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Will Potter

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Will Potter is an award-winning reporter who focuses on how lawmakers and corporations have labeled animal rights and environmental activists as "eco-terrorists." Will has written for publications including The Chicago Tribune, The Dallas Morning News and Legal Affairs, and has testified before the U.S. Congress about his reporting. He is the creator of GreenIsTheNewRed.com, where he blogs about the Green Scare and history repeating itself.


OpEd News Member for 789 week(s) and 1 day(s)

18 Articles, 0 Quick Links, 2 Comments, 0 Diaries, 0 Polls

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Monday, July 8, 2013 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Homeland Security Sent Out This Bulletin Warning of a Change.org Petition The Department of Homeland Security distributed a counter-terrorism bulletin to police warning about a Change.org petition against USDA animal cruelty.
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Monday, April 29, 2013 (15 comments) SHARE More Sharing First "Ag-Gag" Prosecution: This Utah Woman Filmed a Slaughterhouse from the Public Street On the heels of so-called "broccoli-rights bills" are their pendants in the food-animal industry. If you try to report cruelty or wrongdoing, you might be sued.
born-free-grand-jury-resister-banner, From ImagesAttr
Monday, November 12, 2012 SHARE More Sharing "Do you intend to answer that for every question?" How activists should respond to a grand jury subpoaena. Grand juries are used to threaten political activists in two ways: 1) by threatening prison time for those who refuse to talk about their political beliefs and political associations and 2) by using these threats, combined with secretive proceedings, to intimidate and disrupt the broader social movement. Here's how one activist anarchist handled it.
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012 SHARE More Sharing U.S. Congressmen Compare Undercover Investigators to Arsonists and Terrorists Most Americans are clueless to the appalling circumstances of our corporate controlled,essentially unregulated food supply & the politicians subservient to it.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing FBI Supplied the Anarchist "Terrorists" Arrested in May Day Plot a plot by the FBI that continues a pattern of behavior in "terrorism" investigations against political activists. Most importantly, undercover FBI agents helped shape the "plot," offered advice on how and where to use explosives, and allegedly sold explosives to the activists.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012 (13 comments) SHARE More Sharing Utah Bill: Videotaping a Factory Farm is Same as Assaulting a Police Officer Utah is the latest state to consider new laws targeting undercover investigators who expose animal welfare abuses on factory farms. A new bill would make photographing animal abuse on par with assaulting a police officer.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Utah Bill Would Make Videotaping a Factory Farm the Same as Assaulting a Police Officer Utah is the latest state to consider new laws targeting undercover investigators who expose animal welfare abuses on factory farms through photographs.
Thursday, January 19, 2012 (13 comments) SHARE More Sharing The FBI and Federal Prosecutors Say My Journalism Is "Extremist" Labeling journalists and blogs as "extremist" in animal activism investigations, is an attack on the First Amendment and a free press.
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Friday, December 23, 2011 (8 comments) SHARE More Sharing FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists if this type of legislation is not overturned, it will set a precedent for corporations to use this model against Occupy Wall Street and anyone else who threaten business as usual.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing "Ag Gag" Bill Reintroduced in Florida, as Animal Activist Faces Felony for Photography Corporations & the politicians who represent them are chipping away at constitutional rights. Bit by bit, year by year, the net widens as they target an ever-growing group of people, such as those who photograph facilities that have sent whales to Sea World, and those who expose animal cruelty on factory farms.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Why Wikileaks is Labeled a "Terrorist Organization," and the Mainstream Press is Not The true threat of Wikileaks, and the reason it is being labeled a terrorist organization is not the content of its documents but the premise of its work. Wikileaks is a "threat" because it challenges the secrecy, control and power upon which all mainstream media outlets and authoritarian regimes depend.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Journalists Who Oppose Wikileaks Are a Disgrace to the Craft The most damning revelations from Wikileaks are not diplomatic cables or military videos, but a clear picture of the state of the American media. This is why Wikileaks is being labeled a terrorist organization, and the mainstream press is not. Wikileaks has illuminated the failures of the mainstream press, and the backlash by top-tier journalists reflects their sycophanting and delusional relationships with government power.
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Monday, October 4, 2010 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing FBI Raids [Insert Social Movement Here] Activists f activist communities are going to survive this repression and move forward, and if we are going to welcome others to join us, we must lay claim to a space between the extremes of patriotic naiveté and hopelessness.
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Monday, September 6, 2010 (7 comments) SHARE More Sharing Calling the Discovery Channel Hostage Taker a "Radical Environmentalist" is Irresponsible and Inaccurate A hostage crisis at the Discovery Channel building has ended with the attacker shot dead, and pundits and reporters are rushing to label him a "radical environmentalist," "eco-terrorist," and "environmental activist." . For talking heads, it is a good soundbite for pushing their political agenda, and for the press is makes a sexier headline, but the label just doesn't make any sense.
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Tuesday, May 4, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Did "Eco-Terrorists" Cause the Gulf Oil Spill? The oil spill in the Gulf is on track to surpass the Exxon Valdez as the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history. That doesn't bode well financially for BP, and it doesn't bode well politically for the drill-baby-drill crowd. So how has the far right responded? By trying to blame it on "eco-terrorists."
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Avatar Labeled "Recruiting Film for Eco-terrorists" the usual corporate cheerleaders have been warning audiences that Avatar is actually pushing a radical environmentalist message,
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Wednesday, January 6, 2010 (14 comments) SHARE More Sharing Appellate Court: Encouraging Civil Disobedience is Not Protected Speech a landmark free speech ruling that lowers the threshold of what types of conduct are protected by the First Amendment, and upholds a law that is so broad that it targets civil disobedience as "terrorism."

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