The French Penly 1 nuclear power plant is the latest cover-up of hydrogen explosions in nuclear plants. When will nuclear reactor explosion safety be a priority? When will our lives and our environment be more important than cheerleading for the nuclear industry?
New information on this explosive topic is that here we are again and again, over and over ("Ringhals 4 and the Next Nuclear Power Plant Explosion Prediction"). Concisely stated, more explosions have damaged pipes in nuclear power plants, and the nuclear industry and the regulators who are expected to protect us refuse to act.
I am of the opinion that nuclear is a critical part of our energy future. However, accepting hydrogen explosion risks and risks to lives from nuclear reactor plants is unacceptable.
The Penly 1 Cover-ups
Multiple news sources have reported the most recent nuclear reactor system damages at French nuclear reactor plants. The 'French energy group EDF has reported discovering a significant new crack in a cooling pipe [- six inches long -] at a nuclear power plant,' 'in the latest such incident to plague the energy sector. The group has been beset by maintenance problems at its ageing park of reactors over the last year that have forced it to take more than a dozen of them offline for checks and emergency repairs ("Crack in French nuclear reactor pipe highlights maintenance issues for state-run EDF's aging plants", click here).
A year ago, a pump reportedly leaked oil and caused a fire at this same plant ("Radioactive leak at France's Penly plant after fires break out", click here).
The press quite simply regurgitates whatever they are falsely told by reactor operators and regulators.

Figure 1: A 2001 hydrogen explosion in a 6 inch pipe at Hamaoka, Japan
(Image by Japanese governement) Details DMCA
The Facts
Pipes and pumps do not crack and leak unless there are causes. Explosions of hydrogen inside the reactor systems explain those causes. In a series of Op Eds and peer-reviewed engineering journal publications, I have proved this conclusion (Leishear Engineering, LLC,"
Water hammers are caused by pump and valve operations, which in turn explode flammable hydrogen that is formed from radiation or heat inside nuclear reactors. ("You can stop an explosive nuclear disaster: A message to nuclear power operators" (Click Here).
However, the Press, the nuclear industry regulators, and the nuclear reactor operators continually refuse to address this major safety concern ("The U.S. Government Murders Us Through Indifference and Deceit - Cover-ups Throughout U.S. Industries"; "Nuclear Threats - Part 6 - The Power of the Press to Crush Dissenting Opinions - The Reagan Years, the Past, and Today", click here).
Small explosions crack pipes like Penly 1 and Diablo Canyon ("One More Government Cover-up: The Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactor System Explosions and Resultant Leak").
Slightly larger explosions burst pipes like those in Brunsbuettel, Germany, and Hamaoko, Japan ("Nuclear Power Plant Explosions and Damages During Routine Operations").
Explosions and water hammers crack underground pipes to release tritium into water supplies. Many tritium leaks are known ("Tritium leaks found at many nuke sites", click here). Recent theory proves that fatigue corrosion cracks pipes to accelerate underground piping corrosion, which can leak tritiated water into the ground (Water Hammer and Fatigue Corrosion", publications in process, Even so, tritium tends to migrate, or diffuse, out of water. For example, tens of thousands of tritium contaminated water were placed in storage tanks at Savannah River Site in 1992, and the tritium evaporated into the air over several years, where tritium release rates were not exceeded. The tritium problem moved somewhere else.
Other explosions damage nuclear fuel in nuclear reactors ("China Denies Radiation Leak at Reactor but Admits Fuel Rod Damage", click here).
The biggest explosions blow up nuclear reactor buildings like Fukushima ("Nuclear Threats - Part 5 - An Incoming Nuclear Plant Explosion Disaster- Zaporizhzhia Near Missed This Next Disaster").
All of these explosions are denied and censored by the nuclear industry. Stop nuclear power plant explosions!!!!!!
Perhaps one nuclear reactor operator or one nuclear reactor regulator will act to stop explosions in nuclear power plants. If actions are taken in one plant, others may be forced to follow to save lives and the environment.
The following message was submitted to France's Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).
Hydrogen explosions in nuclear power plants crack pipes. See "How Many Nuclear Power Plant Hydrogen Explosions are Enough? Penly 1 In France Is Now On The Explosions List",
(Article changed on Mar 13, 2023 at 8:37 PM EDT)