt's Coup

Stand In Support of Women and Girls and Against Misogyny In All Its Forms

The God Machine (1 comments)

I will be the first governor in Florida to officiate at a same-sex marriage. (1 comments)

Monumental, Unrestrained Military Spending is Crippling America (24 comments)

Treating Extreme Wealth As a Disease (43 comments)

The Thugs of Halftime

Blowhard Mike Rogers Unable to Back Up Russian Spy Charges (4 comments)

Uncle Sam® Wants You! (31 comments)

The Strange but "Stable" Alliance: US Senate Awaits Israeli Instructions (2 comments)

Wednesday, January 22:

95 Theses, the Sequal? (1 comments)

Bob Gates's Mean, Misguided Memoir (1 comments)

The GOP's Christie Response: Two Wrongs Make a Right (1 comments)

J Street's Dead End (1 comments)

Why does South Carolina honor a racist murderer? (1 comments)

Sometimes Obvious Is Not Always So

Outsourcing Obamacare Again (1 comments)

Syria and the Geneva 2 charade (7 comments)

MSNBC: Cherry Picking News Issues to Make Toxic Democrats Look Good (1 comments)

Cloud-Dwellers: Class War Victors Get Higher on the Hog (5 comments)

Are You Holy Enough To Be A Republican? (2 comments)

I acted alone: Snowden trashes "absurd" Russian spy claim accusations (4 comments)

Pessimism Stalks Peace Conference on Syria's Civil War (2 comments)

Chris Christie and the Reign of the Imperial Prosecutor (2 comments)

Sochi: US vs Russia (24 comments)

Is Nuclear Experimentation Fascism? (2 comments)

Part 4: Pitting Fear of Our Complicity Against the Fear to Resist the TPP (8 comments)

One Hundred Years of a Consumer Economy: Raise Minimum Wages (2 comments)

*On War-Promoting Media's Snow Job and King's Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments (1 comments)

Obama’s Lies, NSA Spies, and the Sons of Liberty: Will You Choose Dangerous Freedom or Peaceful Slavery? (1 comments)

Cracks in the alliance: Is there finally daylight between Israel and the US? (2 comments)

If MLK Were Alive Today ... [video] (1 comments)

Everything you said is coming true (2 comments)

Arvind Kejriwal and his loony bin politics (1 comments)

Representation for Kurds at Geneva II (1 comments)

Medea Benjamin: No Seat For Syrian Women at the Peace Talks (1 comments)

Andrew Cuomo As Queen Isabella? The Exile Of Right Wing Extremists From New York! (8 comments)

How Wall Street Won the War (And What Happens Next) (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 21:

Rev. King Would Be Calling For Direct Action Against Obama (9 comments)

Paul Craig Roberts -- Fed:They Do Not Have Any More Gold (9 comments)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Warnings From NAFTA (2 comments)

Lions and Tigers and Bears -- Oh My! (1 comments)

Starting Over (2 comments)

No Place to Hide: We're All Suspects in Barack Obama's America (2 comments)

The Fragile Process for Engaging Iran

Human Rights Watch's Syria Dilemma

8 Phony GOP Solutions for Poverty That Will Only Bring More Economic Pain (2 comments)

Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" of Crooks (21 comments)

Oh No! The #1 Reality Television Side Effect (5 comments)

For Better or For Worse, the Republicans May be on the Ascent (7 comments)

Richard Sherman’s Rant Again Blew the Hinge off the Door of Racial Stereotypes (3 comments)

Limits To Wealth (3 comments)

Monday, January 20:

"Freedom" Industries? Property Rights, Regulation, and Brain Dead Environmentalists (3 comments)

Eventually We Always End Up At The Same Place (2 comments)

Smoking Gun: Global Food Waste Debunks Overpopulation Theory and Humanitarian Aid (3 comments)

Sunday talk shows: Snowden is a Russian agent (1 comments)

The U.S. Needs "Enemies" (4 comments)

Dr. King's coin (5 comments)

Part 3: The Puzzle of "Liberal" Obama's Support for the TPP (12 comments)

Part 2: Obstacles to Anti-TPP Coordination: A Social Psychological Account (2 comments)

The Mistaken Guns of Last August (3 comments)

What Obama Really Meant Was ... (16 comments)

Columnist George Will Sides With Hitler, Not Churchill, and Uses Hitlerian Tactic to Do So (23 comments)

Rating Obama’s NSA Reform Plan: EFF Scorecard Explained (1 comments)

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Does the ACLU Really Support the 1st Amendment? (6 comments)

Obama Will Reform the NSA Just Like He Closed Gitmo (3 comments)

Net- Neutrality: People, Corporations and Courts. (1 comments)

Part 1: What Is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, And Why Don't I Care? (13 comments)

Obama's cosmetic changes for NSA surveillance (1 comments)

Sunday, January 19:

Gates Memoir Omits Key Facts on Obama's Afghan War Strategy (1 comments)

Industry powers with access to TPP plans lavish money on Congress (1 comments)

Why US brain drain harms developing countries (1 comments)

Truth about the Seralini rat-tumor-GMO study explodes (7 comments)

Who elected them? (9 comments)

*Honored CarlosSantana HerbieHancock MartinaArroyo! Honor King’s Condemnation of US Wars! (1 comments)

Chump Change: Obama's Bogus NSA "Reforms" (3 comments)

Mindful Molecules (1 comments)

Seattle Hosts Progressive Media Gathering - Is Radio Dead? (7 comments)

Sunday Homily: Pope Francis' New Song -- Seven Things You May Have Missed in 'The Joy of the Gospel' (9 comments)

Saturday, January 18:

The Imperator (3 comments)

David Brooks' Utter Ignorance About Inequality (4 comments)

Who Can Use Nazi Comparisons? (6 comments)

*Myanmar should chew on defense expenses

For the GOP, an Abyss Instead of Ideas (13 comments)

Pope Francis shakes up Vatican Bank supervisory board (3 comments)

How Did We Get Here? (And How Do We Get Out?) (14 comments)

*Frankly, Koch Brothers Deserve the Death Penalty (146 comments)

"Here's looking at you, kid!" - HOW TO DUPE A SUPER POWER! - (The REAL STORY behind INDO-US Row) (3 comments)

*Should Obama be tried for treason after his NSA speech on Friday?

We Need A Democracy Movement To Fix This sh*t (5 comments)

Yarmouk Camp: In the Throes of Starvation

2014 Democratic Agenda: Protecting the 47 Percent

How the E.U. Can Bring Ukraine Into Europe

How the E.U. Pushed Ukraine East

The Sum of All Our Fears (4 comments)

Friday, January 17:

Company Responsible for Major Chemical Spill Is a Great Candidate for the Corporate Death Penalty (21 comments)

The Hows and Whys of Gold Price Manipulation (23 comments)

The Judgment of History; Or Why the Breaking of the Oligarchs Avenges President Kennedy's Assassination—Part Three (9 comments)

Thomas Riggins: Lenin: Class Society and the State (2 comments)

We are all living Pasolini's Theorem (2 comments)

Israel: Divide-and-conquer in Nazareth?

Amnesty Says NSA Revisions Fall Short

Alberta oilsands projects: Canada’s Hiroshima (8 comments)

Obama's NSA "reforms" are little more than a PR attempt to mollify the public (9 comments)

Christie's Jam Is Also the GOP's

WATCH: Government-Funded Israeli Groups Attack John Kerry With Scatological Parody Video

Pentagon & NSA officials say they want Snowden extrajudicially assassinated (12 comments)

16 Dem Senators Join AIPAC Against Iran Deal; Feinstein and TV's Chris Hayes Support Obama (2 comments)

TPP Toxicity Grows, We Can Stop It (2 comments)

Embarrassing NIST: They Left Out Critical Structural Features of WTC7 (7 comments)

Obama Fans Aren't even Pretending That Was a Good Speech (9 comments)

The Fading Artifice of American Democracy (5 comments)

A Fast for Guantanamo: From Winter to Winter

The Al Qaeda Switchboard: Did CIA Obstruction Enable 9/11 Attacks? (12 comments)

The Idolization of Ronald Reagan Is Undeserved (7 comments)

The Boozy, but not Newsy, Mass Media

Global Acupuncture vs. Global Surgery: How Russia and China Differ from the U.S.

How Accurate is Freedom House?

Mutual Suspicion Prevents Effective Security Cooperation with Russia (1 comments)

Russian NGO Laws Reinforce Western Practices

Western Moral Standards are Not Universal

Fighting Corruption -- New Russian Initiatives (1 comments)

Escaping the Values Trap (1 comments)

SOS: Framing the Climate Protection Act Now (3 comments)

Thursday, January 16:

King Holiday is Still a Black Holiday for Far Too Many Americans (1 comments)

*The Remorseful Demand Nuremberg Principles Trial of Americans for Genocide! Progressives Haven't (3 comments)

NSA Metadata Collection: Fourth Amendment Violation (1 comments)


Fear is Why Workers in Red States Vote Against Their Economic Self-Interest (2 comments)

The Principle of International Humanitarian Intervention (2 comments)

Why Margaret Owen, the UK Women activist, is dazzled by Abdullah Ocalan's philosophy

The American Human Rights Hypocrisy Part 2:The Roguest of Rogue Nations (3 comments)

Government of the Rich, by the Rich, and for the Rich: It's Time for 'Militant Nonviolent Resistance' (9 comments)

Welcome to Orwellian America, the Land of the Silent, the Home of the Submissive (43 comments)

Coming Tomorrow, "The Spirit of Reform" (1 comments)

4 Reasons to Hold George W. Bush Accountable for War Crimes (7 comments)

"Dog Whistle" and "Middle Class" Americans (3 comments)

A reluctant defense of Political Correctness (7 comments)

Gary Brumback: The U.S. Corpgress (9 comments)

Mediator Says William Morris Guilty of Racial Discrimination Against African American Employee (2 comments)

Wednesday, January 15:

India, Human Rights, and the Bhullar Case (2 comments)

Flash: Sochi Under Attack by U.S.

Fixing Sharia Laws (3 comments)

The American Human Rights Hypocrisy Part 1: Economic and Social Apartheid (3 comments)

Disinformation Killed 9/11 "Truth" (25 comments)

Holy, Holy, Holy

Benghazi: Cover-Up By Both Parties? (1 comments)

How to Tell if a Politician is Involved in a Sex Scandal (4 comments)

On Income Inequality and Economic Growth (2 comments)

Can American Democracy be Revived? (10 comments)

Obama is Making Government Bad Gov. Real Progressives must stop apologizing for Obama and His Bad Government (10 comments)

Popcorn, M&M's and Ammunition (15 comments)

*The Powerful Escape Responsibility (5 comments)

The Campaign To End All War (8 comments)

*America Betrayed Rev. Dr. King Gagged His Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments (2 comments)

Larry Summers joins the reality-based economics community (5 comments)

Violence becoming the new norm in America (1 comments)

MLK, Black Power and Politics

New York Times Reporter James Risen, Fighting Obama Administration's Attack on the Press, Turns to Supreme Court (1 comments)

A Country Reeling from Right Wing Intimidation Finally Fights Back

The New Hillary Hit—Pit Her Against President Obama (4 comments)

Thank You Dennis Rodman (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 14:

The Big Lie Mutated in NYT: More on AEI's History of the Financial Crisis (2 comments)

New Memo: Kissinger Gave the "Green Light" for Argentina's Dirty War

Brothers Grim(e)

Ariel Sharon Dies After Eight Years in a Coma

Is Congress Guilty of Torture? (1 comments)

Reliving Machiavelli in Florence (3 comments)

If Gov. Christie Had NSA's Metadata

Shooting and Crying: The Unlearned Lessons of American Atrocity

Should Medicare Really Pay for Seniors' Penis Pumps? (4 comments)

The Presidential Task Force on the NSA, A Diversionary Tactic Not Meant to Uncover All The Wrongdoing

Planetary Consciousness and the Tears of the World: A Review of Carolyn Baker's "Collapsing Consciously" (5 comments)

Monuments of Capitalism (1 comments)

The Logic of Emergency: Strategy for a Climate Tea Party (23 comments)

The Case For a Higher Minimum Wage (2 comments)

Proposed State Tax Ruling Unfair, Says LGBT Advocacy Group (1 comments)

Who’s the Boss? The Obamacare Deception (1 comments)

Twitter Truth, Mark Driscoll, Hell and The Righteous Arrogance Award (3 comments)

Monday, January 13:

Whose Academic Freedom Are We Talking About?

We Don't Need No Stinking Jobs. We Got Government Benies. (8 comments)

Why the Washington Post’s New Ties to the CIA Are So Ominous

David Brooks on Pot: Let's Return to Good Old-Fashioned Prohibition (9 comments)

The whitewashing of Ariel Sharon (7 comments)

NSA's Preference for Metadata

Chris Hedges: The Trouble With Chris Christie (18 comments)

Secret Report Claims Snowden Aided Terrorists

MLK Day 2014: Service for Justice and Human Rights

MLK: Also a victim of NSA surveillance

A Moral Outrage: Albert Woodfox's 41 Years in Solitary Confinement, Despite Three Overturned Convictions (1 comments)

Western democracy cannot survive human overpopulation growth (2 comments)

Robert Gates "piss-and-tell" memoir damages the nation! (1 comments)

How Ariel Sharon Shaped Israel's Destiny (3 comments)

Sunday, January 12:

Building a Global Movement to End All War (15 comments)

Christie’s Troubles are a Big Gift to the Right

Thomas Riggins: Lenin's State and Revolution Today-- The Preface (2 comments)

Iran, world powers agree to start implementing nuclear deal on Jan. 20

Some of Christie's Potential Felonies (5 comments)

The Fantasy That Obama Is Currently Planning to ‘Overhaul’ Surveillance Programs (5 comments)

Jesus Decides to Redeem His Wasted Life (Sunday Homily) (11 comments)

Saturday, January 11:

A "Fast Track" to Less Democracy and More Economic Dislocation (11 comments)

The Gang Of Eight: Chris Hedges and William Binney on Obama NSA Guidelines (4 comments)

War on Poverty (1 comments)

If Corporations Are People, Pope Francis is Exorcist. (15 comments)

Gates Conceals Real Story of "Gaming" Obama on Afghan War (12 comments)

Back to Fallujah (2 comments)

Parade (4 comments)

Those Still Going on about Ralph Nader Electing Bush in 2000 Should Desist (8 comments)

US: Deux Ex Machina or Sorcerer's Apprentice? (1 comments)

Fat Man Talking, Governor Christie Sinks (23 comments)

Despite Scandal, Chris Christie Can Still Become President in 2016 (9 comments)

Taking Pope Francis to the Movies: The Wolf of Wall Street (Film Review) (10 comments)

Chris Christie's Prosecutorial Jam

The Soviet Republic of Vermont; State will offer Healthcare for All by 2017. (14 comments)

Risk Factors For Breast Cancer, Wrong Again (11 comments)

Forrest Pfeiffer: Bye-Bye Progressive Radio in Los Angeles (2 comments)

Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca steps down!

Still Report # 161 - TPP + TAFTA = TPA

Friday, January 10:

No Jobs For Americans (20 comments)

Thanks to George Bush, Talks With Iran Make Sense

Snowden's courageous action protected both our privacy and our democracy (2 comments)

Bibi & Libie (2 comments)

Obscenity (5 comments)

Deregulation, Privatization, and Cheap Labor: Obama's Corporate Plantations (19 comments)

What Christie's BridgeGate Reveals about the GOP Culture of Hate (4 comments)

Chris Christie Is the True Face of the Republican Party (3 comments)

Three Hearings, Nine Hours, and One Accurate Statement: Why Congress Must Begin a Full Investigation into NSA Spying (4 comments)

February 11th: The Day We Fight Back Against NSA Surveillance (1 comments)

The new warmongering wing of the Democratic Party (6 comments)

Trans-Pacific Partnership / TPP -An Expanded NAFTA, Which Was Established with Unfulfilled Promises (6 comments)

Can We Afford to House the Homeless? (3 comments)

The Saudi Bull in The Arab China Shop

Studies Find that Conservatives Are Bad People, And That Successful People Tend to Be Bad (14 comments)

5 Reasons Cleantech Industry is Stronger Than Ever

Why Hasn't Obama Reined in NSA? (4 comments)

It's a TV Snow Job (1 comments)

Christie’s Access Lane Onto the Presidential Trail Gets Gridlocked (2 comments)

Thursday, January 9:

Seeds of a movement: A 21st century Populist renewal is flourishing at America's grassroots (2 comments)

Rodman May be The Right Messenger on North Korea (4 comments)

Why The Republican’s Old Divide-and-Conquer Strategy -- Setting Working Class Against the Poor -- Is Backfiring (4 comments)

A Bridge Too Far (1 comments)

Israel not ready to give up "villa in the jungle" (19 comments)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: U.S. Markets Rigged by its Own Authorities -- It Blows the Mind (8 comments)

Robert Gates's Narcissistic "Duty"

The US Department of Injustice: Harsh Prosecution for the Little People and the Big Guys Skate (2 comments)

On Secrecy, Oaths, and Edward Snowden (4 comments)

President? Christie Proves He Isn't Fit To Run New Jersey (2 comments)

Who Are The Regulators Working For? (1 comments)

Wave of the Future: States Taking Over Federal Government and Banking Sector Functions (21 comments)

A Time of Posers and Posturing

Christie's Apology and Firings Are Not Good Enough-- Prosecute Perps (51 comments)

Stop the Real Criminalization of Mental Illness (8 comments)

Hey, it's just New Jersey stuff! (3 comments)

Wednesday, January 8:

Colder Winters Caused by a Warmer Planet (7 comments)

The Dangerous Militarization of Our Local Police Forces (7 comments)

All eyes on New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, America's leading progressive (3 comments)

Dear Rand Paul-- You Don't Know Me (5 comments)

Robert Gates Double-Crosses Obama (6 comments)

Television News, The Stage Play

Could 2014 Be Year One of the Pay Ratio Era?

2014: Revolutionizing Consciousness

Easy Write A Letter To The Editor Protesting Trans Pacific Partnership

4 points about the 1971 FBI break-in (9 comments)

John Scanlon: Great Recessions II - coming soon to an economy near you. (7 comments)

The War on Poverty is Our Moral Challenge Now (1 comments)

Cruzing in Reverse (3 comments)

Why serially incumbent Kurdish Governments should ring alarm Bells for John Kerry?

Pope Francis:Religious Fundamentalism is Blind to Reality. Me: It's Delusional. (14 comments)

*Georgia Senators Do the Dance of the Despicable! (1 comments)

The Phenomenon of Aam Aadmi Party (13 comments)

The Problem With...Conspiracy Theories (6 comments)

The NSA Plays Mad King George in This Revolution (1 comments)

Tuesday, January 7:

Netanyahu's "Shibboleths" Scuttle Peace Talks (4 comments)

Obamacare and Those Invincible Youngsters (7 comments)

The New York Times pronounces on destabilization of the Middle East (3 comments)

NSA Insiders Reveal What Went Wrong (14 comments)

The U.S. and Iran, The Possibilities (1 comments)

A call for North American De-colonization (2 comments)

The Developing New American Caste System (36 comments)

Life in the Electronic Concentration Camp: The Many Ways That You're Being Tracked, Catalogued and Controlled (10 comments)

Letter to My Elected Officials Regarding "Fast Track" on TPP (3 comments)

Thou Shalt Not Make Fun of World War I (6 comments)

Interpretation and the Allegory of the Cave (2 comments)

Slavery and Democracy (3 comments)

Rolando Cubela: A Castro Agent? (1 comments)

Republicans Devolving: It Goes Beyond Creationism (6 comments)

Monday, January 6:

JP Morgan Pays $2 Billion to Avoid Prosecution for Its Involvement In Madoff Ponzi Scheme (1 comments)

"The Country You Destroyed": A Letter to George W. Bush (18 comments)

Another Cold Blast of "Global Warming is a Hoax!" Nonsense to Grip Parts of the Gullible U.S. (18 comments)

Where Glenn Greenwald Goes Squishy

The Generations Should Fight Their Retirement Battles Together

Time to invite Occupy back to Wall Street: Is NYC's New Mayor Really a Lefty or Just Another Progressive Poseur? (2 comments)

Pope Francis and Change in the Roman Catholic Church (4 comments)

A New Way Forward | The World Five Platform (1 comments)

The Last Gasp of American Democracy (14 comments)

Pope's Actions Expose The Search for a Superior Moral Justification for Selfishness. (7 comments)

Facing The Reality of The System, Conservative Monarchists, and Embracing Bottom-Up Values, as the Answer (58 comments)

How low can capitalism sink? Look to the new S.Africa (11 comments)

Duplicitous US judges: Jed Rakoff, Richard Leon

Prayer for the peace and welfare of US anti judicial corruption activists ROGER SHULER and BILL WINDSOR (1 comments)

No "Duck Dynasty" In A Skirt: The Saga Of Linda Harvey, Amazon And "Maybe He's NOT Gay" (6 comments)

The Muting of our Minds (4 comments)

Sunday, January 5:

Videos: The Virginia People's Assembly

GOP’s Biggest Foe in 2014 is Still the GOP (1 comments)

The One Percent Solution: Oligarchs to the Rescue! (3 comments)

Climate Change and the Politics of Interdependence (2 comments)

The Year of the Great Redistribution (2 comments)

Of Rhetoric, Plantations And Politics (1 comments)

Bill Comes Out Swinging

You Can't Do Nothing About Nothing (7 comments)

Why the U.S. should treat health care like a utility, not a market (12 comments)

What I Learned as a Mayoral Candidate (6 comments)

The Saturday Night Thing (5 comments)

Forgetting Why Al-Qaeda Spread (4 comments)

D Marten: The Innocuous Face of Government Criminality (8 comments)

Is The Media Now Just Another Word For "Control"? (6 comments)

Vilifying and Re-Defining Our Heroes (19 comments)

Demand An Unconditional Pardon for Edward Snowden (4 comments)

Celebrating the International Jesus (3 comments)

Saturday, January 4:

Darrell Issa's Cruelest Cut: A Seriously Cynical Attack on the Postal Service (1 comments)

US appeals court upholds suppression of legal memo approving collection of phone records

NAFTA: 20 years of regret for Mexico (1 comments)

Neutral -- in whose favor? (1 comments)

Capitalism in Crisis: Who Are the REAL "Takers"? (9 comments)

CIA Blocks More Inquiries

Franklin P. Lamb: Will Lebanon Survive in 2014? (2 comments)

The Fascist Origin and Essence of Privatization (18 comments)

*Is Mercedes Illegally Dumping Cars in the United States? (13 comments)

Abolish the Aisle: Would Divided Legislators Work Together If They Had to Sit in Alphabetical Order? (2 comments)

"Jobs or Inequality"? That's No Choice at All (6 comments)

The Centennial of Henry Ford's Five-dollar Day (1 comments)

We Have Black Swans (4 comments)

*Liz Warren's Litmus Test: Support the Climate Protection Act (12 comments)

Top 10 Proofs People Can Be Completely Manipulated Without Hypnosis (8 comments)

Let us face it: It was a mistake to create Israel in the first place (47 comments)

The Tax on Land and the National Diet (2 comments)

Turkish Plots (2 comments)

Friday, January 3:

Iraq slides toward civil war

Egypt Gone Bad (4 comments)

Housing First Vs. Political and Social Weakness (8 comments)

The Case of the Missing Recovery (25 comments)

Bait and Switch: The Heavy Price of Social Progress (4 comments)

David Brooks, You Are a Silly Man (11 comments)

The "Chickens" are Coming Home to Roost in Iraq (2 comments)

Corruption, conflict, conspiracy - Turkey's perfect storm (5 comments)

A Socialist Looks At "Downton Abbey" (12 comments)

How Obama blew it (11 comments)

This California Scheme Is Bad for Your Health (3 comments)

Fox's Benghazi Expert Endorsed Assassinating Obama Last Week (3 comments)

NSA stands for "No Such Amendment": Intelligence agency violates US Constitution

America Demands Corruption in a President (6 comments)

Our Afghanistan Failure Was Led by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (30 comments)

The coming Internet of Things (IoT)

How About America Holding a Year of Jubilee? (1 comments)

This Pope Makes Me Want to be an Atheist (41 comments)

Social Media's Collateral Damage

ISRAEL: Large-scale Fraud in the Supreme Court's Office of the Clerk (1 comments)

The Democratic Vistas of 2014: Five Reforms to Make Our Politics Matter (1 comments)

Israeli Aggression Leaves Little Hope for Peace (3 comments)

In India, A Spectre For Us All, And A Resistance Coming (6 comments)

Thursday, January 2:

Failure of Palestinian Authority, BDS Success to Continue (3 comments)

An Interview with Max Blumenthal -- Inside Israel's Apartheid State

Book-Cooking on New Year's Eve (2 comments)

Israel Lobby Takes Aim at Iran Deal (2 comments)

One cheer for the New York Times (three for the Guardian) (4 comments)

GOP Peddles Hard the Myth of Minimum Wage is a Job Killer (19 comments)

Worst Fraud in History Will Destroy Your Children's Lives (32 comments)

The 1%'s Guidelines on Terrorism for 2014 (17 comments)

Truth & Proof (1 comments)

Queer Action 2014: Let's Stop Depending on Politicians and the HRC

Our Unaffordable Bill of Rights (2 comments)

2013: Another hard year for American Muslims

Ethics and Morals in America; an Endangered Species (30 comments)

A New Year's Wish: Let 2 + 2 = 4 (2 comments)

The Story of Gaza

The NSA’s Animal Farm Rules (3 comments)

Some hard-hitting questions to the so-called leftists of my country (4 comments)

Pope Francis is a mercy to mankind (12 comments)

What Your Local Radio Stations Could Be Airing (1 comments)

The Complexity Myth (10 comments)

Wednesday, January 1:

Obama 2013: How low can you go? (4 comments)

Size matters, but not as much as quality: More good government, less bad government, please! (14 comments)

Media Doublespeak - You Never Get to Retire

The Only Problem in America is We Don't Have Enough. (4 comments)

The Obamacare We Deserve (9 comments)

Britain Cans Case Against Russia

Make 2014 the Year of Environmental Justice Executive Order

Blocking Contraceptive Coverage-- Does Sotomayor Join the Right Wing SCOTUS Catholics? (37 comments)

A History of 'Fear' (12 comments)

A Tectonic Shift in Eurasion -- How the New Great Game Will be Played (3 comments)


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