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Sci Tech    H2'ed 4/21/23

German Nuclear Energy Was Shuttered by Nuclear Industry Lies and Fraud

Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow
Message Robert A. Leishear, PhD, PE, ASME Fellow

False information for more than forty years from the nuclear industry has directly resulted in the unnecessary shutdown of all of the nuclear reactor power plants in Germany. In fact, German nuclear energy has shut down due to ongoing lies about explosion hazards in the nuclear industry. If nuclear power plant explosion facts are accepted by the nuclear industry, nuclear power plant hydrogen explosions can be prevented, where such explosions underpin nuclear reactor shutdowns.

The issues for supporting continued nuclear reactor operations in Germany are complicated ("Germany Shuts Down Its Last Nuclear Power Reactors", click here; "Nuclear Power in Germany", click here). However, the primary reason for shutting down these reactors is a fraud in itself ("The Autoignition of Nuclear Reactor Power Plant Explosions", click here). There is so much nonsense published by the press that the facts are not clearly known to the general public ("Press Censorship and the Nuclear Power Plant Explosions That Still Bang at Our Doors", click here).

Fighting the Fraud of the Nuclear Industry

I have waged a one-man-war against the nuclear industry for more than a dozen years to force this industry to acknowledge nuclear dangers, and fix this preventable explosion safety inadequacy.

I accused the US NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) of fraud, when I stated that 'The U.S. NRC lied to us. Government accountability must be questioned and confronted when we are endangered by that government' ("Deceit is the Core of Nuclear Power Explosion Safety, click here).

I accused the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) of fraud, when I stated that, 'On the war front of nuclear disaster, the IAEA refused to consider legitimate methods to prevent a potential explosive nuclear disaster, and the IAEA risked lives, homes, businesses, lands, and waterways to potential Ukraine radioactive explosions' ("The Ukraine Nuclear Scare - The IAEA Endangered Europe and Russia", click here).

'I have accused, and still accuse, the nuclear industry of covering up explosions in nuclear power plants. Such explosions endanger lives and the environment. Nuclear regulators and the ANS [American Nuclear Society] thwart nuclear power plant explosion safety.' 'Explosions can be prevented, yet those who influence nuclear industry safety fail to act' ("The American Nuclear Society Covers-up Nuclear Power Plant Explosions, Endangering Lives and the Environment", click here).

I hereby accuse the Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) of fraud with respect to incompetent reports concerning the Fukushima explosions. The NRA refused to respond to multiple requests for Fukushima data to augment a Fukushima explosion investigation to save lives. The NRA does not comment or respond to any requests or technical reports concerning Fukushima. This accusation and a paraphrased version of this Op Ed has been submitted to the Japan Times, but publication is not expected.

Preventable Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion Damages ('Nuclear Power Plants Are Not So Safe: Fluid Transients / Water Hammers, Autoignition, Explosions, Accident Predictions and Ethics')
Preventable Fukushima Nuclear Plant Explosion Damages ('Nuclear Power Plants Are Not So Safe: Fluid Transients / Water Hammers, Autoignition, Explosions, Accident Predictions and Ethics')
(Image by U.S. government)
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The Fukushima Fraud and Cover-up

The most significant factor for the closure of nuclear plants was the Fukushima disaster, which was preventable, and the next expected explosion disaster in the next 16 years is also preventable. The Three Mile Island and Fukushima disasters detonated nearly identical explosions, where Three Mile Island primarily differed from Fukushima blasts by the blast sizes of smaller TMI explosions.

The 'Fukushima disaster showed that ''even in a high-tech country like Japan, the risks associated with nuclear energy cannot be controlled 100%'', Angela Merkel, Germany's then-chancellor, said at the time.' Since the technical basis for this statement has since been shown to be fraudulent, this opinion no longer has merit. The primary political influences for German reactor shutdowns were Chernobyl and Fukushima explosions (Figure 2).

If politicians are provided false information by the nuclear industry, those politicians can hardly be accountable for resulting poor decisions.

Figure 2: German reactor shutdowns
Figure 2: German reactor shutdowns
(Image by Leishear Engineering, LLC, Data from World Nuclear Association (world-nuclear.org/information-library/country-profiles/countries-g-n/germany.aspx))
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The Fraud and Cover-up of Small Nuclear Plant Explosions

While small explosions in nuclear plants continue unabated, explosion dangers to the public are preventable. Such smaller explosions were also a significant factor in the shutdown of German reactors, since a hydrogen explosion detonated a pipe in a Brunsbuttel, Germany reactor ("Nuclear Power Plant Explosions Keep on Coming - The Monticello Nuclear Plant Joins the List of Exploding Nuclear Plants", click here). Due to the ongoing cover-up, nobody knows how many small explosions there have been - perhaps hundreds or multiples thereof.

The Nuclear Industry Fraud

Is an accusation of fraud too strong? I think not.

Nuclear industry regulators and plant operators have been warned for years of explosion dangers and preventive actions ("Stop A Potential Radioactive Europe and Russia - A Letter To Energoatom, The Ukraine Nuclear Power Company", click here). Nuclear plant explosions can be stopped throughout the entire nuclear power industry!

However, this industry turns over more than an estimated $439 million per day for 439 operating nuclear reactors, and this industry has extraordinary net profits at stake. Moreover, net profits are more than $160 trillion per year, and every six and a half years estimated net profits exceed a quadrillion-dollars ($1,040,000,000,000,000).

Of course, there is no surprise that the nuclear industry blocks new technology that questions nuclear reactor safety with respect to preventable hydrogen explosions. The safety analysis paper work alone is expected to approach $439 million, or a day's net profit. Nuclear industry leaders and governments lie to us and protect profits.

Unneeded German Nuclear Plant Shutdowns

Here we are. "Germany has shut down its last three nuclear power plants, and some climate scientists are aghast"(Click Here).

German nuclear reactors could have operated safely if the nuclear industry did not lie to us. The nuclear industry's frauds to conceal the dangers of nuclear power plant explosions have now thwarted the progress of the nuclear industry itself. That is, nuclear plants that can be operated safely were shut down due to a fraudulent cause.

The Fraud Continues

The NRC, IAEA, NEA, and Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA) all continue to refuse to respond to any and all emails and publications. Comprehensive, peer reviewed reference proofs for this research are available (Click Here).

Along with the following message, a link to this Op Ed was forwarded to each of these agencies for comment immediately after publication.

German Nuclear Energy Was Shuttered by Nuclear Industry Lies and Fraud

Decisions to thwart nuclear safety have consequences, as discussed in the referenced Op Ed, "German Nuclear Energy Was Shuttered by Nuclear Industry Lies and Fraud".
Although a tweet was forwarded to the NRA, the NRA blocked this email on their website when the email was re-titled, "An Accusation of NRA Fukushima Fraud". Previously, the word 'explosion' was blocked from emails, but now my emails are blocked as well.

Addendum: Censorship of Nuclear Plant Explosions Research

This new technology is still censored by the ANS and the mainstream press. OpEd News is still the only news outlet that will publish this scientific research to the public.

Recently, the ANS President agreed to consider publishing my research in the ANS Nuclear News, where he responded to the following emails. Even so, further requests to publish through the ANS have been ignored. ANS and press censorships of this research are in full force.

'Nuclear Plant Explosions Research

The ongoing ANS censorship of new nuclear power plant explosion information constitutes a disservice to the nuclear industry. See Click Here'.

'New Technology to Stop the Next Nuclear Power Plant Explosion

I have worked most of the past six years to stop the next Fukushima-type explosion, and the ANS censors the publication of new technology to prevent such explosions. Potential Ukraine explosions highlighted the need to apply this new technology.

Through years of long nights and weekends, I have made new discoveries, and I have published these discoveries in ASME, ANS, and other conference and journal publications.

The facts are quite clear. Fluid transients ignite explosions in nuclear power plants, these explosions can be stopped, and the nuclear industry fears new technology more than they fear nuclear plant explosions. A series of OpEds present this new theory, where a thread to other OpEds and Journal articles can be found in "Stop a Potential Radioactive Europe and Russia - A Letter to Energoatom, the Ukraine Nuclear Power Company (Click Here).

Respectfully, I request that the ANS reconsider their refusal to publish this new technology through the ANS News. Not even an editorial will be allowed [by the ANS]'.

(Article changed on Apr 24, 2023 at 5:25 AM EDT)

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Robert A. Leishear, PhD, P.E., PMP, ASME Fellow, Who's Who in America Top Engineer, NACE Senior Corrosion Technologist, NACE Senior Internal Piping Corrosion Technologist, ANSYS Expert, AMPP Certified Protective Coatings Inspector, NACE Cathodic (more...)

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