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September 2017

Saturday, September 30:

What Is The Real Purpose Of A Police-Force? (36 comments)

a Chilling Documentary, the UN Discusses the Rohingya and an International Judges Tribunal Declares Genocide (1 comments)

Michael Moore on His Broadway Show, "The Terms of My Surrender," Trump, Puerto Rico & the Media

Tax Reform: A 1099 for America's Suckers (3 comments)

President Trump is facing A second front which will be known as the Russian alliance with Turkey and Iran!

Progressive Vision: How to Prevent the Chronically Failing Dem Leadership from Losing in 2018 (27 comments)

How Hillary Votes Were Suppressed in Wisconsin (3 comments)

What Hugh Hefner Had in Common With Right-Wing Christian Doctrine (1 comments)

Trump Threatens Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity in North Korea (3 comments)

VA chief and wife had a lovely taxpayer-funded trip to Europe: Wimbledon, river cruise, sightseeing

Who's a White Supremacist? (2 comments)

How the Republican Party Has Conned America for Over 30 Years (9 comments)

Rising up against the Oligarchs does not equal socialism (24 comments)

Why Cooperative Businesses Are Not the Answer (18 comments)

Wars Are Not Fought to 'Protect Your Freedoms' (7 comments)

Rabbis Promoting a Vegan Diet (6 comments)

Friday, September 29:

Anthony Weiner Is In for a Rude Awakening (1 comments)

A Tale of Two Stories (4 comments)

Remembrance of Bombs Past: Lessons for Today from China's 1964 Nuclear Test (1 comments)

Saudi Women May Soon Be Behind the Wheel, But Still Not in the Driver's Seat (1 comments)

Labour Party Conference and the Great Antisemitism Stitch-Up (1 comments)

Six Reasons Why American Corporations Shouldn't Get a Tax Cut (1 comments)

Watch Roy Moore, the Latest GOP Star, Argue for Criminalizing Homosexuality

A new shock doctrine: in a world of crisis, morality can still win (14 comments)

Why is Saleh Moslem better than Massoud Barzani for Kurds?

Oakland Catcher Bruce Maxwell Breaks Baseball's Politics Line (2 comments)

The US Economy Is Failing

Without Discussion a School Board Chooses a President

The Cancers of Poverty and Wealth

Wheels and deals: trouble brewing in the House of Saud

The Media: Not so much fake news as shallow, less than objective journalism (2 comments)

The Russia-Blamers Think You're Stupid (4 comments)

Trump's Narcissist and Predator Administration (27 comments)

Trump Now Owns White Supremacy (1 comments)

Thursday, September 28:

Who Wants to Abolish the CIA? Leftists and Rightists (7 comments)

Ex-Senator Pressler calls for pre-emptive strikes to destroy Pakistan's N-assets (1 comments)

"Jumla_Man": Why reviling Modi isn't working (1 comments)

The Demise Of Turkey's Democracy: An Open Letter To President Erdogan (2 comments)

The Slimy Business of Russia-gate (3 comments)

Is Trump Crazy? Personality disorder? Or crazy like a fox? (1 comments)

Patriotism Is A Two-Edged Sword

Birchers in the Beer Joint: Trump "Resistance" Revives Old Slurs (1 comments)

Can Centrism Be a Movement? The Answer May Surprise You

Killing Kaepernick's Movement (5 comments)

Spot the Difference: Trump and Obama, in Their Own Words (1 comments)

Kurds Have Overwhelmingly Voted for Independence, but Having Their Own Country Is a Long Way Off (1 comments)

The Pledge of Allegiance is anti-American (7 comments)

Armistice Day 99 Years On and the Need for a Peace to End All Wars

Wednesday, September 27:

Does the Rohingya Genocide Justify Revoking a Nobel Peace Prize? (7 comments)

Kachina's Nightmare (6 comments)

The Confederate Flag is Unpatriotic and Disrespectful (29 comments)

Can a War of Words Become a World of War? (5 comments)

How to Make the Electoral College Irrelevant (9 comments)

Doug Jones for Alabama (2 comments)

Joke's over: Sean Spicer hires a defense lawyer with a particularly interesting set of skills (2 comments)

Unravelling the riddle of the Kurds' Iraqi pipedream (2 comments)

The Super Patriotic Draft Dodger's Rag: "Fire the Son-of-a-b*tch" (3 comments)

Meet Swampzilla: Indispensable's Duopoly-Killing "Monster" Meme (5 comments)

Hospital Form To Make Sure You Aren't Given Aspartame As A Patient - Print This Out, Please (1 comments)

It's more than Trump's racist tweets

Brazil's Latest Outbreak of Drug Gang Violence Highlights the Real Culprit: the War on Drugs (1 comments)

Trump/NFL political theater: who's winning? (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 26:

Is It War Yet? (1 comments)

Hezbollah has launched the initial phase of the next Israel-Hezbollah War

New Earthquake Leaves Mexico on Edge

The Rise of the New McCarthyism (13 comments)

The Saudis--our friends and partners in war crime (3 comments)

Be a Global Citizen: Take the Knee (1 comments)

Interview of Cynthia McKinney by Sane Progressive (24 comments)

Corporate Media Analysts' Indifference to US Journalists Facing 70 Years in Prison

Our American right to be like Kaepernick (pt. 2)

Privacy and Politics: The Hypocrisy of the Surveillance Statists

John Kiriakou: The Pentagon's Propagandization of American Sports (20 comments)

Take a Knee for Freedom of Religion

The Sports Gods Have Awakened (1 comments)

Daniel Kovalik on Morgan Freeman and the Plot to Scapegoat Russia (1 comments)

Donald Trump finally notices Puerto Rico -- long enough to blame them for their problems (1 comments)

Top Down Nuclear Masturbatory Fantasies (10 comments)

MSM Fake News Monitor: Indian Express on BHU (1 comments)

Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict With Russia

Has all respect been lost for America? (5 comments)

A Bellicose Trump, an Appalled U.N. and the Costs to the U.S. (1 comments)

Monday, September 25:

Is Health Care A Commodity Or Right? (2 comments)

WPost Pushes More Dubious Russia-bashing

Trump Should Hold His Tongue-- When Will Someone Confiscate That Android? (1 comments)

The American right to be a Kaepernick (3 comments)

Patriots and Protesters Should Take a Knee for the Constitution (2 comments)

Trump, Hypocrisy And Sports

It's A Lousy "Anthem" Anyway (2 comments)

Where's my 1st Amendment?: We're seeing Freedom of Speech on the Gridiron So How About in Every Other Workplace? (22 comments)

Climate Armageddon Revisited (2 comments)

False Flag: Mistaking A Symbol for the Ideals It Represents (1 comments)

Social Media: When Does "Actively Working With the Government" Become Censorship? (1 comments)

Trump goes to war with NFL: what happened (4 comments)

The Dangers of Free Speech (5 comments)

Video of No War 2017: War and the Environment (1 comments)

Important Lessons From George Orwell and Winston Churchill for Resisting Authoritarian Rule in Trump's America (1 comments)

Did Trump Accidentally Declare War on North Korea? (66 comments)

Sunday, September 24:

The Abuses of History (4 comments)

Trump Right On China The First Time (10 comments)

The Most Important Legislation of My Lifetime (1 comments)

Dotard In Action

The UN and the Monster in the Room (1 comments)

Amid Tensions with North Korea, 51 Countries Sign Ban on Nuclear Weapons Despite U.S. Opposition (3 comments)

A Multifaceted Movement to Outlaw War: as Outlined in David Swanson's "War No More: the Case for Abolition" (3 comments)

Why Russia Hacked Voter Registration Databases - Micro-targeted Messaging (45 comments)

How to Reform the Corrupted U.S. Electoral System (3 comments)

Why We Must Raise Taxes on Corporations and the Wealthy, Not Lower Them (2 comments)

War vs Cute Animals (3 comments)

#NoWar2017 All of Day One

Thomas Farrell: Feeling Enraged and Practicing Non-Violence (REVIEW ESSAY) (3 comments)

The "Wright" Satya Pal & sinister media hacks (1 comments)

(Sunday Homily) Jesus' Surprising Position on Minimum Wage: $58.00 per Hour (8 comments)

Saturday, September 23:

The Motive Behind Global-Warming Denial (19 comments)

Actor and Activist James Cromwell on the Consequence of "Doing Nothing" (2 comments)

Is Trump a White Supremacist? Yes, But So is America (16 comments)

The Censorious Vortex of the "Flash News" Barons (1 comments)

Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario (6 comments)

Indian police absolved of murky encounter killing 8 escaped Muslim prisoners

Fool Me Twice: Trojan Horse Democrats Pile Into the House of Single-Payer (3 comments)

Iowa Democrats Unite Behind Cathy and Pete

Capitalism is the Problem (49 comments)

Welcome to No War 2017: War and the Environment

Friday, September 22:

Jamie Dimon is Right to Fear Cryptocurrency (43 comments)

Two Speeches at Fulton, 71 Years Apart (1 comments)

Trump's Was One of the Most Bizarre UN Speeches in History (3 comments)

Barbarism and Shame: Why the US Refuses a Korea Peace Treaty (9 comments)

Lisa Murkowski's bribe -- and the GOP's shameless health care scam (1 comments)

The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate (3 comments)

U.S. Korea Policy, "Mutually Assured Madness" (35 comments)

Hillary Clinton Tries to Explain "What Happened" (3 comments)

Tell Me No Lies (3 comments)

Reframe "climate change," in 3 Steps! (1 comments)

Thank you, Smotrich

Civil Society Rises to Confront Disasters

The growing affinity between Netanyahu's Israel and the West's far-right is hardly surprising

Brute isolation: Trump and the art of unraveling the Iran deal (2 comments)

How the US Became a Warmonger Police State

Trump on single payer healthcare: "A CURSE on this country and the American people." (9 comments)

The Unbearable Whiteness of Being (1 comments)

Syria's defeat of US backed terrorists will be a victory for people of the West (3 comments)

Thursday, September 21:

Donald Trump's Addiction to Violence (3 comments)

Sanders Foreign Policy Speech at Westminster College (27 comments)

Nuclear Plants Plus Hurricanes: Disasters Waiting to Happen (4 comments)

The killing of history (7 comments)

Russian special forces repel a US-planned attack in Syria, denounce the USA and issue a stark warning (9 comments)

If You Don't Have Good Health Care, Neither Should Your Rep (4 comments)

Trump at the UN: Nuremberg Redux (2 comments)

Courting the Global South: Will Israel Become a UN Security Council Member?

Fractal Kings (3 comments)

Seven Good Reasons Why Climate Change Is No Hoax, Mr. Trump (4 comments)

Trump's United Nations Speech: Abridged Edition

Donald Trump: International Terrorist, Lunatic & Hypocrite (5 comments)

Revolutionary Medicine: The Change We Need (4 comments)

Wednesday, September 20:

Is Identity Politics Brewing a Holocaust?

More Holes in Russia-gate Narrative (5 comments)

Medicare-For-All: Open Rebellion, Paid Politicians & Net Family Savings (2 comments)

Unmasked: Trump Doctrine vows carnage for new axis of evil (9 comments)

Trump's First Speech Before the UN Was an Absurd, Bombastic Disaster

Trump's speech at the UN yesterday was completely Orwellian

Equifax Breach Reveals Terrible Truth of the American Experiment (12 comments)

Freedom Is a Myth: We Are All Prisoners of the Police State's Panopticon Village (1 comments)

Meet Dulce Garcia: DREAMer & Immigration Lawyer Who Is Suing Trump for Ending DACA

Let Jeffrey Sterling Go

More Thoughts on Trump's UN Declaration of War Against Iran and North Korea

In Memory of Air Chief Marshal Arjan Singh (1 comments)

Rules? Where we're going we don't need"rules. (4 comments)

In Aftermath: Revelation or Denial (8 comments)

Saturday: The Apocalypse. Sunday: Gays To Celebrate With A Street Fair And Beer Bust! (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 19:

W3C Turns the Clock Back on an Open Web (1 comments)

Ready For The Next One (1 comments)

Trump Falls in Line with Interventionism (10 comments)

NRDC's Nature's Voice (2 comments)

Donald Trump took $107 million promised to charities ... and kept it (3 comments)

Tomgram: Ann Jones, When Will They Ever Learn?

Trump's UN Speech

Burns, Novick, PBS documentary found misleading the American public (14 comments)

The Absurdities Mount

Will Judge Overturn Arpaio Pardon? (3 comments)

Rohrabacher vs. The Machine (3 comments)

No Man is Above the Law -- Except on College Campuses (1 comments)

Monday, September 18:

The Best Speech Yet From Any U.S. President (5 comments)

Review: Museum of the American Revolution (3 comments)

Starve Them to Death: Wall Street Journal's Solution to North Korea (4 comments)

Why President Trump Should Support Single-Payer Healthcare (6 comments)

Naomi Klein Warns Europe May Water Down Paris Accord to Win Support from Trump (1 comments)

Janet Yellen and the Fed: Progressives Should Pay Attention (1 comments)

Whatever Happened to America?

Honor the Constitution by Impeaching Jeff Sessions (1 comments)

Tomgram: Michael Klare, The New Face of "War" at Home

$1,945 billion for what? (7 comments)

Sunday, September 17:

The Silencing of Dissent (6 comments)

A Question, A Challenge for Paul Krugman, And All Those Concerned About the Future of Humanity (1 comments)

Democrats seek to prop up Trump's crisis-ridden government (1 comments)

Non-Violent Civil Resistance Works. It May Be the Only Way to Stop America's Next Unnecessary and Illegal War! (2 comments)

The Climate Catastrophe We're All Ignoring

The Push for a Medicare-for-All Plan (3 comments)

Harvard's Cowardice on Chelsea Manning (8 comments)

Donald Trump's Evolving Mass Movement (1 comments)

Why are 'Tevgeri Azadi' Rejecting Barzani tribe referendum?

Ponies for the people? A response to the Clinton view of the Sanders campaign (13 comments)

Returning American-Born Kansans are now Required to Show Birth Certificate--simply even to File for a Driver's License (2 comments)

Chelsea Manning and Harvard -- Let's Talk About Disgrace (2 comments)

Adults in the Room: The Sordid Tale of Greece's Battle Against Austerity and the Troika (2 comments)

The Growing Danger of Dynastic Wealth (10 comments)

Is the individual an outmoded idea? (6 comments)

Saturday, September 16:

Pull Down That Statue of the U.S. Constitution (5 comments)

Will the Courts Save the Dreamers? (1 comments)

Shelter Within The Storm: a dialog on politics and culture (3 comments)

The Slow Dying of Secularism in India (1 comments)

The GOP Is Plowing Ahead with an Audacious Effort to Hijack the Vote and Rig Elections (1 comments)

The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: Robert Jay Lifton and Bill Moyers on "A Duty to Warn"

No Inquiry Needed: Grenfell Tower Fire Was a Crime (2 comments)

Chelsea Manning: The Dystopia We Signed Up For (2 comments)

Mr Trump, tear down this (Korean) wall (4 comments)

Berniecare finally arrives (1 comments)

No: Corporate taxes should be reformed, not cut (3 comments)

Despair of Despair

Friday, September 15:

The NYT's Yellow Journalism on Russia (3 comments)

How North Korea Outmaneuvered U.S. (1 comments)

How to get a health care system for people, not just for corporate profit (8 comments)

Budowsky: How Dems can win it all (1 comments)

Exclusive OpEdNews Interview with David Swanson (16 comments)

Edward Snowden is joining #NoWar2017 by Live Video -- You Can Join in Person

The CIA Director Just Bullied Harvard Into Throwing Chelsea Manning to the Curb (2 comments)

688 New York City Firefighters (30 comments)

Harvard Disgraces Itself to Appease CIA Crybullies (4 comments)

CFAR Candidates: The Real Deal (189 comments)

Everything You've Always Wanted to Know about the Trump-Republican Tax Plan (2 comments)

In this Korean crisis, Trump's bullying tactics aren't working and never will (60 comments)

The Aftermath of Hurricane Donald

35 Years after the Sabra-Shatila Massacre where's "The Resistance"? (2 comments)

Thursday, September 14:

The Democrats Should Bet on Sanders, Not Trump (5 comments)

Is America Still A Beacon Of Light To Other Nations?

The Russian Hacking Story Continues to Unravel (5 comments)

It Is Not Enough to Claim Inclusion (1 comments)

Six Years Ago (2 comments)

SSNs should be for Agency's use, nobody else's: 143 Million Social Security Number Hack is Really About Our Fears (3 comments)

The Clinton Book Tour Is Largely Ignoring the Vital Role of Endless War in the 2016 Election Result (7 comments)

America's Racial Wealth Divide Is Worse Than Thought, Undermining the Middle Class and Deepening Under Trump (1 comments)

Tomgram: Ariel Dorfman, A Tale of Two Donalds

Donald Trump Is Just the Latest Republican to Stoke Racial Division

Medicare For All Can Reshape the "Art of the Possible" (2 comments)

The Russia-China plan for North Korea: stability, connectivity (5 comments)

GOP -- Deadbeat Dads of DACA (1 comments)

Wednesday, September 13:

It's Now Time for Medicare for All (3 comments)

What It Would Take to End Racism and War (1 comments)

The 2020 Race for President Has Begun

Stop talking right now about the threat of climate change. It's here; it's happening (3 comments)

Israeli PM Netanyahu's Support of Corrupt Barzani is a non-starter!

An Economic Lesson for China and Russia

"Single Payer Is a Rational Health-Care System": Exclusive Interview With Bernie Sanders on his "Medicare for All" Plan

11 Questions on the 16th Anniversary of the 9-11 Tragedy; Plus a Bonus Question (11 comments)

Reagan Documents Shed Light on U.S. "Meddling" (3 comments)

Cannon fodder to the "deep state" (5 comments)

How many drug prescriptions do doctors write per year? (1 comments)

How Donald Trump Lied to Conceal His Moscow Business Partner (2 comments)

Tuesday, September 12:

Behold a Pale Horse, and its Rider is Death

Criminal indictments loom large for Israeli PM

Presidential Advisory Commission on "Election Integrity" Second Meeting Today (9/12): Experts Refuting Deplorables (17 comments)

Irma Won't "Wake Up" Climate Change-Denying Republicans. Their Whole Ideology Is On The Line. (4 comments)

Compared to the Benefits of Peace, Spending Money on War Is Insane (4 comments)

The Gathering to Abolish War (2 comments)

Why Hate Speech is Not Free Speech (4 comments)

Has the NYT Gone Collectively Mad? (27 comments)

Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil: The Failures of Charter Accountability (3 comments)

What Matters Is What Happens Next, Not "What Happened" (7 comments)

Want Real Political Change? Hit the Streets -- And Don't Promise to be Nonviolent (13 comments)

Trump's Obstruction Of Justice

My Southern Heritage (7 comments)

The Unspoken Truth behind the Colin Kaepernick Story (16 comments)

Germany's Minister of Defense is the first victim of "Zapad 2017" (2 comments)

Burmese Days (2 comments)

When what They said could never happen in America, Happens" (18 comments)

Pope Francis on Climate Change Deniers: "Man Is Stupid" (18 comments)

Why was American capitalism unable to prepare for Hurricane Irma? (10 comments)

How Outlawing War Changed the World in 1928 (4 comments)

Monday, September 11:

Secretary DeVos, Neurocore, and Competency-Based Workforce Education: A Continuation of Outcomes-Based Behaviorism (1 comments)

Let's Make America Free Again: 230 Years After the Constitution, We're Walking a Dangerous Road (2 comments)

Former Pentagon Chief claims Erdogan is on the Verge of Collapse (2 comments)

Why Expect Justice for Children From a Category 5 Presidency?

It's 9/11 once again and questions abound 16 years later (5 comments)

Welfare for Wall Street: Fees on Retirement Accounts

John Kiriakou: The Constitution Was a Victim of September 11th Too (6 comments)

9-11 Whodunnit? Follow the money! (James Corbett) (9 comments)

America's Willful Negligence Concerning the 9/11 Attacks (94 comments)

16th Anniversary of 9/11 Brings New Development

Climate Change Countdown

Echoes of Iraq -- WMD Fraud in Syria (1 comments)

Sunday, September 10:

The Great Flood (19 comments)

Without defining and defending our "bottom lines," there is no point in being alive. Read on... (24 comments)

The Dangerous Decline of U.S. Hegemony (5 comments)

Who Is Begging for War? We Have Such a Poor Understanding of the Conflict with North Korea (2 comments)

Kucinich: Reclaiming the money power (49 comments)

While Obama humanizes undocumented immigrants and calls them Americans, Trump calls them vomit (4 comments)

Blaming Russia for America's Racist Crimes (8 comments)

DeVos Will Roll Back Obama-Era Protections for Victims of Campus Sexual Assault

The Conference to Save the Environment (3 comments)

A Confession (4 comments)

Charlottesville, Neo-Nazis and the Challenge to Higher Education (1 comments)

Saturday, September 9:

"We Have Never Had Anything Like Them": Bill McKibben on Floods, Winds & Fires Devastating U.S. (5 comments)

Israel Lobbies Shaping Illinois Governor's Race

U.N as Agency Of Imperialism (3 comments)

Is Donald Trump Jr. Trying to Con Congress on the Russia Scandal? (2 comments)

An Isolated Tyrannical Regime -- Not Pyongyang, It's Washington (10 comments)

Are Governments Useless? (1 comments)

Climate-Warming Denial and the Limits of Free Speech (24 comments)

"Time to Fight": Why I'm Co-Sponsoring Bernie's #MedicareforAll Bill (8 comments)

U.N. Enablers of "Aggressive War" (2 comments)

Why Trump Won't Start a War With North Korea (7 comments)

Complaining About Hillary's Campaign Book Is a Huge Waste of the Progressive Movement's Time (7 comments)

Trump's Policy Catastrophe (1 comments)

You Can't Have a Progressive Movement Without Peace (6 comments)

Friday, September 8:

Empire Idiots (3 comments)

Don't Call My Dad the "A" Word: Language matters for people seeking help in the battle against addiction

A Chicken in Every Pot and a Cell Tower on Every Garage (9 comments)

Budowsky: Trump betrays Dreamers

A New Hole in Syria-Sarin Certainty (3 comments)

Paul Ryan's Pronouncements Are Not Enough; Congress Must Censure Trump and Confront White Supremacy (1 comments)

Senate Debates Billions for Insurers while Public Demands Medicare for All (4 comments)

And the Winner Is? The End of the American Century.

Laughing on the Way to Armageddon

Oregon Drug Bill Highlights Growing Chasm Between States and White House (12 comments)

Trump on Debt: Even More Establishment Than The Establishment (23 comments)

A way forward to decrease abortions (9 comments)

Thursday, September 7:

Why We Should Abolish The Debt Ceiling (7 comments)

Dangerous Times: John Pilger Discusses North Korea, China and the Threat of Nuclear War and Accident (4 comments)

Distorted Views of the Enemy and Bush's "Axis of Evil" (8 comments)

The real BRICS bombshell (10 comments)

The Liberation of Deir Ezzor. Remorseless in Defeat. The West Evacuate ISIS Commanders (3 comments)

Ghostly Voices Dancing in the Rain (6 comments)

Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not A Partner

The president's strange way of showing his 'love': Trump Dumps DACA as Well as Child-Maiming Cluster Weapons (1 comments)

The gaping hole in Trump's border wall (2 comments)

NATO makes Latvia vulnerable

The US Has To Accept North Korea As A Nuclear Power (4 comments)

Tomgram: Danny Sjursen, Whose Side Are You On?

Three Years after the War: Gaza Youth Speak Out

Korea --- A Settlement? Very Possible, Highly Unlikely, But ---

Disaster Recovery Should Heal, Not Divide, Our Communities (2 comments)

Sessions Is Wrong: There Is No Legal Justification for Ending DACA (1 comments)

Why the Attacks on Antifa Are Shameful--And Why These Attacks MUST BE OPPOSED (26 comments)

Wednesday, September 6:

Utah Case Highlights Need for Separation of Medicine and Law Enforcement (2 comments)

Reclaiming Gotham: Juan Gonza'lez on Cities Leading the Revolt Against Trumpism & Neoliberal Policies

Growing Fears in Immigrant Communities

I hope to see yall at these upcoming awesome events

American Muslims 16 years after 9/11 (3 comments)

What Country Is This? Forced Blood Draws, Cavity Searches and Colonoscopies

Obama Screwed the DACA Dreamers Before Trump Did (5 comments)

9-11 Started the Last Phase of Empire

Grilled: My experience at the Israeli border

When the Parades Are Over, Who Stands With Unions? (1 comments)

The Next Subprime Loan Crisis (1 comments)

The "Musa Sadr is Alive" Hoax has Deceived Lebanon's Shia for 39 years

History Contested, Courage Wasted and Perfidy Rewarded (6 comments)

Tuesday, September 5:

Pollsters Must Ask: Do You Trust Trump With N. Korea? (13 comments)

Bernie Releases Blueprint for GOP Demise (11 comments)

Google, Trump, and the Arrogance of Power (1 comments)

The FBI's Spy and Whistleblower Shell Game (3 comments)

America's Wars Are Making Us Less Free and Safe (3 comments)

White House says Trump won't sign DACA replacement, has no interest in helping Dreamers (1 comments)

DACA Is ALL About Wall Leverage (7 comments)

Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Last Men Standing

Houston, Bangladesh, and Global Warming (1 comments)

Why CEOs are Turning on Trump (3 comments)

End Games: The Apocalyptic Trope That Swallowed the World (13 comments)

Labor Day 2017

Freedom from mind-controlled education (1 comments)

Stop Allowing YOUR Emperor to Threaten Nuclear Apocalypse (10 comments)

Congress, Do Something! (Better Yet, DONT!) (6 comments)

Monday, September 4:

There Is A Rot Across The Land (2 comments)

The Vanishing American Dream

How "Regime Change" Wars Led to Korea Crisis (14 comments)

The Immigrants' Dilemma

This Labor Day, Remember That Martin Luther King's Last Campaign Was for Workers' Rights (1 comments)

This Labor Day the Struggle Continues (1 comments)

The Trump crowd can't see the forest for the trees (14 comments)

Climate Breakdown (5 comments)

What the Media isn't Telling You About North Korea's Missile Tests (27 comments)

Syria: The Empire's Defeat (3 comments)

Fake Views, and the Don's Brilliance (4 comments)

Conference to Bring Together Environmental and Peace Movements

Re-imagining Work (9 comments)

Sunday, September 3:

Diseases of Despair (14 comments)

The Iron Heel Eradicates YOU! Literally. Jack London explained it in 1916. (15 comments)

Climate Reality-- Severe Exacerbation, not gentle increases (18 comments)

Socialism: opiate of the masses (9 comments)

America: Best at Everything including Movies (?) (4 comments)

God Blesses Houston (8 comments)

U.S. Healthcare Fails to Deliver (5 comments)

Kindness and Activism (19 comments)

Free Speech: Heritage v. Hate and Harvey v. Trump Dysfunction (11 comments)

Crusaders and Zionists (1 comments)

Who will pay for the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey? (2 comments)

Saturday, September 2:

Korea Crisis Exposes Orwellian West (4 comments)

Russia-gate's Totalitarian Style (5 comments)

Can the Politicians Heed the Lessons of Hurricane Harvey? (1 comments)

Robert E. Lee's Ubiquitous Presence

Russia, US, Iran and Israel War for Syria (10 comments)

Standing Up to Nazism (2 comments)

Dear Billionaires... (2 comments)

The Donald's Promises

Five Choices (11 comments)

Privilege and Opportunity (3 comments)

CIA Whistleblower Risks All to Expose the Shadow Government (24 comments)

(Sunday Homily) Hurricane Harvey: Its Three Unspeakable Descriptors (15 comments)

Friday, September 1:

In Europe, Hate Speech Laws are Often Used to Suppress and Punish Left-Wing Viewpoints (2 comments)

Nobel Prize Winners Name Trump and His "Ignorance" as Top Threats to World Population (8 comments)

Michael Uhl: Previewing the Burns/Novick PBS Vietnam documentary: A Tale of Two Critics

Trump's Tax Plan Is a Confidence Scam (4 comments)

When Big Money Buys Off Criticism of Big Money (4 comments)

Is U.S. Congress Declaring War on WikiLeaks? (1 comments)

Job Growth Weakens in August

Seymour Hersh Honored for Integrity (2 comments)

Medicare: We Cannot Begin From a Position of Compromise. Sanders Bill "To Cover All Americans"? (14 comments)

Pouring trillions into the black hole of war while our national infrastructure continues to decay (24 comments)

Hurricane Wars (9 comments)

South Korea's War Crimes Still Haunt Vietnam (2 comments)

ISIS as Place Setters (8 comments)

Preparedness versus "Price-Gouging": Don't Hold Out for a Hero (1 comments)

Trump's Big Deal


Complete Archives