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(2 comments)Friday, June 15, 2012 Breitbart's Corpse Interviewed in Hell SHARE
The loss of the notorious right-wing swine Andrew Breitbart has probably left many liberals and progressives with an empty place in their hearts. In this exclusive interview from hell we can catch up with our old friend to see how things are going.
Monday, June 11, 2012 Right-Wing Lynch Mob Closes in on Obama SHARE
What years of pimping the bogus Solyndra affair couldn't do the fascist Republican machine is now about to accomplish with the inquisition over alleged White House leaks on cyberwars and kill lists. With the insipid media whore of a cadaver that is John McCain taking out his frustration on the black man who kept him out of the WHITE House taking point the devils in the GOP machine are trying to conjure up a new Watergate for the embattled pope of hope.
(3 comments)Sunday, June 10, 2012 American Scum: Republicans Bask in the Scent of Fresh Blood SHARE
After the television assisted murder of organized labor in Wisconsin last week the resurgent fascist Republican party is drunk on the smell of fresh blood and hubris as they mobilize to drive the infidel Obama from the WHITE House in disgrace and shame this November.
(5 comments)Wednesday, June 6, 2012 Cheeseheads Rejoice In Sticking it to Kenyan in the WHITE House SHARE
The long-hyped Wisconsin recall election has ended and Koch Brothers money combined with a TV addled populace has delivered the corrupt and hateful right-wingers with a huge victory in the war for America's soul. This one has to hurt Obama and hundreds of millions of advertising dollars are soon to be pumped into mobilizing the morons for Mitt as the Republican terrorist organization aims to regain control over the spoils system. Cheer up liberals and progressives, the police state that Obama failed to do anything to dismantle will soon be directed against any opposition to the corporate fascist state.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 Memorial Day: Spitting on the Dead SHARE
Here on the great star-spangled lemming farm is there any more perverted national "holiday" than Memorial Day? Once a day to honor the war dead it has turned into just another diseased opus to parasitical U.S. capitalism. There are glorious sales featuring Chinese made electronic goods, cynical politicians pandering to fools and most important of all, a national sanctioning for even more to die like dogs in foreign wars waged for Exxon-Mobil and other corporate monsters.
Monday, January 2, 2012 Of Hucksters and Hayseeds: GOP Trolls for Rubes in Iowa SHARE
One of the big lies that is peddled to Americans by the corporate media and the rotten to the core political system that it serves is that the state of Iowa is an important indicator of all things American. Nowhere is this whopper of a fib more apparent than the ongoing Republican carnival of perversion that is the Iowa caucuses. The demographics of the Hawkeye state are so unrepresentative of those of the country as a whole so as render the entire mockery of a charade laughable. Yet the shills and carnival barkers of the mainstream media once again perpetuate the lie.
(4 comments)Thursday, December 29, 2011 No Christmas Miracles: Tim Tebow Exposed SHARE
The nauseating hype over the right-wing religious machine's Kim Kardashian, the full blown manufactured celebrity with crossover appeal that is Tim Tebow took a big hit on Christmas Eve. The greatest quarterback in NFL history who can't throw the ball on a consistent basis was embarrassed in Buffalo 40-14, a result that caused much weeping and gnashing of teeth among the believers and right-wing Republican swine. To add insult to injury HBO's Bill Maher dared to blaspheme Orange Jesus in a post-game tweet setting off a firestorm of biblical proportions as the perpetually persecuted haters, the stone bigots of the Religious Right bleated for blood.
(3 comments)Saturday, November 5, 2011 Red State: The Enemy Within SHARE
Not that it is going to receive any attention in the corrupt corporate media but Kevin Smith's new movie "Red State" is a must see. An explosive tale that deals with the serious haters of the far-right Christians who have zero in common with Jesus Christ and use their religion as a cover for their serious plans for American society. The film also presents a criticism of law enforcement that has been militarized and no-longer restrained by the gutted Constitution.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 Pat Buchanan's White Supremacist Republican Vision SHARE
I have to admit that I actually have a sort of twisted admiration for Patrick J. Buchanan. He is an old school type who is unabashedly honest in his dislike for non-whites and his latest book from early indications is the most racist tome since Mein Kampf. Of course he recently published a pro-Hitler revisionist view of WW II so it is consistent for this old dinosaur as he brays while being sucked into the tar pit of history.
(1 comments)Sunday, October 9, 2011 Uncle Tom's Pizza Cabin SHARE
In the coordinated pushback against the growing movement against corporate greed and capitalism gone cancerous it is up to Herman Cain to play the Spiro Agnew roll right out of the old Nixon playbook. Calling out the people in the streets as hippies, losers and freaks is vintage Nixon. Ironic that one who would have been silenced under the Southern Strategy would be the lead attack dog.
(7 comments)Saturday, October 8, 2011 Tea Party Swine Squeal Over Occupy Wall Street Protests SHARE
The Occupy Wall Street Movement just bagged two huge endorsements Friday in being denounced by New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a friend of the job destroying banksters and the insipid GOP Majority Leader Eric Cantor. The whole phony tea party myth is on the cusp of being blown up and they are terrified.
(2 comments)Friday, September 16, 2011 The Orgy Of 9/11 Exploitation SHARE
In a land bereft of common decency it was to be expected that the tenth anniversary gala that commemorated the American Reichstag Fire of 9/11 would be hijacked and perverted. The official lies of that day when the reset button was hit on 200+ years and America went fascist were firmly hammered into place. A big assist goes to one of the few institutions more revered than the military, the NFL.
(5 comments)Saturday, September 10, 2011 Right Wing Bullies Cry Foul Over Tea Party Zombies Must Die SHARE
The full blown hypocrisy of the fascist right-wing fifth column is once again on display. There is much weeping and gnashing of pointy teeth over the new online shooter style video game "Tea Party Zombies Must Die". The game is a fun filled journey through a land of teabagger zombies after a Koch Industries bred environmental apocalypse where players can take out their pent up frustrations on various right-wing propagandists. Try it, it's a blast!
(1 comments)Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Rick Perry: The Neocons Have A New Sheriff SHARE
The Republican fascists, specifically the neoconsevatives have ridden the phony tea party insurgency horse to the glue factory. With their silly little faux movement becoming more unpopular by the minute it was time to go back to the well one more time. In Texas Governor Rick Perry the ass kicking cowboy archetype that has served so well is back with a vengeance and is being backed by the same forces that gave the planet one George W. Bush.
Thursday, August 18, 2011 The Great Tebow Crusade: A Sports Metaphor for a Delusional Nation SHARE
With America being slowly swallowed as if by a mutant alien kudzu strain of bizarro Christianity which has permeated our politics, foreign policy and now our entertainment it is only fitting to examine the inexplicable frenzy over Denver Broncos third string QB Tim Tebow. Tebow has been touted by many as the glorious appearing of a new type of celebrity Christ despite his many shortcomings that would have relegated lesser figures without a massive PR machine to irrelevance. A segue into the sports world for me as I have always had a serious jones for professional football.
(1 comments)Sunday, August 14, 2011 Michele Bachmann: About that Iowa Straw Poll... SHARE
With the conservative culture of perpetual victimhood having spent the week raging at the hideous liberal conspiracy behind the Michele Bachmann Newsweek cover photo they should be absolutely delighted with her act of fellatio on a corndog in Iowa.
Monday, August 8, 2011 Lynch Mob Rule SHARE
The downgrading of the U.S. credit rating only masks the ridiculousness of the entire "debate" over the debt. How can any serious "debate" ever take place when the entire idea that we are in this predicament due to subsidizing the plutocratic tax chiselers, corporate job exporters and death freaks borrowing like drunken sailors to finance eternal war is left out? Thanks teabaggers!
(1 comments)Sunday, July 31, 2011 Norwegian Tea: Will Anti-Muslim Crusade Bring Blood to America For 2012? SHARE
The act of right-wing Christian terrorism in Norway last week had many American influences and the anti-Muslim demagoguery that drove Anders Breivik has deeply embedded itself within the fascist Republican Tea Party as well as the Christian Right. An extremely volatile mix ensuring that in 2012 there will be a possibility of blood in the streets.
(2 comments)Monday, July 11, 2011 What Progressives Fail to Understand: This Is War SHARE
With America under total right-wing control despite the farce of the dog and pony show elections that only serve as spectacles to determine which corrupt looter capitalist party controls the spoils system it is time to think differently. What progressives and what passes for the left fail to understand is that this has always been a war and they are on the brink of losing everything. Isn't it time to start fighting back?
(5 comments)Wednesday, July 6, 2011 The Real Reason To Damn Obama SHARE
In his great piece "Obama's Original Sin" former New York Times columnist Frank Rich calls a spade a spade in pointing out how badly that Barack Obama has failed all but the monied Wall Street interests who really run this country. The administration has been one continual series of capitulations, broken promises, failures and surrenders with one exception - the ongoing fealty to those that destroyed the U.S. economy and will never, ever be held accountable by Obama and his miserably botched administration. It is inconceivable that the fascist Republican party, so discredited could soon be back in total control of the U.S. government and we have Obama to thank.
Saturday, August 25, 2007 The Bushreich Battle Of The Bulge SHARE
All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself to the comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeks to reach.