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(8 comments) Wednesday, May 17, 2017 Manufacturing Resistance -- The American Public is Being Manipulated Into IrrelevanceSHARE
Read it and weep, you are all being played and will be right here shilling for Hillary in 2020 despite the warnings of history. "Ironically, “the resistance” is actually sucking all the air
out of what should be real resistance. After spending a few months in the
woods, Hillary is now actively moving to co-opt the entire movement. Why’s she
doing that? I think she still covets the throne, and I think she’s power hungry
and delusional enough to go for it.
Hillary’s positioning to run again, and there’s still no
viable new third party. Even worse, there’s the naive and gullible Bernie
Sanders still trying to “change Democrats from within,” a laughable and useless
exercise. Trump will be two-term president if the left doesn't wake up.
(1 comments) Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Protest in the Era of TrumpSHARE
Progressives and liberals experienced a cathartic weekend. Driven mad by hatred of Donald Trump and the rejection of Hillary Clinton the left rejoiced at a "woman's" march that on closer examination is highly suspect. Michael Krieger hits it out of the park with his insightful look at the big protests, the hijacking of the proceedings by travelers, links of dozens of "woman's" march organizations to Hillary sugar daddy George Soros and most importantly, the presence of numerous top figures of the Democratic party. In a word of warning of the dangers of co-option Krieger wisely warns that Protesting like sheep will lead to nothing good.
(2 comments) Sunday, June 29, 2014 The Cunning Demons of Russian Propaganda, Or What The BBC Forgot To Warn Us AboutSHARE
Very good essay on how the western propaganda machine distorts the truth on Ukraine. We are not getting anything but lies, official conspiracy theories and the cover up of US backed neo-Nazi elements in an "all-in" attempt to demonize Putin and Russia. The author Vera Graziadei who describes herself as a "British Ukranian Russian actress and writer" has done a masterful job here.
Sunday, March 16, 2014 35 countries where the U.S. has supported fascists, drug lords and terroristsSHARE
Despite the solid wall erected by the state-corporate media to keep the ugly truth from seeping out about the US support of fascists and neo-Nazis in the Ukraine coup it is seeping out. While the presstitutes decry the support of such scum as "Putin Propaganda" anyone who understands US history can see clearly exactly what sort of alliances are made by the United States of Hypocrisy.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Sean Wilentz's Epic Snowden-Greenwald-Assange Hit PieceSHARE
In an escalation of the propaganda war to beat back critics of the surveillance state and unconstitutional NSA spying Princeton Historian Sean Wilentz provides a 6,000+ word magnum opus of smears. With the establishment increasingly desperate to crush opposition the rhetoric is being ratcheted up to paint whistleblower Edward Snowden as a traitor and eventually those who are sympathetic as "terrorists". This piece originally appeared in The New Republic but is linked from another source so as to not provide them with the benefit of hit counts. You will probably need a shower to wash off the slime after reading this one.
Monday, January 20, 2014 It’s About Blackmail, Not National SecuritySHARE
What is likely one of yet unspoken of real reasons for massive surveillance by the NSA Alfred McCoy writes of the aspect of blackmail. If there is ever to be any restraints implemented on this spy machine then it must be made clear that preventing "terrorism" is not the high priority that the people are being sold. There much more murky and nefarious aspects to all of this and McCoy nails one of them.
Friday, January 9, 2009 Martial Law, the Financial Bailout, and WarSHARE
Once again the always great Professor Peter Dale Scott comes out with a definitive analysis of the perils of these most dangerous and uncertain of times, of the deep state and the decline of empire. This essay is of particular importance in that it connects the dots between our rotting financial institutions and the police state that is necessary to preserve it and to protect the perpetrators of the grand scale fraud.
Friday, January 2, 2009 The Huffington Post: Israeli-Occupied TerritorySHARE
This is a brilliant piece by Justin Raimondo of antiwar.com that looks at the one-sided anti-Palestinian bent in the U.S. media that is now spreading to the blogs. It is no secret that Israeli hard liners conduct perception management campaigns domestically to influence U.S. public opinion but when the last vestiges of free speech in the blogosphere are muted and paid off what happens to truth? Orwell is spinning in his grave.
Sunday, October 12, 2008 Reagan Palled Around with Terrorists, TooSHARE
Great story on how Ronald Reagan actively worked the Mujahadin (the same sort of group that Republicans refer to now as "Islamofascists") in the great crusade against the demon communism. Also about Reagan's past affiliation with the extremist World Anti-Communist League (WACL), a collection of thugs, Nazis, death squads and terrorists. Yet Reagan is canonized as some sort of saint when his hands are bloodiest of all.
Saturday, October 11, 2008 America's Shadow Government: Part TwoSHARE
In dark times like these it is very encouraging that there is more and more attention being paid to the shadow government and Continuity of Government. It is imperative that citizens demand accountability for this largely unknown but long running program along with its ability to spy on Americans using Main Core, contingency plans for martial law and the resultant dictatorship. This from John Whitehead is a timely article.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 David Brooks: Sarah Palin "Represents A Fatal Cancer To The Republican Party"SHARE
WOW! When the Praetorian Guard of the country club elite of the GOP like shill David Brooks comes out and states that Sarah Sarah Barracuda is "a fatal cancer to the Republican party" you get a feeling of just how close to the abyss that we truly are. I guess that fascistic pep rallies that more appropriately belong in a 1930 circa Munich beer hall where chants of "kill him" and "terrorist" are just too much for even Dave.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008 McCain linked to private group in Iran-Contra caseSHARE
Karl Rove has decided that in order for McCain to take control of the White House and quash any future investigations into Bush regime criminality that Obama must be linked to 'terrorist' Bill Ayers. Now here is as story about McCain's link to some REAL terrorists, the Iran-Contra octopus, Nazi sympathizers The World League For Freedom and Democracy. These are serious thugs, so bad that they had to change names from the WACL.
Saturday, September 27, 2008 Trojan HorseSHARE
Investigative journalist Christopher Ketcham follows up on his earlier brilliant piece "The Last Roundup" which dealt with the Main Core database, PROMIS software and Continuity of Government programs with this hard hitting look at a bit of what should be unacceptable and illegal foreign spying on U.S. citizens. Sadly this won't get much play since our 'special relationship' with the foreign power involved precludes it.
(1 comments) Tuesday, September 9, 2008 Comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke Welcome You to the USSRA (United Socialist State Republic of America)SHARE
Brilliant piece taking the scalpel to the myth of the great and never challenged big con of the 'free market' which is exposed here by the great Nouriel Roubini who was mocked a year ago for predicting the coming economic collapse. You see, the red baiting Republikans are only the Communist party of America with their statism, corruption and obscene greed. This piece should be posted EVERYWHERE as it screams at the hypocrisy.
Friday, September 5, 2008 Sarah Palin: The Xena of the War PartySHARE
When it comes to principled antiwar conservatives from the old school there are few better than Justin Raimondo of the outstanding website Antiwar.com. I personally came to the conclusion fairly recently (after the grim reality that the 2006 Democrats had shanked the antiwar movement in the back) that a progressive, libertarian, paleocon alliance was the ONLY way to derail the war machine. Raimondo gets it as should we all.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008 False notes for the Grand Old PartySHARE
Another brilliant and insightful bit of analysis from the great Asia Times Online - one of the few places where real Americans go to get their information outside grand illusion manufactured by the great sham democracy media kingmakers in the domestic corporate Potemkin Village Press. This one being a spot on piece on Sarah Palin who is the personification of the GOP's "lone unifying principle is stone-cold cynicism." Amen!
Friday, August 15, 2008 Empty DrumsSHARE
You won't find this in the corporate American media. The Asia Times provides and excellent commentary on the Republican party's latest dirty trick to con the electorate into believing that offshore drilling is a panacea for all that ails the economy. This is a Newt Gingrich operation and the 'Pelosi Premium' is a big con job. There will be no oil for a decade and once there is it's all going to be put on the export markets.
(3 comments) Thursday, August 14, 2008 A Pall of Shame on America as Neocon Cookie Crumbles in UkraineSHARE
The referendum in East Ukraine has rubbed a dose of rock salt into the self-inflicted wounds of the neocons as anti-fascist,anti-austerity voters turned out in droves to exercise their right of self-determination against the coup regime in Kiev. Here in The Homeland, the media propaganda machine is on set high. You would think that CNN could at least get the location of Ukraine correct but that's just the way we roll here.
Monday, July 28, 2008 If McCain were a Democrat ...SHARE
The gloves need to come off before the 30 + year running revisionist history of Vietnam and the McCain as a war hero are rolled out like Arc Light by the Republican slime machine. This is a nice little article from the Asia Times (no U.S. media source would dare to print it) on how McCain, a self admitted war criminal would be treated if he were a Democrat. Truth is that he is NO hero and some may even call him a traitor.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 Debt capitalism self-destructsSHARE
The always outstanding Asia Times has another beautiful analysis on the failure of looter capitalism. You won't ever read any of this here in the Homeland as the big lie that capitalism and democracy are one and the same is the greatest taboo of them all. I long ago stopped wasting my time on the domestic corporate propaganda system and articles like this one are a great example why.