Connect the dots:
There was no DNA evidence linking the Moslem patsies to it, there were no traceable boat parts, friendly vessels "just happened" to be close by, the ship was quickly sent back to the US for repair with no real investigation, there was no video from the destroyer itself despite all of its high security, alleged Yemeni CCTV video doesn't even show the explosion, the armed sentries were all on stand down and could only have fired first with orders from the captain or another officer, the bombs went off near the galley at lunchtime, the very hallmark of an inside job, many eyewitnesses and the mainstream media were clearly in on it (some even reported that the sailors on deck were talking with the Moslem patsies on the alleged boat before the bombs went off, and you can't converse with a hologram), the June, 2001 video of bin Laden bragging about it is an obvious fake, FBI agents were rushed over there to start the cover-up operation immediately, and the friendly Yemeni government didn't even have any alleged accomplices to turn over to us and isn't holding any of them now, proving that we tried to frame them.
This was obviously staged by elements within the US government, probably the CIA, with help from the Navy, Marines, and Larry Silverstein, to give us an excuse to execute a completely innocent Saudi Arabian citizen of Yemeni descent after holding him in Gitmo for a few years. And hadn't the PNAC also just recently said that some of our Navy ships might be obsolete? To me, that's the real smoking gun, and luckily for the rest of the crew on the USS Cole, most of the planted explosives didn't go off, so it's likely that the perpetrators also bombed the Murrah Building in 1995 just so they could execute another innocent patsy, and to get rid of an unwanted building.