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August 2008

Sunday, August 31:

David Michael Green: A Mile High In Denver (1 comments)

Eric Schmeltzer: Palin Almost Recalled As Mayor

Gregory Paul: The Real McCain

Taylor: Statement of Solidarity with NO RNC Organizers in the Twin Cities


ncvoter: They're Back! Women's Voices Women Vote Sowing Confusion Again With "Registration Drive" (2 comments)

Barbara Bellows-TerraNova: Sarah Palin and the Closed Door Energy Forum where Her Water Broke (18 comments)

Richard Clark: *Former McCain Insider Charges Election Fraud. Implicates McCain, Bush, Cheney and Rove (4 comments)

karen timmons: An Open Letter to Barack and Michelle Obama

sherry clark: An All American Race

Sumogirl: A Completely Different Palin

Sandy Shanks: America is going into the tank (1 comments)

Sara Haile-Mariam: Clinton Showdown: After Hardball, What I Still Have to Say (7 comments)

William Cormier: Why Are Mercenaries Being Contracted To Provide Security For Hurricane Gustav? (9 comments)

Zinn Linn: Ibrahim Gribari's UN mission to Burma Ends in Disappointment

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Will McCain's obsession with sex bring him down? (8 comments)

Jill Jackson: Palin in the White House? Not a bad idea! (4 comments)

William John Cox: Holding Murderers Accountable: The Case Against Bush, Cheney, et al (2 comments)

Dean Powers: McCain on Gustav: We'll "Act as Americans not as Republicans"

Paul Kruger: McCain is older than....


Kevin Gosztola: Respond to the RNC Police State: A Call to Action for OEN Journalists (5 comments)

mikel paul: I beg each of you. Listen to this. Every freakin word. (4 comments)

GM Solaiman: Hillary emerged as the new kingmaker

Mary Shaw: RNC, Gustav, and NOLA -- Oh My! (1 comments)

Dustin Moore: *Single Payer Healthcare Gets Mainstream Outlet (3 comments)

P. A. Triot: McCain picks Sarah Palin; GOP weeps (4 comments)

the web: Video: Is Bristol Palin Baby Trig's Mother? Evidence & Pictures (67 comments)

Josh Mitteldorf: Conspiracy Theorist! (10 comments)

Brasch: No News Is Bad News: TV and the Conventions (1 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Democracy in a Cage (7 comments)

steve young: NOT AN ONION HEADLINE OF THE DAY: More Americans Believe Palin Ready To Be President Than Not - Uh-oh (4 comments)

Jared Bernstein: Why McCain's Wealth Matters (2 comments)

Steven Leser: Gustav – A Divine Plague against the Self Proclaimed God Party ? (1 comments)

Sheila Samples: The RCMP, the Highway of Tears, and a Prime Minister Who Doesn't Care (1 comments)

Carol V. Hamilton: Nixon, Agnew, Quayle, Cheney--and Now Palin? (1 comments)

Saturday, August 30:

Steve Elliott: Sarah Palin - Dick Cheney in a Dress (7 comments)

Ed Tubbs: I pull the sheets on Wash Post claim Palin pick makes McCain a maverick (1 comments)

Elizabeth Ferrari: Kristof Still Doesn't Get the Anthrax Story: The Justice Department, Bush Science & Our Sorry Media (7 comments)

Sandy Frost: Hunter S. Thompson, 12 Steps & "Shriners Anonymous" (1 comments)

Jarek Kupsc: *Paging Terry Gilliam, or Why Mother Jones Can't Have It Both Ways (21 comments)

G.E. Nordell: Rebuttal To The Rove-McCain Virus Email

John Little: What Cost This War on Terror (1 comments)

John Toradze: Understanding Putin and the conflict in the Caucasus (4 comments)

Jeremy R. Hammond: Russia Recognizes Separatist Regions' Independence from Georgia

James Mullin: McCain's Mentor, Phil Gramm, has been Wrecking the Economy for Years!

Darren Wolfe: Did McCain Choose Palin to Forestall NRA Endorsement of Barr? (8 comments)

Lani Massey Brown: New machines, new election, & Sarasota's still can't count our votes.

Alamantra: That Which We've Feared ...Has Already Come to Pass (6 comments)

Ray Louis: On the Eve of the Historic RNC Protest

winston: McCain's emptiness.

Michael Bonanno: Interview with Jarek Kupsc, Director, Writer and Star of "The Reflecting Pool" – Part IV

Mark Green: *For Profit Insurer Abuse of Patients and Providers (4 comments)

Robert McElvaine: She's Not Quayle; She's Thomas

Pablo Ouziel: Satirical News and the Build Up to the Third World War

Mark Crispin Miller: Democracy Without Tears: An open letter to Eugene Robinson and Bob Herbert (4 comments)

Rady Ananda: Bob Thaves Tackles e-Voting (5 comments)

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Sometimes A Great Notion: With Palin McCain Ups Chances of Beating Obama (7 comments)

Mick Youther: The Bu$hWorld Report (1 comments)

Roy S. Carson: Why I'm NOT taking up an offer of a job to clean the lavatories at Gold Reserve's Spokane HQ...

Don Williams: Oops! Seems 'Voodoo Christians' conjured wrong storm (3 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Horny old man: Could Sarah Palin actually be THAT desperate? (1 comments)

Peter Duveen: Former Senator Hart Urges Dems to Soften Stance on Russia (1 comments)

Former Venezuelan Ambassador to the United Nations, Milos Alcalay: Former UN Ambassador Milos Alcalay: Why should Venezuelan diplomacy assume the role of a satellite of Russia? (1 comments)

Steven Leser: Palin is like a Dan Quayle light with Ethics Issues (2 comments)

Lord Stirling: WAR WARNING (20 comments)

Mary Shaw: Working the Sarah Palin Puzzle (1 comments)

Guy Razer: The Neocon Fascist Warmongers Have Gone Too Far (11 comments)

jerry lanson: How Democrats Should Take On McCain-Palin (7 comments)

Richard Volaar: The "ObamaNation" of the Two Party System (7 comments)

Albert Milliron: Russia Warns Military Action Over Missile Shield Deployment

Ed Tubbs: The ONLY ones who will vote for John McCain

Betsy L. Angert: Speeches or Solutions

Ed Tubbs: My Sarah Palin mother of all nightmares! (1 comments)

Krishna Hari Pushkar: The Prejudiced Nepalese Media and Anti-Khas Madhesis (2 comments)

Erik Ose: Why Debbie Cook (CA-46) Will Change Congress (6 comments)

Charlotte Laws: Warning to Democrats: Don't House Around

Harris McDowell: They Don't Know Joe: The Secret of Biden's Success in Delaware (1 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: The Perfect Blend of Populism and Nationalism (7 comments)

Richard Power: Weigh the Coverage of Sarah Palin against Aung San Suu Kyi (15 comments)

Rob Kall: Local Alaskans See Sarah As Potent Asset But Vulnerable (7 comments)

sherry clark: Anthrax Could Terrorize Again (5 comments)

Constance Lavender: McCain's Choice Shows Lack of Judgment (20 comments)

steve young: Sarah Palin: Perfect Choice for Hillary Supporters (2 comments)

Marc McDonald: Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: The Right-Wing Lunatic Fringe Loves Palin (6 comments)

Kathlyn Stone: McCain's choice of Palin. Oops! (6 comments)

Mary Lyon: Cue Lloyd Bentsen (6 comments)

Dean Powers: Palin and Husband with McCain is Like a Disney Movie

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Organized crime is America's (secret) 3rd Political Party. (7 comments)

Friday, August 29:

Mary MacElveen: Pro-choice voters must not vote for the McCain/Palin ticket

Project Vote: Electoral Dirty Tricks Coming Soon To An In-Box Near You (1 comments)

Bob Babson: Hawaii Election Integrity Lawsuit Update

Jane Stillwater: From Senator Boxer: McCain is a heartbeat away from someone with NO experience

BroderWriter: John McCain Chooses His Dan Quayle: Political Lightweight Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as VP Running Mate (2 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Interview with Jarek Kupsc, Director, Writer and Star of "The Reflecting Pool" – Part III

William Fisher: GIVE - AND GO TO JAIL?

MediaBloodhound: Scant Coverage of Obama Assassination Plot -- Irresponsible or Cautious?

Bob Patterson: Pondering America's Greatest Shame

Bob Koehler: State of Denial (2 comments)

Robert McElvaine: No Dice to a President Who Loves to Roll Dice

Ed Tubbs: Why I'm a Democrat (2 comments)

Trapper John: Worse Than Quayle (7 comments)

Ed Tubbs: ALERT: A McCain Ad Beyond Rove's Conjuring (5 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Barack Obama: "We cannot turn back"...McCain chooses Palin?

SDrobny: Obama Is Surrounded By Too Many Old White Guys (7 comments)

Rowan Wolf: Obama: The Exception is NOT the Rule (2 comments)

Dean Powers: McCain: Communist Vietnam Sleeper (5 comments)

Barbara Bellows-TerraNova: NPR's Robert Siegel Irresponsible (1 comments)

Richard Spisak: The next president inherits... PART 1

Ralph Lopez: *Will the Charge of "Treason" Stick to George Bush? (2 comments)

Brock Novak: Pakistan Presidency: The Musharraf (I'll Be Back) Resignation (2 comments)

Bob Burnett: Obama Takes Off the Gloves (2 comments)

Siv O'Neall: The Slow Death of Democracy and the Rise of the Corporate Hydra (12 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Bill Clinton's Finest Hour; Barack Obama Takes the Torch

Jonathan Leigh Solomon: A Huge, Huge Mistake Obama Made In His Wonderful, Wonderful Speech (16 comments)

Mary Lyon: The Mile-High Milestone (7 comments)

Thursday, August 28:

Jim Hightowerm (Hightower Lowdown---- published August 28, 2008): If Obama Wins, Who Will Be in His Cabinet? and Who Should Be? (7 comments)

BroderWriter: Got a Traffic Ticket in the Mail for a Right on Red at an Automated Enforcement Light? (18 comments)

Harold Hellickson: So you're proud to be an American (8 comments)

scott creighton: Running Interference for the New DNC Platform of Betrayal: Three Speeches in Two Days

Ralph Lopez: *Would a Charge of Treason Stick to George Bush? (1 comments)

Ed Martin: We need to nail the Constitution to the desk in the Oval Office (3 comments)

Ed Tubbs: A conversation with a ghost. (2 comments)

Alamantra: "The One" : Why right-wing "celebrity attack ads" won't work on Barack Obama (7 comments)

Michael Bonanno: Interview with Jarek Kupsc, Director, Writer and Star of "The Reflecting Pool" - Part II (4 comments)


M. J. Rosenberg: Carville is a Spy for Bush (8 comments)

Ashin Mettacara: *Two Buddhist monks arrested and interrogated in Myanmar (4 comments)

mahdi ibn-ziyad: Obama's Audacious Risk Taking Leadership (4 comments)

OhioBlues: Ken Blackwell Marginalized? (3 comments)

Mary Mancini: How Long Will Americans Have to Stand in Line to Vote THIS November?

Cynthia McKinney-Green Party's Presidential Candidate: It's Time for Real Change--How the Democrats Helped Bush Hijack the Country (8 comments)

Bill Sharon: *Frick and Frack

john de herrera: About The Conventions

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): America's REAL 2 party system: Progressives vs. (dem/pug) Elites (2 comments)

Dean Powers: Huffington Post Attacks NBC, Advances Right Wing Agenda (3 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: "Now, This!" (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Celebrating Obama's Blackness (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: In voting for McCain, some Clinton supporters are dishonoring her (4 comments)

billmon: Really Proud (3 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: With IVAW, the People Courageously Crossed the Line (3 comments)

Bruce K. Gagnon: THAT'S NOT CHANGE, IT'S MORE OF THE SAME (4 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Foreign Policy and National Security Are Not the Same Thing (1 comments)

Democratic Party Platform Committee: Link to final draft of 2008 Democratic Party Platform (2 comments)

Brent Budowsky: The Great Pundit Cable Republican PUMA Fraud (2 comments)

John Little: The Rise and Fall of the US Dollar as the The World Reserve (7 comments)

Luke Ryland: NY Times does it again: More 'Judy Miller' tapdancing (Pt2)

Michael Lubin: Mississippi (7 comments)

Michael Fury: Meet the New Boss (1 comments)

Amy de Miceli: Media Runs False Flag On Alex Jones (17 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Torture As Official Israeli Policy (5 comments)

Mary Lyon: Is This the Day America Started Growing Up? (9 comments)

Wednesday, August 27:

Zaw Nay Aung: Suu Kyi's message to the world: UN is on the wrong track (3 comments)

Bill Clinton: Video Of Bill Clinton Speech at Dem Convention (1 comments)

Sharon Frigiola: F*%K FOX NEWS (10 comments)

Mark Green, MD: Managed Care for Profit Not Answer (1 comments)

John Kerry: Transcript: Sen. John Kerry On Foreign Policy (2 comments)

JC Garrett: Judge Denies Stay for Miers and Bolten (1 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Petition for dropping charges against "child soldier" Mohammad Jawad (2 comments)

Case Wagenvoord: Therapeutic Torture

William McMullin: *We Need Real Energy Solutions; Not Offshore Drilling (1 comments)

Kate Bueler: Why Joe Biden: A prayer from the west coast (3 comments)

Richard C. Cook: *Democrats Should Skip a Party and Read the American Monetary Act (1 comments)

kathryn rubenstein: *Alabama's Governor Riley Used State Appointment to Influence Court (1 comments)

Shirley Bianchi: Aggravation from the Boonies (5 comments)

Dr. Dennis Loo: Moral Turpitude and the Democrats (3 comments)

No Lies Radio: Daily LIVE Convention Coverage on No Lies Radio! On the Streets and on the Floor!!

Michael Bonanno: Bonanno Interviews Jarek Kupsc, Director, Writer and Star of "The Reflecting Pool" – Part I (2 comments)

Robert Cogan: Bipartisan Pathologies

David Griscom: Equal Protection Under the Law? (8 comments)

Jonathan Leigh Solomon: Why Are Senators Worried About Hurting John McCain's Feelings? To Heck With John McCain's Feelings (7 comments)

Dave Lindorff: The Land of the Silent and the Home of the Fearful (7 comments)

John Little: The False Enemies of the United States (29 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: IVAW to March on the DNC (4 comments)

Michael Hayes: *"The Patriot Game" (5 comments)

Bob Burnett: Hillary Hits a Homer (1 comments)

Barbara Zaha: *Oxymoron of the Century: Freedom Cages (3 comments)

steve young: Dear Hillary Supporters Who Still Aren't On Board, (8 comments)

Bernard Weiner: "Shallow Throat": McCain Is a "Catastrophe Waiting to Happen" (2 comments)

Mary Lyon: She Wore Gold and She Was Golden (6 comments)

Mary MacElveen: McCain's Karl Rove tactics can be answered back by his temper

Tuesday, August 26:

Linda Milazzo: Baton-Bashed In Denver! Is This Really What Democracy Looks Like?! (55 comments)

Don Williams: Hillary Supercharges Convention with Electrifying Support for Obama

Roy S. Carson: Comparisons with the debacle over South Ossetia and East-West posturing on phallic prominence are schoolyard at best!

Sandy Shanks: Setting precedents and loss of the moral high ground

Ed Martin: Whether it's McCain or Obama, it's a win-win for Republicans

Laura Nason: Worth Fighting For (2 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: '68 -- Then and Now (Message to DNC Protesters)

Judy Swindler: Who Are These Women? (18 comments)

Leonce Gaiter: Katrina + 3 Years: The 'Nigga' in New Orleans

Mark Biskeborn: Market of Ideas

Claras: Opening Pandora's box of national sovereignty?

Lisa Johnson: Overplaying the POW Card (3 comments)

Robert N Smith: Sickcare or Healthcare or Something Beyond Either Concept?

Laurent Colvin: Theft of Health Care (6 comments)

Bennet Kelley: History, Hope & Hillary: A Call for Party Unity

Robert Reynolds: *Writ of Mandamus

University of The Andees (ULA) Political Sciences Professor, Franz J.T. Lee: Venezuela: The Bolivarian revolution, the struggle to establish socialism on a world scale, is a gigantic task!

Kevin Gosztola: The First Casualty of War is the Truth (7 comments)

Anita: *Is This Really Voting in Florida? (3 comments)

Mike Malloy: Crash... (1 comments)

Richard Clark: How America's Middle Class Was Eviscerated by Bushco, the CIA, and the Republican Overclass

Ashin Mettacara: *Myanmar: The war criminal was elevated by the United Nations, to the position of UN special envoy to Burma (1 comments)

hal smith: Gassed-The truth about price gouging! (4 comments)

Pamela Drew: Will NYTimes Science Stoop To Propaganda? (2 comments)

John Little: European Missle Defense Plan (2 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Paradigm Shift; Change Your Life: (4 comments)

Jonathan Leigh Solomon: By 2011... Funny, If It Wasn't So Sad

Jane Stillwater: Ah the life of a Reporter: McCain tried to kill me & Obama doesn't want me backstage!

Barbara Bellows-TerraNova: A Call for Democrats to Honor Stephanie Tubbs Jones by Spotlighting January 6, 2005

Walter F. Wouk: Let Them Drink (6 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Remembering When the Government Was at Least Approachable (4 comments)

Luke Ryland: NY Times does it again: More 'Judy Miller' tapdancing

Bob Burnett: Who is Barack Obama? (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: A VP Pick for McCain (4 comments)

Brent Budowsky: PUMA: Party Unity, My America (3 comments)

JC Garrett: Michelle Obama's Empty Seats (13 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Michelle Obama reminded all of that empty seat at the table (2 comments)

Monday, August 25:

Mary Lyon: Tears and Bookends

Linda Milazzo: Denver - Your Protestors Should Be Greeted With Flowers! (4 comments)

Paul Roberts: War with Russia Is on the Agenda (21 comments)

Dr. Steve Best: Agent Wayne Pacelle, the Hypocrisy Society of the United States, and the Thrill Kill Cult (8 comments)

Mike Malloy: Lord of the Credit Cards (2 comments)

Robert McElvaine: Sports Fans: Oppose McCain!

Kathlyn Stone: The oligarchs are coming! The oligarchs are coming! (2 comments)

Ed Martin: You can't slime the slimy (2 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Standing at 16th St & Champa: Stories from the DNC in Denver (10 comments)

Vincent Guarisco: John McCain In A "Nutshell"-- Philanderer, War Pimp, Bush Policy Clone, and Neocon Liar... (4 comments)

Rob Kall: No Joke! Fox "News" Attacks CNN for Being Partisan (10 comments)

Joshua Frank: Targeting Pelosi and the War Machine: An Interview with Cindy Sheehan (2 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Will Our Economy EVER Recover? (2 comments)

Mary MacElveen: Glenn Marcus: When a sexual predator is set free on a technicality (21 comments)

JOHN LORENZ: Republicans Plan To Adulterate Convention Coverage (7 comments)

Case Wagenvoord: Rude Economists are Popping our Bubbles (8 comments)

Rob Kall: Cindy Sheehan Bugged in Denver (67 comments)

Robert Jensen: Technological fundamentalism in media and culture (5 comments)

Brock Novak: Georgia Conflict – Part 3: "Purposeful Invasion" Trumping "Reactionary Peacekeeping" (4 comments)

Bob Burnett: The Return of Joementum (1 comments)

steve young: DREDLOCKED! The Biden Combover Bounce Knots Race (2 comments)

Jay Janson: Overplaying the Political Importance of a Country 'Winning' the Olympics

Stephen Lendman: Reinventing the Evil Empire (2 comments)

oekoman: Poli-Oligarchs (9 comments)

Marc McDonald: Will Democratic Delegates Mock McCain With "Purple Heart" Bandages? (13 comments)

Michael Collins: White Paper Justifying Iraq War Written Three Months before Intel Report Arrived (13 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: Deities, Dinosaurs, and the Dangers of Religious Dogma (6 comments)

Sunday, August 24:

William John Cox: America's Economic Future: Nightmare or Vision?

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Talk about being between a rock and a hard place! (17 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: Kuwait Expects to Deport over 800,000 Immigrants

Margaret Bassett: Where Will the Hits Come From? (4 comments)

Phillip Butler: Why I Won't Vote for John McCain (14 comments)


BenMarbleMD: WHEN DOES "LIFE" BEGIN? (9 comments)

Mike Kimball: *Gun Control and the Second Amendment (24 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The new Spartans: Dealing with the results of a militarized America (6 comments)

Rowan Wolf: The Fines We Pay (4 comments)

Frank Silva: BALLS (3 comments)

JOHN LORENZ: Another Example of Associated Press Bias (9 comments)

DC Rapier: *American Exceptionalism (10 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Speaking Out in the Denver Police State (18 comments)

Jeremy R. Hammond: Russia Sends Message to U.S. in Georgia (1 comments)

Brasch: Tear Down THIS Wall (11 comments)

Mary MacElveen: It is time for Clinton supporters to back the Obama/Biden ticket (4 comments)

Robert N Smith: *What is a corporation? A poll with no direct answer. (5 comments)

Ray Louis: Dystopia Now! How bad does it have to get? (3 comments)

Saturday, August 23:

Mary Lyon: A Noun, A Verb, and P.O.W. (1 comments)

Jane LeMond-Alvarez: *Audacious Behavior (3 comments)

James Nimmo: Pillow Talk with Jesus--Faith and Worldview (1 comments)

Chris Herz: Washington lunatics and various foreign policy think-tanks had apparently neither looked at a map nor studied history!

William Helbig: World Trade Center 7 and the NIST Report (7 comments)

Don Williams: Obama/Biden's a brilliant ticket, but only if they win, natch

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Biden makes it A, B,C simple: there's not going to be any "lesser of the evils" (3 comments)

Anthony Wade: Biden Redefines The Election; Now We Need To Stay On Message (17 comments)

Hill Kemp: *McCrash: McCain's Military Record Revisited (8 comments)

Amanda Lang: Eclipsed by the Conventions: Midnight Regulations Reduce Women To "A Uterus With Two Legs" (14 comments)

Harold Hellickson: Who's Running the Show: Who's Got All the Marbles (1 comments)

Dinesh Sharma: American Osiris Rising: Obama's Symbols of Transformation

Case Wagenvoord: Deconstructing the Democratic Platform (2 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: Joe Biden and Political Expediency (1 comments)

chris rice: Bush Lies part II (Prescription Drugs)

Grant Lawrence: The Solution to Much of Our Political Problems

Randy Abel: Memo from the late Sen. Mansfield to Sen. Biden--RE: The new cold war

Dan Fejes: Those Who Did Not Go Crazy (4 comments)

elliot cohen: It's an Oily Night in Georgia for McCain

Mike Krauss: Lou Dobbs: Overpopulation threatens all that makes America great (6 comments)

JohnPeebles: Neo-cons slap a sleeping Bear (1 comments)

John Scanlon: *Sack the Sacks

Betsy L. Angert: The Clinton Factor

Douglas C. Smyth: Vote 3rd Party, Or Not? (6 comments)

Bob Cesca: Senator McCain would forget his head if it wasn't attached

Dave Lindorff: Maybe We Should Just Hope the Republicans Win This Thing... (3 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Biden: Barack Obama acted like a president (1 comments)

Philosopher Jay: Why Did John McCain Really Choose to Remain a POW in Vietnam? (10 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Now Terrorists Set Eyes On Pakistan's Capital (8 comments)

Mary Shaw: Joe Biden: The Yang to Obama's Yin (9 comments)

Rob Kall: Biden's Biggest Vulnerability Should Be Neutralized, Running Against McCain (25 comments)

salah obeid: This Texas Sheriff Says He's Not Any Lone Ranger in His Quest to Bring a Fracking Waste Polluter to Justice (3 comments)

Jim Goodman: G-8 Clueless On Food Policy

Randy Abel: Tom Hayden Warns Netroots to "Recognize the Georgia Conspiracy" (2 comments)

Jim Miles: Deconstructing Brzezinski's Russia (3 comments)

By Lindsay Pollard-Post: Chained dogs are ticking time bombs (4 comments)

Friday, August 22:

Mike Whitney: Bush to Putin: "Get out now!" Putin to Bush: "Nyet!" (6 comments)

Mary Hodgman: *History; to Repeat or Not Repeat That is the Question.

John Carey: Drug Companies – The New Sin Stocks (2 comments)

Mick Youther: The Bu$hWorld Report--The McCain Campaign (2 comments)

Frank J. Ranelli: Just who is Chet Edwards? (2 comments)

Paul Jacobs: AOL is Out of Line! (2 comments)

Michael Collins: The Book They Can't Stop - A Review (46 comments)

kellie bean: The Year of the Butt: Olympic (Un)Coverage (8 comments)

BroderWriter: Obama's Veep-stakes: Bill Richardson? Wesley Clark? (8 comments)

Ed Martin: Really, McCain is NOT a drooling, bumbling idiot. Yet. (3 comments)

Margaret Bassett: What Will the Kids Do? (3 comments)

For Only Two Andrew Jackson Greenbacks, Any Diva Can Look Like an Indian War Chief (1 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Leaving with honor: My 12th and final report from Iraq (1 comments)

Bob Koehler: Predator and Prey (4 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Conform to American Standards; Or Else! (3 comments)

Thursday, August 21:

David Michael Green: John McCain Discovers America

PeterJ: *We Can Take The Bush Administration Out Of Power! (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Is Obama the final nail in the coffin of our pseudo two party system? (13 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Foreign Policy of Fools (2 comments)

hal smith: Ameri-conned (6 comments)

Glen Clancy: The Neo-Cons: A Series Of "Unfortunate" Events (1 comments)

Project Vote: How Voter ID Laws Unfairly Burden Voters And Skew The Electorate

ncvoter: Have Third Parties Been "Punked" By Instant Runoff? (12 comments)

Viki_FL: McCain May Win Election....Thanks to Nancy Pelosi (4 comments)

Nicolai N. Petro: "Prisoners of the Caucasus unite" (3 comments)

Cathy Garger: No More DU, No More Hiroshimas, No More Nagasakis (3 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: A Lost and Found for Credibility (2 comments)

Mike Malloy: Stranger Than Fiction... (9 comments)

Larry Sakin: Spinning Gitmo

M. Davis: Belching, bloviating and biociding our way to extinction (3 comments)

David Glenn Cox: The Happy Happy Joy Club

Roy S. Carson: McCain, Bushes I and II - the same complicity of dictatorship that served Hitler with the means to horrible genocide!

Axin Arbili: US Global Strategy in Georgia (2 comments)

Harold Hellickson: Food for Thought: American Empire, Oil, War, and Beyond

Kim McDaniel: No Debate, No Protest Allowed At Rick Warren's "Civil Forum"

Daniel Pourkesali: Birth Pangs of a New World Disorder (2 comments)

Arthur Joel Katz: In Defense of Lawyers (Yes, Lawyers!) (3 comments)

Rabbi Michael Lerner: 150 Clergy Appeal to Obama (3 comments)

Dean Powers: McCain "More Prepared;" All Preperation Gained in Reviled Congress

George Washington: NIST: "Then a Miracle Occurs" (5 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Things to Do in Denver (2 comments)

Rory OConnor: The Truth, Jon Justice...and the American Way? (1 comments)

Greg Moses: Nationalism vs. Internationalism in S. Ossetia (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Bush and McCain's Reckless Adventurism (2 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Democrats should remove Joe Lieberman as committee chair (With Poll) (3 comments)

Hargrove: Barack Obama's Vice Presidential Pick: Kathleen Sebelius (4 comments)

Bob Burnett: McCain's Surge, Obama's Challenge (2 comments)

steve young: The Standup Comedy Genius of Mr. Bob Barr

MsSwin: Johnny Cash Is Not For Sale (5 comments)


Stephen Lendman: "Peace Mom" v. "Guardian of Power" (2 comments)

Laura Stein: A New Focus for Progressives (5 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Are You a NeoCon? (4 comments)

Jim Miles: Canada's Harper serves as Bush's mouthpiece (1 comments)

Lisa Johnson: Commiting Political Suicide? (23 comments)

Roy S. Carson: East/West? Obama/McCain? It's about time that the gringos understood that Venezuela is for Venezuelans... (1 comments)

Wednesday, August 20:

DC Rapier: *Three Pots Calling the Kettle Black (1 comments)

Michael Hayes: What Are Our Laws Worth Anymore? (3 comments)

Jim Bush: Who Is A Real American? What Do We Really Hope For? And What Should Obama Do?

Deb Della Piana: Our Hypocritical "Environmental" President

Georgianne Nienaber: Louisiana's Landrieu to Bush: Your veto threat cut $157.5 million for six New Orleans area hospitals (7 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Is Obama ever going to stop giving the finger to progressives? (10 comments)

Jonathan Leigh Solomon: End the War in Iraq - A One Minute Film

Sherman Yellen: McCain - The Photo-Shopped Candidate (2 comments)

James Brett: Gorbachev Again With One Side of the Issue (10 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Loserville: Obama Is Channeling Kerry and Gore (18 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Why is This Election So Unnervingly Close? (17 comments)

Luke Ryland: Sibel Edmonds Case: Richard Perle continues criminal enterprise, MSM still silent (1 comments)

Mike Folkerth: War, Oil and Lies:

Rob Kall: New Zogby/Reuters Poll: Obama Down 5, in an Almost Perfect Storm (49 comments)

Ray McGovern: Musharraf Out, Like Nixon; Bush Still In, Like Flynn (4 comments)

JC Garrett: Condi's Cognitive Dissonance: Redux (10 comments)

Marc McDonald: Whatever Happened to the Anger On the Left? (7 comments)

Bernard Weiner: Lies and Criminality About Justice Department and Georgia -- "So?" (3 comments)

Tuesday, August 19:

Michael Moore: "Caroline: Pull a Cheney!" An Open Letter to Caroline Kennedy (head of the Obama VP search team) (3 comments)

Mary Lyon: The Purpose Driven Cheat (2 comments)

Betsy L. Angert: America is One of Three

Ed Tubbs: Obama is getting creamed. (3 comments)

Richard Cook: Stagflation is Here, and It is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Mike Kuykendall: The REAL John McCain (2 comments)

Paul Jacobs: Individual, Inc. (2 comments)

Stephen Unger: We Can Do Better than Instant Runoff Voting (11 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: *Why Not Simply Abolish NATO? (1 comments)

ACLU: *Who's Next on the Terrorist Watchlist?

Robert McElvaine: Obama v. "Oh, Bomb 'Em" (6 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Report from Iraq # 11: Wherein 25 Iraqi journalists invade my bedroom & I meet an admiral

Olga Bonfiglio: A Place Where Beauty Matters (1 comments)

James Murtagh: *Patients and Doctors Demand Protection for Truth-Tellers (6 comments)

James Murtagh: *Join Campaign to Protect Truth-Tellers now!

Ron Fullwood: McCain's Cabal of Nation-Builders and Money Grubbers (2 comments)

Mike Whitney: America On The Couch (5 comments)

Roy S. Carson: Safeguarding Venezuela from foreign pillagers is not enough ... thieves in the house pose a greater danger!

E. Nelson: FBI Admits to Bungling the Anthrax Case Against Dr. Bruce Ivins (4 comments)

mikel weisser: Tax-Avoiders are Un-American (18 comments)

Rob Kall: My energy car dream. (9 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Affecting the Outcome of This Election (17 comments)

Richard Volaar: NSA Security Officer: We Should Just Kill These People (9 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Who Will Replace Dick Cheney? (3 comments)

Walter Brasch: Downsizing the News and Pretending to Increase Quality (3 comments)

Monday, August 18:

Laudyms: The Battle of Evermore

Sheila Samples: Save Lexi Dillon From Harm and Save Orange County $10 million!

MsSwin: John, Thou Shall Not Steal (7 comments)

Lord Stirling: Wars and Rumors of War (2 comments)

ACLU: *Who's Next on the terrroist watchlist?

Ellen Theisen: Vendors are Undermining the Structure of U.S. Elections (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Bush Tours Disaster Area (3 comments)

Martha Moffett: My Corporation Didn't Pay Taxes, But My Modest Salary Picked Up The Slack (18 comments)

Harold Hellickson: A Health Care Proposal (8 comments)

Eric Malone: Nothing to See Here-Move On Dot ARRGH

Elizabeth Ferrari: The Bruce Ivins Anthrax Case coverage, not so good. (6 comments)

Raphael Sidelman: *The declaration of non-dependence (3 comments)

Leonce Gaiter: The Evangelical Jesus Cure for Unforgivable Blackness (1 comments)

Curt Day: The Golden Rule And The New And More Ominous Missile Crisis

Roy S. Carson: Venezuela's Bohemian Rapsody ... "Is this the real life, Is this just fantasy?"

Phyllis Huster: *Banish: Lever Machines, DREs & Opticscans-Support Ballots as Objects (7 comments)

winston: GWOT is only a sick scam which weakened us!

David Glenn Cox: His Time is Short

Ed Martin: It's the way McCain gets it exactly wrong that is his virtue for Republicans (2 comments)

Cyril Mychalejko: RNC: Exporting the "Miami Model" to St. Paul (1 comments)

William Helbig: Russia to US: Checkmate! (1 comments)

James Vega: How to AttacK John McCain-- What Would Rove Do? (4 comments)

Stephen Pizzo: This is NOT your father's GOP (5 comments)

William John Cox: A Vision for Change: An American Energy Policy (3 comments)

Dave Lindorff: Huffing and Puffing at the Pentagon (3 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Why Did Obama Win the Nomination? (20 comments)

Rob Kall: Did McCain Cheat At Saddleback? (35 comments)

Joe Trippi: Why no matter what happens at Saddleback this weekend may spell disaster for the GOP over the long term (2 comments)

Mike Folkerth: U.S. Cities; Living Proof that "Growth is Not Good:" (1 comments)

Bruce K. Gagnon: IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE? (9 comments)

Rama Demetrius Dyushambee, DD: Georgia On My Mind, & Everything Else...

Ed Martin: The magnificent obtuseness of the Washington pundits.

Polidoc: Video of Nader's Nomination Acceptance Speech at CA PFP Convention

Linda Milazzo: Pelosi Gets "Booked" & Confronts Her Own Past (53 comments)

steve young: Obama Forces Voters To Read Book Perverting Truth About Obama (2 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Blockades: Acts of War (5 comments)

Meryl Ann Butler: My Dream VP (18 comments)

Jonathan Leigh Solomon: Satire: Vacation Advice for the Power Elite (1 comments)

Sunday, August 17:

Stephen Crockett: The "Being Stupid" and "Sounding Strong" Policy Connection (1 comments)

Deb Della Piana: We just don't get it (9 comments)

Jane Stillwater: The scariest thing that I've seen in Iraq so far? CNN! (Report from Iraq, Pt. 10) (1 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Fox News on Georgian Invasion; Not Exactly What They Wanted: (6 comments)

Rand Clifford: See No Hemp, Hear No Hemp, Speak No Hemp, Part II (1 comments)


Muhammad Khurshid: Lives Of Millions Are In Danger, But Rulers Are Busy In Power Game (2 comments)

Saturday, August 16:

Anthony Wade: Saddleback: Pandering Disguised as a Political Forum (9 comments)

JC Garrett: McCain: You're Only Rich if You Make $5 Million a Year (20 comments)

William Fisher: THOSE PESKY ACTIVIST JUDGES (1 comments)

Kenneth Anderson: Readjustments in Pipelineistan (7 comments)

Fleur: The Genocide Olympics: Have we forgotten Darfur? (4 comments)

Faye Armitage: Why I Can Beat John Mica (R-FL) (7 comments)

Carol Wolman: *HIS SATANIC MAJESTY (19 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: *Irresponsible Risk-Takers in Command

Greg Moses: Listening to Putin's "Real" Opposition (2 comments)

Douglas C. Smyth: McCain, Georgia and a New Cold War (1 comments)

Jeff Maehr: The U.S. Government's "End Game" for America itself. (3 comments)

bhwhite: *U.S. Intentions Unclear; Israel Lobby Presses for War

David Smith: Time for Progressives to confront the right-wing Doublespeak (7 comments)

Ed Tubbs: America: the home of the cowardly, not the "brave." (9 comments)

Roy S. Carson: Mass media's amateur dramatics that scream "Vampire bats" in the latest re-enactment of "Jaws" hysteria (1 comments)

Theresa Paulfranz: Robert Jenson, I Agree (4 comments)

Ed Tubbs: The Bush administration's banking treacheries. (1 comments)

Benjamin Anosike, Ph.D.: The Media Myth of 'Automatic Qualification' of McCain for President (21 comments)

Curt Day: When a Bad President Sets a Bad Precedent for a Bad President (6 comments)

Harold Hellickson: You Decide: Republican, Democrat, or Other (9 comments)


Suzana Megles: Greenpeace's 10 Reasons to Say No to Off Shore Drilling (10 comments)

JohnPeebles: U.S. at the boundaries of empire (5 comments)

Raphael Sidelman: Wake Up!

Hayesml47: The End of the World, as We Know It

Lisa Johnson: John McCain - the Unauthorized Biography (9 comments)

Ed Tubbs: Senator McCain, get this straight: I'm an American, not a Georgian (1 comments)

Stanley Heller: International Jewish Statement in Opposition to an Attack on Iran (1 comments)

Dan Fejes: The Hippie White House (4 comments)

Frances Pleban: Where's Obama?

Clutton Patsika: Talks secrecy a betrayal of Zimbabwean people

DC Rapier: *The Myth of American Moral Authority (6 comments)

Suzana Megles: No Beijing Olympics for Me (10 comments)


John Basel: The War On (T)Error (3 comments)

Project Vote: Voter Suppression Industry Gears Up For Long Hot Summer (3 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Perils of Black Political Power (3 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Calling the Bluff on the Limits of American Power and Influence (2 comments)

Cathy Garger: European Nuclear Nightmares: A Forewarning for the US (5 comments)

Ruth: *Partisan Politics: Do We Need More Parties, or None?

MsSwin: Mr. McCain, I Am Not a Citizen of Georgia (8 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Looking for Bush Supporters (4 comments)

Aurangzeb Qureshi: Free Xinjiang! (3 comments)

Mark Sashine: Slimy Love Anytime. Dog Shit for W. (7 comments)

Ed Tubbs: John McCain tilts at windmills, but doesn't have much else use for them.

Paul Kruger: *How to avoid election manipulation and theft. (4 comments)

Friday, August 15:

Ray McGovern: Out Damn Blot: A Letter to Colin Powell (3 comments)

Rob Richie: Clearing the Barr to a majority president with instant runoff voting (16 comments)

Raphael Sidelman: Indoctrination? (5 comments)

Ed Tubbs: McCain in hip-deep in Georgian lobbyists pocket

Don Williams: Putin and Bush doomed to waltz through history lost in each other's eyes (2 comments)

Mary Pitt: The Ed McMahon Example (2 comments)

Jan Baumgartner: OEN Colleague Muhammad Khurshid Safe in Peshawar (20 comments)

Rowan Wolf: Ossetia - The Politics of Naming and Blaming

Mike Folkerth: And You Thought the U.S. Had Trouble: (1 comments)

Dennis Kaiser: Obstructing Justice, When Does It Apply?

Greg Moses: Russian Activists Speak for Peace (2 comments)

Bob Koehler: Civilian Diplomacy (2 comments)

Dan Lieberman: Has the 'Surge" Prevented Peace? (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: McCain and the Same Old Kneejerk Militarism

Theresa Paulfranz: Redefining Democracy Bottom Up (3 comments)

Amy de Miceli: Amanda Peet's Experts Are The Parasites, Not Parents

Paul Craig Roberts: The Daily Show Live From The White House (6 comments)

William Cormier: Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter - Right-Wing's Hate Purveyors (5 comments)

Sean M. Madden: All the Propaganda That's Fit to Print: The New York Times, Again, Tells It Like It Ain't (5 comments)

G.E. Nordell: We The People 2008 (3 comments)

Leonce Gaiter: The Shelf Life of John McCain's Honor (7 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: The Death Rales of Democracy? (5 comments)

MsSwin: McCain Caught In Copyright Infringement A Third Time (6 comments)

The Hankster: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Blog Relations and Independent Politics (5 comments)

Richard Spisak: Like the Russian General said...

Stephen Lendman: Corporate Media Bashes New Chavez Enabling Law Decrees (1 comments)

Cyril Mychalejko: Anti-Occupation Violence in Iraq Not Just Al Qaeda (1 comments)

Jim Miles: THe Future is Now - the End of Cheap Oil (1 comments)

Vincent Guarisco: The 7th Anniversary Of 9/11 And The Cycle Of War

Ed Martin: The criminal case against Mukasey (2 comments)

Thursday, August 14:

paul roberts: There May Be Many Mushroom Clouds In Our Future (17 comments)

scott creighton: 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Georgia, Iran, and Pakistan; The Vulcan's Path to The Caspian Sea Basin (2 comments)

PeterJ: It's Distractions That Are Destroying Us And We're Allowing It!

Robert McElvaine: Back in the Saddle(back)

David Michael Green: My Army Went To Iraq And All I Got Is This Lousy Airlift: The Bush Doctrine Meets Reality. Reality Wins (1 comments)

Debra Sweet: Gitmo on the Platte: Secret Service, CIA, Military Plans to Suppress Protest at DNC in Denver (4 comments)

Mike Whitney: Putin Walks into a Trap (4 comments)

Gustav Wynn: Hagee's CUFI Summit Attracts Record Numbers

Brent Budowsky: John McCain on Russia: Angry, Bellicose, Belligerent and Extreme

Greg Moses: So this is what WWIII looks like?

Margaret Bassett: A Pall of Shame on America as Neocon Cookie Crumbles in Ukraine (3 comments)

Mary MacElveen: The United States has lost its moral authority (22 comments)

Robert Weitzel: Can Obama Bridge America's Wall of Ignominy (3 comments)

Robert Jensen: The old future's gone: Progressive strategy amid cascading crises (8 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Ready & Forward: Going on patrol with 10 Cav and getting lost again (My report from Iraq, Pt 9) (3 comments)

Bob Burnett: It's the Water, Stupid! (9 comments)

Brock Novak: Georgia Conflict: "Russian Peacekeeping" or "Soviet Invasion"? (19 comments)

JC Garrett: Condi's Cognitive Dissonance (33 comments)

Wednesday, August 13:

Rob Kall: Obama's Giving McCain Enough Rope to Hang Himself With Russia Georgia Reaction (12 comments)


Mike Folkerth: Is America Salvagable From Ourselves? (13 comments)

Ron Fullwood: John McCain Stands With Bigots and Racists (16 comments)

Rob Kall: Cleaning the Two Party Garbage Out of the DrainTo Make Room for the Cream of the Heart (45 comments)

Raymond Martin: America's Homeless Vets, a Causality of Epidemic Proportions (6 comments)

paul roberts: Will American Insouciance Destroy the World? (7 comments)

Ernest Partridge: The Fix Is In -- Again! (20 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Using Georgia to Target Russia (4 comments)

Mary Lyon: When You Act Like a Jerk, You're Gonna be Treated Like a Jerk

Tuesday, August 12:

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): Solidarity, solidarity, solidarity, solidarity, solidarity. (10 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: You May Be Georgian Today, But I'm Not (6 comments)

Mike Malloy: The Shoe Lady Speaks... (4 comments)

Ed Tubbs: McCain takes Michigan, and all that jazz.

Nader Bagherzadeh: US Wants Dismantling and not Temporary Suspension of Enrichment Facilities

Elizabeth Ferrari: What the FBI Knows: For Bruce Ivins and For Us (5 comments)

Linda Schreiber: US Petroleum Exports (3 comments)

GM Solaiman: Kuwait's inhumane labor practice: we cannot afford to ignore

Mary Mancini: We're Not Ready for November.

DC Rapier: *Should Iraq Be Forced to Pay for Its Own Reconstruction?

Michael Green: FBI Frame-up of Bruce E. Ivins Made Simple

Richmond Gardner: Fight for survival or the fight of the chickenhawks?

Kevin Gosztola: This Is Not News, This Is Propaganda (10 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Choosing Sides; Who Would You Pick? (4 comments)

Dave Lindorff: This War Report Has Been Approved by Your Government (9 comments)

Chris Lugo: No More Drilling on Public Lands (3 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Jane Stillwater, Cache Raider? (My embed report from Iraq, Pt 8)

Martha Phillips: Not Voting (16 comments)

Grant Lawrence: The Grand Empire Chessboard (7 comments)

JOHN LORENZ: Americans Respond to Smears, Not Intellect (3 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: The Struggle for the Safe Release of Lovinsky, Haitian Human Rights Activist (1 comments)

Polidoc: Clemente Wants to Turn Up the Heat (5 comments)

Monday, August 11:

Frosty Wooldridge: Frosty Wooldridge Interviews Tonight: George Noory Coast to Coast on Overpopulation (1 comments)

Suzana Megles: No Beijing Olympics for Me

Donna Smith: *The DNC's 'Guaranteed Healthcare' Reality Check (10 comments)

Abdus Sattar Ghazali: The plight of prisoner No. 650 (Dr. Afia Siddiqui)

Sara Haile-Mariam: Your Registration Status, Don't Leave it to Chance

Ray Louis: Tactics and Prognosis for a Successful RNC Protest (1 comments)

chris rice: WHO SHOULD PROTEST SEPT. 11-15TH 2008?

Michael Collins: Bush, Manson, and the Media Blackout - Bugliosi Interview Part 2 (9 comments)

William Fisher: BE VERY AFRAID. IT'S GOOD FOR BUSINESS. (2 comments)

Mark Adams JD/MBA: *Pelosi Admits She Has NOT Read Articles of Impeachment!?! (15 comments)

DGCmagazine: Pamela Fayed's Murder Marks The Beginning of the End for E-bullion

Mike Folkerth: Energy, Careers and Gold:

Stephen Pizzo: Secure the Evidence --- NOW !


Michael McCoy: *The prosecution of George W Bush for Murder (1 comments)

Dan K: Kucinich submits 100,000 signatures, Let's Make it 200,000. (5 comments)

Claras: The Olympic Spirit is bleeding

richard power: Will the US Electorate Lay Down in the Poppy Field Sowed by Right-Wing Propagandists & Tilled by the Corporatist Media? (17 comments)

mikel weisser: Bush the Uniter (1 comments)

William Bassett: *Question for Pelosi (10 comments)

Brock Novak: Commulism Muscle Flexing: Soviet(?)-Georgian War (II?) – Expect More (24 comments)

Stephen Lendman: Targeting Immigrants - The Largest Ever ICE Raid (5 comments)

Brasch: 'Medaling' With Free Speech (3 comments)

Sunday, August 10:

Jane Stillwater: Dear Abby: I'm over here in Iraq.... (Part 7 of my Iraq embed report)

Larry Sakin: The Cold Truth about Global Warming (3 comments)

Michael Morris: An Abomination Veiled as Justice! (3 comments)

David Weiner: What Racism does to White People

paul roberts: From Stupid to Moronic to Evil (12 comments)

DC Rapier: *Kissinger, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Iran's Nuclear Program (2 comments)

Stephen Crockett: Building Alliances and Voting for Change in 2008 (4 comments)

martinweiss: *Hemp--Life or Death (2 comments)

Rowan Wolf: Iraq Should Pay - Right, Left, Wrong (2 comments)

Mark Biskeborn: Humor: Embedded at McCain's Barbecue, Ribs Only

Mary Shaw: Politicians' Affairs, Double Standards, and Glass Houses Everywhere

Stephen Soldz: Vote Against Torture Collusion: Psychologists Vote on Referendum Against Participating in Bush Regime Detention Centers (2 comments)

Saturday, August 9:

Mick Youther: Drill Here...Drill Now...Think Later (4 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): On many allegedly liberal sites we can't criticize Lieberman and now on others we can't criticize the Clintons! (4 comments)

Robert Parry: WaPo Admits Bungling Obama Quote

Richard Spisak: What part of Economic Disaster is spelled I-N-F-I-D-E-L-I-T-Y (6 comments)

Greg Moses: Russia Goes for Two Georgia States (3 comments)

Amy Fried, Ph.D.: Is Dissecting Poll Data a Waste of Time ? (2 comments)

H.F.Kieding: An Open Letter of Support for Tom Feeley of Information Clearing House (6 comments)

Jay Janson: *In Pakistan, Impeachment! in U.S., No! Pelosi/Conyers Squirm, Bush/Cheney/Rice laugh (3 comments)

jill mclaughlin: Ron Suskind's Revelations: Just What Should Happen? (4 comments)

DrTruth: Corrupt government elements, and others, plan to keep their power and control over YOU... at ANY cost! (4 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: Protest Votes and Protest Zones (4 comments)

sharon kayser: Systemic Paralysis

Dan Fejes: Truth, Justice, and the American Way (3 comments)

Mark Hawthorne: Feast or Famine: Meat Production and World Hunger (5 comments)

Grant Lawrence: I am Boycotting the Olympics (16 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Israel ready to annihilate 70 million Iranians (16 comments)

Anthony Socci: Missing in Action - Leadership and the Long View (2 comments)

Judy Swindler: Per John McCain Senator Obama Is The Anti-Christ (6 comments)

Rand Clifford: See No Hemp, Hear No Hemp, Speak No Hemp, Part I (10 comments)

Sandy Sand: Gangs Rule in Los Angeles While the City Council Polices the Fatties (7 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Stuck in Baghdad freeway rush-hour traffic -- in a Bradley tank: My Iraq embed, Part 6 (1 comments)

Brent Budowsky: The sins John Edwards did not commit (8 comments)

JC Garrett: Casting Stones While Standing Under a Boulder (17 comments)

Friday, August 8:

William Cormier: The Russian Conflict In Georgia Could Make War With Iran More Probable (3 comments)

Linda Milazzo: Cindy Sheehan Makes It On Ballot To Challenge Nancy Pelosi!! (19 comments)

Lord Stirling: Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran (11 comments)

VHeadline's Chris Herz in Washington D.C.: The death of Russia's greatest writer since Tolstoy this last week gives us all much food for thought (1 comments)

John L. Mann: TWO MEN

DC Rapier: *A Summer Reading List for Madam Pelosi (5 comments)

Political sciences professor, Dr. Franz J.T. Lee: Really ... the ignorance of a war dog is bliss ... it's folly to be a wise cat (1 comments)

Lance Ciepiela: *Congress Goes On August Recess (1 comments)

scott creighton: Announcing:Class Action Lawsuit on Behalf of American Public Against the FBI (2 comments)

Dale Hill: Fakin' The Townhall Meeting! (2 comments)

John Basel: CROWing About Injection Wells

Mary MacElveen: As NY elected officials propose to help aid those with low-cost oil, CITGO has already done it (2 comments)

The Make It Safe Coalition: *Help Protect Government Whistleblowers (2 comments)

Carmen Yarrusso: *Why the Drug War is a Crime against Humanity Explained in Plain English (1 comments)

Lord Stirling: Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran (4 comments)

Chris Lugo: Living in a World Without Fear (4 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: Democrat Betrayal Redux? (1 comments)

Ernest Steadman: PERPETUAL $4 GAS? (20 comments)

Robert Weitzel: President Obama Up Against the Middle East "Berlin Wall" (1 comments)

Robert Cogan: Against Afghan War

Terry Ballard: A dream press conference with John McCain (1 comments)

Susan Guest: Questions to Ponder as We Hurl Toward November

Don Williams: Bush puts big Double-I brand on Olympics--Insulting Incoherency (1 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Lincoln Group Propagandists Paid to Tell Afghans Their Bombs are Worse than Ours

Rabbi Michael Lerner: The Enduring Universal Theological Relevance of the 9th of Av (1 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Lesser Evils, Psychoses, and the Perils of Voting Your Conscience [Part 1] (15 comments)

David Sirota: West will be where it's won

Bob Koehler: No Name for the River

Mary Shaw: Hamdan Case Exemplifies Bush's Failure in the "War on Terror" (4 comments)


Brock Novak: "Commulism Series" Conclusion: Beijing Olympics and the Dawn of Benevolent Terrorism (aka Pandanomics)"

Mickey Z.: Mother Puncher: An interview with Gina Ranalli (1 comments)

Cenk Uygur: Why is No One Calling the Anthrax Suspect a Terrorist? (14 comments)

Stephen Soldz: Systematized sleep deprivation at Guantanamo persisted far longer than previously admitted (1 comments)

James Nimmo: Oklahoma Homo-Hater Kern Needs to Crack Some Books

Jane Stillwater: Report from Iraq: If the Iraq Army wants to buy $10.6 billion in weapons, then let's have a fire sale! (1 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: August 8th (1 comments)

John Kusumi: Olympics: "We find it abominable..." (4 comments)

Thursday, August 7:

Houston Radical: Seeing the Obvious (1 comments)

David Michael Green: The Fire This Time? (2 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): How much more evidence do we need? Hillary Clinton wants the presidency in 2012 and the Clinton's HATE Barack Obama. (6 comments)


Zaproot (on You-Tube): *About all those T.Boone Pickins Ads.. (6 comments)

David Swanson: The Age of the Blogger (1 comments)

JC Garrett: The Reprehensible Republican Mind (2 comments)

David Swanson: The DNC Platform: Belief You Can Change In (4 comments)

andi novick: Overview: Why New York's Legislature's Plan to Computerize Our Electoral System Is Unconstitutional

Ida Hakim: Apology Does Not Pay Debt (2 comments)

Dale Hill: We Need A Celbrity, Like Paris Hilton!

Herbert Calhoun: Bill I feel Your Pain: An Epiphany Triggered by Bill Clinton's Reaction to Obama (8 comments)

Nicola Nasser: The 'Security Vacuum' in Jerusalem

Mike Krauss: Obama Stalls (1 comments)

James Oliver: Common Sense 90 Miles Away (4 comments)

Marc McDonald: No President Has Ever Handed Off A Greater Mess To His Successor (2 comments)

Michael Collins: Michael Collins: An Interview with Vincent Bugliosi Part 1 (17 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Children reflect their parents: Patrolling the streets of Baghdad's Al Rasheed district

Joshua Frank: Barack Obama's Smoke and Mirrors Fundraising (2 comments)

Ellen Brown: Fannie and Freddie: Giving Away the Farm (1 comments)

Tony Elliott: To Drill, Or Not to Drill

Len Hart: Assassinations, White House Child Prostitution, Cover-ups, and Terrorism (44 comments)

Bob Burnett: Framing the Election (6 comments)

Stephen Lendman: War with Iran - On, Off or Undecided? (4 comments)

Armstrong Augusto Vaz: *Myanmar: Blogging for Burma (3 comments)

Dave Berman: Prosecute Bush For Murder (5 comments)

Jane Stillwater: Survivor Baghdad: I've finally made it to the Big City! (2 comments)

Wednesday, August 6:

Robert McElvaine: Paris Hiltons of Elections Past (4 comments)

paul roberts: American Insouciance (3 comments)

Mike Malloy: August... (3 comments)


Sunsara Taylor: On The Nation's Open Letter to Obama:Wishful Thinking and Deadly Self-Deception (2 comments)

David Swanson: *How to Put Rove Behind Bars for Years

Carlos T Mock: McCain, Obama, the Press, and "The One"

Jayne Lyn Stahl: Will the Real Domestic Terrorist Please Stand Up? (7 comments)

Rob Kall: Bottom-up versus Top-Down Food and Farming (8 comments)

Sandy Shanks: Classic military blunders (3 comments)

earl ofari hutchinson: Clinton's Not a Racist, but There's a Reason Many Blacks Think He Is

Joel S. Hirschhorn: Working Poor Unready to Revolt (9 comments)

Judy Swindler: McCain's Record of Vet Support Just Another Buffalo Chip

Mary Beth Sullivan: Hiroshima-Nagasaki Speech in NYC (1 comments)

JOHN LORENZ: The 'Songbird' as President? (17 comments)

Cindy Sheehan: This is Horseshit (29 comments)

Brent Budowsky: Earth is losing to the Oil (6 comments)

Cenerentola: Reviewing a Review: Stealing America (1 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Obama Abroad (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: Wal-Mart Gets Unionized But Not Here (14 comments)

Lord Stirling: The Good and the Bad and the Truly Ugly (8 comments)

Robert Jensen: The prophetic challenge: "Few are guilty, but all are responsible" (7 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Home Sweet Home; The Future of Housing: (1 comments)

Jane Stillwater: What doesn't go on in Iraq -- stays in Afghanistan: My Iraq embed, part three

Brock Novak: "Commulism Series" - Part 11: Strategic Partnerships - Creating and Thwarting

JC Garrett: Lesser Evils (61 comments)

Ernest Partridge: The Outsourcing Tragedy (5 comments)

Bernard Weiner: Letter to Democrats Abroad: The Weird Presidential Race at Midsummer

Mary Lyon: McCains Gone Wild (5 comments)

Tuesday, August 5:

Roy S. Carson: Venezuela is quite another kettle of fish! 'Sinverguenzas' (those without shame) may be very much 'guilty as hell!'

Mike Malloy: High Crimes and Misdemeanors (18 comments)

Roy S. Carson: President Hugo Chavez Frias plows a runaway freight train into the buffers of anti-Venezuelan media euphoria!

paul roberts: The Anthrax Attacks and the Assault on Civil Liberties (1 comments)

William Fisher: Memo To Obama And McCain: Add To Your Do-Do List (2 comments)

Rob Kall: McCain's Energy Solutions: Digging a Deeper Hole, Failing our National Security (8 comments)

Kevin Gosztola: Hello, My Name Is Kevin and I am a Recovering Democrat (14 comments)

Zaw Nay Aung: Burma: Twenty years of military rule, the youth and alternative approach to democracy?

Mark Drolette: Martial law's really only a problem when it's declared (3 comments)

William Helbig: The Greatest Scandal of Our Time (8 comments)

Jeremy R. Hammond: U.S. Allegations against Pakistani Intelligence Represent Shift in Policy (1 comments)

Grant Lawrence: The Neighbors Hate Us Because of Our Freedom (6 comments)

chris rice: Updates for Truckers Shut-down (5 comments)

Brock Novak: "Commulism Series" - Part 10: Technology (FINSA) and Intelligence (CIC) (1 comments)

John Kusumi: George Bush meets Chinese dissidents ahead of Olympics

William Cormier: Military Attempts To Prevent Iran War - Civilians Promote It - Who Wins? (5 comments)

Suzana Megles: Two HSUS California Initiatives for Farm Animals

mikel weisser: Impeachment Efforts Are Worth It (5 comments)

Dave Berman: Naomi Wolf: Dear world, please confront America (5 comments)

Rick LoBello: What happens to all of the animals when their homes are destroyed by bulldozers? (2 comments)

Jane Stillwater: My embed in Iraq, continued: Turning up the heat in Kuwait....

Monday, August 4:

Milton Norris: Toni Morrison's Dedication in S.C., A Bench in Memory, Enslaved

William Falzett III: The Truth About Progressive Notions of a Level Playing Field (10 comments)


Geoffrey of Bordentown: Fiddling With Oil Droplets

Lance Ciepiela: *The U.S. Economy and Bad Government Policies

Jeffrey Kaye: *Why the Silence on Real Torture Timeline?

Cenk Uygur: Why McCain Has Caught Obama and What Obama Can Do About It (2 comments)

Curt Day: Are Massive War Protests Gone With The Wind? (2 comments)

Dinesh Sharma: Obama and the Balinese Cockfight

Chris Lugo: No Permanent Military Bases in Iraq

DrTruth: Does America Need a Good Coup de Etat? (3 comments)

Dale Hill: The Campaign Party and Donut Hole From Hell (1 comments)

George Washington: Ivins is the THIRD Scientist the FBI has Tried to Pin the Anthrax Attacks On (1 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Religion Will Be the Death of Us All (11 comments)

Mike Malloy: China, Bound


Catherine Fenton: They Said "Shhh!" I Said "No!" (1 comments)

CasaZaza: Manufacturing Hatred (1 comments)

David Glenn Cox: All In the "McCain" Family (1 comments)

Mac McKinney: No War on Iran: Outside Little Creek Naval Amphib Base on August 2nd (3 comments)

David Swanson: President's Job Is to Pardon (2 comments)

Ron Fullwood: Old Man McCain and his Degenerating Principles

Dave Lindorff: Shoot Your Friends First: The Cheney Doctrine (2 comments)

Rob Kall: Will Progressives, with their No Difference and Lesser of Two Evils Psychoses, Give McCain the Election?(includes poll) (86 comments)

Mumia Abu-Jamal: Beyond Elections (3 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: THIS IS WHAT 40 YEARS OF POORLY THOUGHT OUT CAPITALISM HAS TO OFFER DOWN-and-OUT AMERICA in 2008: An Oklahoma County w (1 comments)

Mike Folkerth: America's Greatest Problem; The Misunderstanding of Exponential Growth: (12 comments)

Peter Dearman: Harvesting the Olympics (8 comments)

steve young: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, QUEEN HELEN (2 comments)

Grant Lawrence: An Economic WMD (1 comments)

steve young: O'Reilly Race-Baiting Attacks On Obama Getting Ludacris

Stephen Lendman: Gaza Under Siege

JC Garrett: Rep. Lamar Smith: Idiot Extraordinaire

Jane Stillwater: Fear of flying: The scariest thing about going to Iraq is the turbulence over the Atlantic!

Sunday, August 3:

Ralph Lopez: Bush Appointee Bates: Meirs Must Testify, Sets Up Constitutional Crisis (7 comments)

Jan Baumgartner: OEN Colleague Muhammad Khurshid Fields Threats Against His Life (19 comments)

R. G. Wilson: To Be Atom Bombed (3 comments)

Steve Windisch (jibbguy): Coalition Reform Third Party Revisited

Michael Green: 911 Plotters Bury the Evidence of Anthrax as their Follow-up Punch (10 comments)

Dave Johnson: McCain's Ad Says Obama Anti-Christ? (8 comments)

William Helbig: The Greatest Scandal of our Time (3 comments)

Stephen Fox, Managing Editor Santa Fe Sun News: Sole Black Reporter Booted from McCain Event, Showing Deep Racism in GOP's "Security Concerns" (8 comments)

Dan Fejes: The Ongoing Awfulness of Michael Mukasey (3 comments)

David Swanson: Prosecuting Bush and Cheney (2 comments)

chris rice: How To: Fix Washington? (1 comments)

Josh Xiong: Striking Distortions Asunder

Leonce Gaiter: If Race is Not Welcome, are Blacks? (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): As always, the challenge is to begin where we are, not where we'd like to be. (4 comments)

Rob Kall: Bottom Up Democracy at PDA, Top-Down at DNC (24 comments)

jill mclaughlin: The 2008 Killer Campaign: A Chicago Story of How Obama's Campaign is Trying to Deaden Opposition to An Attack On Iran (9 comments)

robert dodge: *63 Years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, "The Last Best Chance" (2 comments)

Dennis Kaiser: Another "Solution" for the "Problem" (1 comments)

Col. Ann Wright: *Sexual Assault in the Military: A DoD Cover-Up? (7 comments)

DC Rapier: *In the Company of Tyrants (2 comments)

Brock Novak: "Commulism Series" - Part 9: "Fusion Warfare" in a "Fission Threat" Environment (4 comments)

Jill Richardson: *McCain is the Candidate Who Snubs Our Troops, Not Obama (5 comments)

Jay Janson: *Immigration Solution? Kindness! Tex, Cal, Nevada, Utah, Parts of AZ, CO, NM, WY was Mexico (13 comments)

Walter Brasch: Mining Racism in A Northeastern Pennsylvania Town

Jim Goodman: Is bigger better, or is smaller the future?

Richard Volaar: "Scumbag," Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry (4 comments)

Roy S. Carson: It's not unusual to hear US citizens address the often inebriated lunatic in their White House as 'Commander-in-Chief' (15 comments)

Saturday, August 2:

Scott Ritter: America Is Already Committing Acts of War Against Iran: Scott Ritter's New Article (2 comments)

William Helbig: Anthrax Redux (9 comments)

Kevin Anthony Stoda: Amritsar Massacre, Memory, misguided religious Nationalism, and recent Homicides in India

Claras: A Mediterranean Union: Why Not?

Dave Johnson: Why Conservative Policies Dominate (5 comments)

Rob Kall: Report from the Progressive Democrats of America Convention (7 comments)

Floyd Bogart: The Obama New Yorker Cover - Is The Media Really This Stupid? (1 comments)

Eileen Fleming: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, USA Terrorism and JC: Part 1 (3 comments)

John F. Miglio: Goodbye and Get Lost! The Devolution of the Baby Boom Generation (27 comments)

Rafe Pilgrim: Reality Tale (2 comments)

John Basel: The Other Tragedy of the Tennessee Church Shootings (8 comments)

Rowan Wolf: The Race Card? (4 comments)

Jayne Lyn Stahl: O'Reilly's Revenge (4 comments)

Brent Budowsky: McCain, Media Allies Play the Uppity Black Card (2 comments)

Roland Michel Tremblay: Globalization = New World Order = Globalization (18 comments)

DC Rapier: An Open Letter to Those Who Still Support the Bush Doctrine (7 comments)

Muhammad Khurshid: Bush's Democracy Fails To Deliver In Pakistan (5 comments)

Friday, August 1:

Sean Sabatini: Obama's VP Pick: An Unconventional Approach (1 comments)

David Glenn Cox: Leased, Last, Lost

Viki_FL: Nancy Pelosi and the Hope That Was (4 comments)

chris rice: How I Plan to Arrest the President (3 comments)

Erik Larson: *9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup (20 comments)

Chris Lugo: In Support of a UN Arms Embargo of Sudan (1 comments)

W. Christopher Epler (Bill): If liberals don't give Obama total benefit of the doubt, we will "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" . . . again!!! (7 comments)

Ron Fullwood: McCain's Desperate Appeal to the Bigots

David Swanson: *Pelosi Claims Republicans Want Impeachment (19 comments)

Robert McElvaine: The Ludacris-Rove-McCain Axis

bobkoehler: Citizens of the World

Jane Stillwater: Embedded in Iraq -- but not on Blogspot! (2 comments)

alan17b0: High Regard? (4 comments)

DC Rapier: *The Power of Public Opinion vs. the Public Opinion of Power (1 comments)

Mike Folkerth: Housing Woes; Is There No End?

Frank J. Ranelli: John McCain Quietly Draws on Social Security While Calling the Program Publicly a "Disgrace" (4 comments)


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