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June 2016
Thursday, June 30:
How the Corporate Media Has Failed Us (2 comments)
You must see EXPOSE THE (4 comments)
The "Dissent" Memo That Isn't (1 comments)
Will Brexit Help the Palestinian Cause in the EU?
The Three Harpies are Back! (9 comments)
Brexit: How Obama bailed, then failed (2 comments)
Brexit, the Crisis of Capitalism, and Immigration (1 comments)
Left v. Right Pt 5 (3 comments)
Trump Responds to Orlando With His Own Brand of Terrorism GOP in Hiding Again
Stop Harmful Trade Agreement (1 comments)
Musharraf too has Swiss Bank Account (1 comments)
Terrorism hurt the tourism business.
From Such Great Games, Come Great Wars (21 comments)
Mark John Maguire: Tony Blair, War Crimes and the Plot to Remove Jeremy Corbyn (31 comments)
Yes, a GOP Delegate Revolt is Possible
Examples of Letters to Bernie's Lawyer Brad Deutsch asking him to De-certify the 11 Hijacked Elections (6 comments)
Media Monopoly Messaging: Savagely Attack Donald Trump and British Brexit Proponents (5 comments)
And the Beat Goes On: Mega-rich get richer. Society Crumbles (7 comments)
Defending Hillary (3 comments)
Farewell To Fox News' Benghazi Hoax (6 comments)
Lying About Science for Politics Is Evil (2 comments)
Wednesday, June 29:
Franklin P. Lamb: Driven into the desert, Daesh (ISIS) barbarity still haunts Palmyra
Genocidal Corporate Media (3 comments)
Peak Oil: Where To Go From Here? Pt 1
The Pearl River Delta showcases the Chinese Dream (5 comments)
On the 240-Year Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence: WOULD SLAVERY HAVE ENDED SOONER IF THE BRITS HAD WON? (8 comments)
Washington fears Brexit will unravel its anti-Russia policy (5 comments)
The Collapse of Western Democracy
Keep Opposing It: Why The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Is So Bad, For Those Who Are Asking
Is Hillary Clinton a neocon? (7 comments)
Is Sanders' End Game to Sell Out His 'Political Revolution' or to Take It All the Way to November? (31 comments)
Clinton to Palestine: Drop dead (3 comments)
Full Employment And The Democratic Platform: Hillary Can Fix What Bill Broke (2 comments)
Obama Transparency and Hillary Email
Drinking A Charter School's Kool-Aid (1 comments)
Who's Really To Blame for Brexit (and Trump) (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders: "Elections Come and Go, Revolutions Never End" (6 comments)
Perpetuating endless war is America's growth industry (5 comments)
Brexit: A Setback in One of Humankind's Most Important Projects (18 comments)
Domestic violence against women and rape. (1 comments)
Clinton's Heist of Democracy and the Voter-Driven Superdelegate and Platform Solution (12 comments)
Upcoming Supreme People's Assembly of N.Korea should see measures to improve people's lives
Obama's Ironic Visit to Hiroshima (4 comments)
Tuesday, June 28:
Bernie Sanders: Democrats Need to Wake Up (117 comments)
Loretta Lynch's Prison Reforms Don't Meet the For-Profit Standard (1 comments)
Thoughts on Bottom up as a Form of Intelligence (62 comments)
Was the Brexit Vote "Good for the Jews"?
'We the Prisoners': The Demise of the Fourth Amendment
Unanimous Supreme Court Decision Limiting Public Corruption Trials: What does this really mean? (1 comments)
Pentagon Research May Be Dangerous to Your Health (3 comments)
Obama Pushed to Pardon Snowden Before Leaving Office (5 comments)
The Naked Truth About America's Rape Culture (2 comments)
The Clinton Campaign Is Obstructing Change to the Democratic Platform (5 comments)
Trading Places: Neocons and Cockroaches (3 comments)
Understanding The Second Amendment: Why Yesterday's Rights About Guns And Militias Don't Make Sense Today (51 comments)
BREXIT Part 2: Roger Cohen's column on Brexit (4 comments)
Congressional Dems "Sit In" Is A Cynical, Hypocritical Election Year Stunt (5 comments)
If You Are Not Angry About The Democratic Platform TPP Scam You Are Not Paying Attention (10 comments)
The Preposterous Farce of A Second Scottish Referendum
SCOTUS: Amply Serving Law Enforcement Interests versus Society's
Bewitched Betwixt and Brexit in Buyer's Remorse Questioning (1 comments)
If You Voted Leave with Progressive Intentions, Have the Courage of Your Convictions! (2 comments)
Monday, June 27:
Paul Ryan's Economic Plan (1 comments)
Democratic Party Platform Committee Undermines Clinton On TPP (2 comments)
Clinton seizes on Brexit vote to tout her credentials as defender of Washington's global interests (3 comments)
In the Wake of Brexit Will the EU Finally Turn Away From Austerity?
What the Democrats Must Learn About Free-Trade Deals From Brexit (6 comments)
O'Doul: Democratic War Hawk Party (14 comments)
Franklin P. Lamb: How 100 Syrians, 200 Russians and 11 dogs out-witted ISIS and saved Palmyra
Have a Chilcot Fourth of July (1 comments)
What Does the U.S. Care About? (3 comments)
Carrier and Nabisco close US plants, hop to Mexico -- and stoke the anger of working-class America (3 comments)
Brexit and the diseased liberal mind (3 comments)
Any Self-Respecting Supreme Court Would Have Struck Down the Texas Abortion Law (2 comments)
A "Traditionalist" Party? (35 comments)
Sunday, June 26:
Hot off Brexit, Vladimir Putin goes to China (4 comments)
Israel should be deeply disturbed by the Brexit vote (1 comments)
Will the Democrats Give Us What We Want? Yeah. Right (12 comments)
Elizabeth Warren Should Stay in the Senate (6 comments)
Here's What's the Matter With Kansas
The Beginning of the End for the EU (10 comments)
Hillary's DNC Platform Committee People Prove She Lies (31 comments)
Betraying Progressives, DNC Platform Backs Fracking, TPP, and Israel Occupation (7 comments)
Sanders Statement on Democratic Party Platform (21 comments)
Party's Over, Quarter Billion Dollars on Bernie, Now What? (7 comments)
OUTRAGEOUS! DNC Platform Refuses To Take A Stand On TPP. Tell Them Off! (5 comments)
Saturday, June 25:
Intel Vets Call "Dissent Memo" on Syria "Reckless" (1 comments)
Palestine's "Prayer for Rain": How Israel Uses Water as a Weapon of War
Basta Ya, Brussels! British Voters Reject EU Corporate Slavestate
Redeem Our Nation's Honor! (3 comments)
The Brexit: A Very British Affair
Why Dying Coral Reefs Will Bring Planetary Instability (3 comments)
Despite the Vote, the Odds Are Against Britain Leaving the EU
Omar Mateen: The Answers Are All Around Us (1 comments)
To Oman from Kansas: Humble Solution for one Petroleum Overly Dependent Economy (4 comments)
People Power! (Putting Birkenstocks on the Ground: Part VI) (2 comments)
As the War on Weed Winds Down, Will Monsanto Be the Big Winner?
The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Narcissist (3 comments)
Why the British said no to Europe (4 comments)
China reorganises PLA with an eye on Tibet,South China Sea (2 comments)
Towards a TB free India: It cannot be a lone battle
Putting Lipstick on the Prop 39 Pig (2 comments)
What will Brexit mean? (2 comments)
Peak Oil: Let's Get To The First Step
Unwatched: Orlando Shooter & the "Watch List" (1 comments)
Clinton on the Economy; Trump Ever Offensive (3 comments)
Friday, June 24:
Donald Trump's Really Big Brexit Flip-Flop (1 comments)
2008 All Over Again (14 comments)
"EXTENDING AMERICAN POWER" -- A Sneak Peek at What a Clinton Foreign Policy May Look Like (9 comments)
Facebook Suppression of Bernie Sanders Supporters? (10 comments)
Canada Supports ISIS (6 comments)
Out with Cameron, In with Johnson? Not so fast, Laddies! (16 comments)
A "Brexit" Blow to the Establishment (3 comments)
A House Sit-in Against the Gun Lobby (1 comments)
Brexit and the New Global Rebellion (6 comments)
Thomas Farrell: Clara Bingham Revisits the 1969-1970 Year of Revolution (REVIEW ESSAY) (3 comments)
Is Sanders a "Principled Sellout"? (116 comments)
Russia and China aren't the threat; we are. (5 comments)
Jim Crow is Alive and Well and Attending the University of Texas (2 comments)
Warren is Hillary's Best Bet for VP (3 comments)
Why the UK Said Bye Bye to the EU (4 comments)
On Sanders and Propaganda (18 comments)
Former Hospital President: Skyrocketing healthcare costs are caused by political corruption (17 comments)
Who Should Make Political Policy, the People or the Politicians? (1 comments)
Progressive Take on Brexit Open Thread (44 comments)
Thursday, June 23:
The "New" New Normal (6 comments)
The Brexit referendum: A turning point in European politics (1 comments)
As quietly as possible, the government is renewing its assault on your privacy (1 comments)
Bernie Sanders: Here's what we want (12 comments)
The People's Summit: "Together We Can Win!" (2 comments)
Darkness (in)Visible, or On Dangers of Narcissistic Blindness (4 comments)
Pakistan daily lambasts Sharif govt's handling of NSG Issue
Geo-politics: A Murky Situation to Come
There's No More Denying It: Trump Is Openly Racist (2 comments)
Jeffrey Sterling, a Poster Boy for CIA Discrimination and National Security Abuse
Life is a Crap Shoot (12 comments)
Rabble Rousing (2 comments)
This is what fascism looks like in real time (21 comments)
Wednesday, June 22:
Hillary Clinton's Likely Pentagon Chief Already Advocating for More Bombing and Intervention (2 comments)
Israel considers its demographic time bomb
The Looming US War on Russia (21 comments)
US Bombing Syrian Troops Would Be Illegal (5 comments)
The Arithmetic of Islamization (3 comments)
How NRA Dark Money Impedes Gun Control Reform (3 comments)
Some Down-to-Earth Advice From a Far-Out Psychic (9 comments)
The Sacrifice of an American Gladiator (3 comments)
Toward revolution (3 comments)
S E Hamilton: The Dalai Lama addresses joint session of California Legislature (25 comments)
Venezuela: "We live under a financial dictatorship, under an ongoing business coup" (2 comments)
Tuesday, June 21:
Guantanamo Bay Should Be Closed Forever (5 comments)
US Think Tanks Dream Up Russian Collapse, Aggression Despite the Facts
Sonia Sotomayor's Epic Dissent Explains What's at Stake When the Police Don't Follow the Law (2 comments)
WPost's "Agit-Prop" for the New Cold War (1 comments)
Mass Shootings Are The New Normal. Get Over It. (8 comments)
Pounding On This Again, Begging For Infrastructure Investment (2 comments)
Democrats Need a Conscience to Close Morality Gap with Republicans (22 comments)
"Hello, Lenin!" Three Components of America's Misguided Foreign Policy (10 comments)
Did the Spirit of Donald Trump Help Assassinate Jo Cox in Britain Last Week? (10 comments)
Yet Another Failed Attempt to Discredit Bernie Sanders, Courtesy of the New York Times (5 comments)
Orlando Massacre was Not a Hate Crime The Gay Community was not the Target (30 comments)
The Secret To The Incredible Wealth Of Bill Gates (11 comments)
Utah v. Strieff: SCOTUS Fuels a Dangerous Fire (1 comments)
Mark John Maguire: Should I Stay or Should I Go? Why A Vote To Leave The EU Will Make No Difference, by Mark John Maguire (1 comments)
Obama Does the Dad Thing -- Proud and Sad at Daughter Malia's "Passage" (3 comments)
PTSD as a Political Football in a Hobbesian Age
BREXIT: Big Business, Cartels and the Single Market (2 comments)
Regime Change in Congress (Putting Birkenstocks on the Ground: Part V) (3 comments)
From State Department Madness to Empire of Chaos to Climate Collapse: The Missing Element is Human Unity (5 comments)
Sentencing Reform Proposition, in response to the Stanford rape case (2 comments)
When is the Christian Right Going to Hand Over The Country To A Professional Narcissist? Maybe Today! (1 comments)
Monday, June 20:
Was the Orlando shooting real?
We Will Never Get What We Want or ... The House Always Wins (9 comments)
The election we could have had (11 comments)
Hillary Insufficiently Lesser-Evil (36 comments)
First Father's Day After Orlando Twins: Terrorism and Guns (1 comments)
A Week in the Life of the American Police State (2 comments)
Big Tobacco is Proud to Support the Mentally Ill (7 comments)
Syria: Change the (Dissent) Channel
Bernie Sanders' Leverage Isn't Going Anywhere. Deal With It. (6 comments)
US DHS assists in suppression of anti-corruption dissent in Israel
Getting It Wrong about the Orlando Massacre
Michael Morrissey: German Foreign Minister Steinmeier - A Voice of Reason (4 comments)
34 Days Before the DNC--Trying to Make Things Happen (26 comments)
Before Omar Mateen Committed Mass Murder, The FBI Tried To "Lure" Him Into A Terror Plot (4 comments)
Standing Firm for Reform at the American Psychological Association
Sunday, June 19:
Con vs. Con (4 comments)
Israel's anti-terror law "dangerous" and "anti-Arab" (1 comments)
How Trump and His Hipster Right-Wing Allies Are Trying to Use Gay People as a Weapon Against Muslims (1 comments)
Write to your superdelegates- link provided (2 comments)
Dad's Last Erection (1 comments)
The "solutions" to the Orlando shooting that will only make things worse (8 comments)
A Big Idea for Hillary (9 comments)
Read what Putin actually said in St.Petersburg about NATO (12 comments)
Orlando Massacre Won't End the NRA's Terror Grip on the Senate (3 comments)
The best is yet to come (4 comments)
In the Absence of Fathers: A Story of Elephants and Men (3 comments)
Saturday, June 18:
Human chain demonstration at Ramstein (1 comments)
You've Plunged a Dagger in My Chest, Yet I Live (13 comments)
Talk in front of Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany (4 comments)
Neo-Nazi Group Linked to Murder of British MP Has Long Been Ignored by US Media
REVISION: Repair America's "Greatness" with Greenbacks (3 comments)
Hillary and the Bushes (6 comments)
US Democratic Election And Women (1 comments)
US and Russia decide for Europe (8 comments)
The Weaponization of Hate (1 comments)
This is How it Starts (25 comments)
The State Department's Collective Madness (6 comments)
Donald Trump v. The First Amendment
51 US Diplomats Are Wrong -- Assad Regime Change by Force Would Result in Uncontrollable Anti-American Anger (14 comments)
What about cops?: Ban Assault Weapons, But for Police Too, Not Just Civilians (7 comments)
Hillary Clinton picks U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan as a potential running mate - Hey Hillary, who's Tim Ryan? (13 comments)
The Orlando Shooting and our Reptilian Minds (14 comments)
State Convention: Another Lesson in Strategic Failure by the Sanders Revolution, and How to Recover (7 comments)
Is Trump Actually Trying to Lose the Election? (17 comments)
Friday, June 17:
Beijing goes mobile in the South China Sea (5 comments)
Does Obama Know Clinton's Glory Days are Numbered? (3 comments)
Do You Still Drink Milk? (12 comments)
Bernie Sanders' Revolution is Dead. What Next? (9 comments)
Trump Banks on Nixon's Silent Majority (4 comments)
Dance First, Think Later: Reflections on Democracy Spring and Political Revolution (2 comments)
The Roots of Trump's Cruel Populism (17 comments)
US Congress Gets Plan for Averting Nuclear War with Russia
Trump: Big Mouth, Empty Suit (1 comments)
For Nine Souls in Charleston, One Year Later
Gorbachev Disagrees With Obama on Nukes (1 comments)
State Department Goes Rogue (9 comments)
Negative Rates, Plunging Yields and a "Fix" for the Economy (3 comments)
DNC Comes Out of Closet-- Goes Public, Handing Reins Over to Clinton Campaign (15 comments)
John McCain And The Wascally Obama
Prepared Remarks...The Political Revolution Continues (9 comments)
Unreported Mass Killing Leaves Thousands Dead (3 comments)
Do you really know what's going on? (3 comments)
Brzezinski Vision to Lure Soviets into 'Afghan Trap' Is Orlando's Nightmare (2 comments)
Thursday, June 16:
Orlando, Trump, Identity-Group-Hate-Politics, and the Republican Party
Crooked Hillary (5 comments)
Guccifer 2.0? Lone Hacker Takes Credit for DNC Cyber Attack, Publishes Docs
Spinning in Slow Jam (4 comments)
Why Orlando, Paris and London? An Eye for An Eye (3 comments)
Trump Running The Country Like A Business? Heaven Forbid (1 comments)
Robert Nelson: A campaign death march? State Dept. IG Report on Private Server has Clinton Resembling Gen. MacArthur on Luzon (2 comments)
Brexit Violence Deeply Rooted, With Lessons for U.S.
Would You Trust Henry Kissinger with Your Social Security?
How a (False?) Flag Debate and a Rent-a-Prime-Minister Assisted New Zealand in Relinquishing its Sovereignty (2 comments)
What Hillary Must Do to Win Over Bernie Voters (11 comments)
Law Enforcement Misrepresentation of Orlando Killer's 911 Call Ignores U.S. Foreign Policy Motivation (2 comments)
The 2016 Super Bloc Vote Part II Unleashing David vs the Russian Goliath (13 comments)
No Fly, No Buy? No Dice. (1 comments)
H. A. Goodman Is More Convinced than Ever that Clinton Will Be Indicted and Sanders Will Be the Nominee (4 comments)
"Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice to Deceive" The (un)Democratic New York Primary (4 comments)
Hillary Wants to Bring Back Bill. She Shouldn't. (1 comments)
Revolutionize this Presidential Election
Flags lowered, but guns still raised: Orlando proves mass shootings still happen
Is Trump A New Kind Of Fascist? (2 comments)
Orlando Killer's Secret Shared by Other Terrorists (2 comments)
Scapegoats Coming Home to Roost (2 comments)
5 Suggestions for HIllary (1 comments)
Wednesday, June 15:
It's Still The Occupation, Stupid
CA Exit Polls reveal 23% Discrepancy; 11 States With Vote "Flipping" Evidence; Our New Directions in American History? (14 comments)
Budowsky: A cancer on conservatism (3 comments)
Remembering the U.S.S. Liberty (1 comments)
Gaza: Resistance Through Poetry
Sanders: End of Voting Does Not Mean End of Political Revolution
What Capitalism Is, And How It Betrays Us (2 comments)
Orlando Shooter Omar Mateen's Mental Health Likely to Overshadow Gun Control
Orlando Killer Worked Inside the Global Security System
Thomas Farrell: My Reply to Peter Bergen's Op-Ed about Terrorists
Trump vs Clinton, "Horror vs Horror" (14 comments)
Are Political Parties Consistent with Democracy? (14 comments)
Pigs with Small Eyes: A Disquisition on a Compulsion
Building Bridges of Peace instead of Fear-Citizen Diplomacy with Russia (6 comments)
Stop Exploiting LGBT Issues to Demonize Islam and Justify Anti-Muslim Policies (3 comments)
Tuesday, June 14:
Trump and the Presidency: An Alternative Scenario? (1 comments)
What's the Signpost Up Ahead? (4 comments)
ISIS and U.S. Weaponry: At Home and Abroad (2 comments)
Love and Desire: The Truest Resistance to Terror and Power (5 comments)
NYT Dismisses Social Programs, Routine in Much of the World, as "Unsustainable" (2 comments)
Reasonable Gun Laws (1 comments)
Violence Begets Violence: The Orlando Shootings and the War on Terror (1 comments)
What If The "Good" Guy With A Gun Turns Out To Be A Bad Guy? (13 comments)
Does the American public really wish to reduce gun violence? (4 comments)
Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence
Activists Complete 150-Mile Walk to Thomson Prison
Tariq Ali: Global revolt against corporate capitalism & inequality (3 comments)
Hidden Drivers Beneath Western Barbarism (3 comments)
Peak Oil: Now Is A Good Time To Get Serious Pt 5
Angoorlata and her oath in Sanskrit (2 comments)
Obama Should Demand FBI Director James Comey's Resignation Today (8 comments)
MSM Sycophants Coronate The Pretender with a Massive PR Campaign (14 comments)
The Iconic Peace Ship Golden Rule Is Hit by a Police Boat!
BREXIT, Security and The European Toy Soldiers (2 comments)
Orlando Mourns While Donald Trump Gloats and Fred Phelps Is Born Again. (1 comments)
Harnessing 'Senior Power' to Boost Our Economy (3 comments)
Interview: Former San Bruno CA Mayor Gary Mondfrans about Bernie, Contemporary CA Politics, and Facebook Censoring (2 comments)
Primary Election Fraud Lawsuit That Could Change Everything
Hillary the bleeding-heart peacenik
Why I Don't Want to Be Your Facebook Friend (4 comments)
Solutions to Gun Violence (5 comments)
It's Homophobia MSM - Deal With It
Monday, June 13:
Race, gender and the US presidential campaign (1 comments)
MH-17 Probe Trusts Torture-Implicated Ukraine
Democrats Against Democracy, Self-Styled Progressives Against Progress (4 comments)
Thomas Farrell: Secondary Oral Culture Roils Our Psyches Deep Down (2 comments)
If Omar Mateen were white, we'd have a different Orlando shooting narrative (5 comments)
We must not let Orlando nightclub terror further strangle our civil liberties (16 comments)
Fifty Dead in Orlando: The Latest Fatalities in World War III
"Radical Islam," And Homegrown American Terrorism
Anti-Politics and the Plague of Disorientation: Welcome to the Age of Trump (1 comments)
The REAL Lesson of Ralph Nader and the 2000 Presidential Election (38 comments)
Putting Boots (Birkenstocks) on the Ground: Part IV (1 comments)
The LAUSD Empire Strikes Back (1 comments)
Divest to Invest: The New Global Movement
Sunday, June 12:
Frustrations of Telling the Truth
Bernie Sanders Will Hold Rally in Philadelphia (2 comments)
We Must Understand Corporate Power to Fight It (27 comments)
Berners Praying for Hillary Indictment. The Reasons are.... (34 comments)
St. Paul, Minn. -- War Is A Lie (1 comments)
Why Does Farm Animal Cruelty Persist? (3 comments)
Rape, Culture, Responsibility, and Brock Turner (1 comments)
Talking About Forgiveness (3 comments)
Michael Morrissey: The Age of Constipation and What to Do about It (23 comments)
After SCOTUS Gutted Voting Rights, An Explosion of Democratic Suppression
Help Bernie Smash Trump (2 comments)
Cui Bono After Orlando Pulse Club Shooting? (126 comments)
If Your Autism Has No Place for Self-Cultivation, It Will Be Bullshit (3 comments)
The Rise and Fall of the Republican Party (8 comments)
Text for County Sheriffs (1 comments)
NARAL Pro-Choice Leadership Plays the Gender Card (2 comments)
Philadelphia's Poverty Industry (5 comments)
In the California Primary, More Ballots Remain Uncounted than the Total Number of votes for Hillary Clinton! (61 comments)
From the Security of the Slave to the Peace of the Grave (21 comments)
Obama: I'm with Her (1 comments)
NEWS FLASH!: With 5 Million Votes Still Uncounted in the Democratic Primary, Sanders Could Still Win California! (12 comments)
Saturday, June 11:
8 Reasons Why Republicans Must Dump Trump (2 comments)
Just a Trick (4 comments)
Kill List: Smashing the "B" in BRICS (8 comments)
Mitt Romney will be our next President. Really. (4 comments)
The Problem with Hillary and the DNC (28 comments)
Does a Degree Lead to Economic Mobility? (1 comments)
The Republican Party Just Crashed and Burned in California (4 comments)
My grandfather's name was Muhammad too (1 comments)
English Channel: It's a Sub! No, it's a Dinghy! (5 comments)
Ryan's new Congress agenda is wrong, safety net has not failed (1 comments)
The Faux Feminism of Hillary Clinton (23 comments)
"Modern Warfare Destroys Your Brain" in More Ways Than One
Friday, June 10:
All Hail the Queen of Exceptionalistan (3 comments)
Obama Endorses Clinton, Then Undermines Her On TPP (4 comments)
Winning by Destroying: Trump and Gingrich (3 comments)
Spanish Elections: EU Watershed? (2 comments)
Hillary Clinton Pivots: Beware, Donald Trump (1 comments)
Deflategate Twist: 31 NFL Teams Are Cheating (2 comments)
Jill Stein to Bernie Sanders: Run on the Green Party Ticket & Continue Your Political Revolution (6 comments)
Our Reaction to Harambe's Death Reflects Our Intolerance (5 comments)
Senators Embedded Within a Brain Fog
Did Senator Perdue Really Pray for the President's Death? (4 comments)
Two "Presumptive" Presidential Candidates: Bigots All Around
Imagining Yesterday's Obama-Sanders Conversation (39 comments)
Democracy NGO seeks Sandernistas' endorsement (3 comments)
Thursday, June 9:
Franklin P. Lamb: What 4 "bought" Syrian refugee children have achieved for humanity in Lebanon
Trump University--Fall 2016 Course Offerings (Satire) (3 comments)
He Says He Wants to Build a Wall: Beyond the Republican Nominee's Hyped-up Rhetoric (3 comments)
Taking Liberty: Killing Americans To Protect Israel (8 comments)
The Democrats' Theater of Discipline (10 comments)
C'mon Get Happy -- Clap Along! (3 comments)
In Bernie We Trust (4 comments)
Got Milked? US "Defense" Spending 2017 (23 comments)
The Presidential Election is Over -- Was Trump Ever Truly a Threat? (15 comments)
Inside The Secret Super Majority that Decide Election 2016 & War with Russia Part1 (2 comments)
For Sanders Supporters the Struggle Has Always Been About Issues -- and the Struggle Continues (8 comments)
"Flag Day Has Been Canceled!" (4 comments)
A Creeping Suspicion: Is Hillary Trying to Circumvent Appeasing Sanders with Warren as VP? (52 comments)
Bernie supporters, write to your superdelegates (1 comments)
Wasserman Schultz Has a Change of Heart, But Too Little, Too Late (1 comments)
A Public Note to my Friend, Bernie Sanders (7 comments)
Calling Out Drone War as a War Crime (2 comments)
Democrats Are Now the Aggressive War Party (1 comments)
Open Letter to Bernistas (10 comments)
For a Greenback Restoration (13 comments)
Wednesday, June 8:
Clinton Needs Only 199 Supers to Win Nomination (1 comments)
Hillary Clinton Is A Formidable Politician (9 comments)
Bernie Sanders' Choice: What to Do When Winter Is Coming? (7 comments)
How to Prevent Philadelphia from Turning into Far Worse than Chicago in 1968 (12 comments)
Clinton claims Democratic nomination after winning four of six final states (1 comments)
An Open Letter to Sen. Sanders (please make this go viral!): Dear Bernie, (78 comments)
America's voting system is broken. It's time to overhaul it (1 comments)
Well, Hillary Has Won, But The Struggle Does Continue (3 comments)
Bernie Must Tell His Supporters Only One Thing --Back Clinton (12 comments)
Hijacking Muhammad Ali's Legacy
"Startling" US survey reveals public support for nuclear strikes (8 comments)
"Let's Make A Deal" -- A Brief History of Hillary Clinton, the Manchurian Candidate (2 comments)
The Defining Difference Between a Liberal and a Progressive (47 comments)
Bernie's End (2 comments)
7 Myths That Large Corporations Want us to Believe (24 comments)
Bernie Sanders And The French Initiative (1 comments)
I Was Wrong About Trump (1 comments)
Left v. Right Pt 2 (2 comments)
Governing Through Lies And Deception (4 comments)
Tuesday, June 7:
PRESUMPTUOUS Winner (4 comments)
Bernie Sanders must pre-empt branding (2 comments)
Weak Job Numbers Will Delay Fed Rate Hikes (1 comments)
Social Security's Enemies Are Down -- But They're Not Out (1 comments)
US Military Bases on Okinawa are Dangerous Places (2 comments)
Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media (4 comments)
The Racial Divide Between Sanders and Trump (1 comments)
The Pentagon's Great Wall of Impotence (3 comments)
Google involved with Clinton campaign, controls information flow -- Assange (7 comments)
Muhammad Ali wasn't just a boxing legend. He was also a muse
Narrowing the Gap: The Ten Steps to Prosperity (1 comments)
Action Alert: AP's Premature Call for Clinton Does Disservice to Democracy (2 comments)
Kathy Swift: Troll Politics at UCSB (1 comments)
"Secret Win" & Multiple Evidence of How Clinton Team Manipulates and Colludes with Media (13 comments)
The Deeper Roots of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki Atrocities (20 comments)
Ali Is Dead, Fear is Alive & Free Speech Is Being Dealt a Knock-Out Punch (1 comments)
Did Devout Muslim Muhammad Ali Ever Speak About US NATO Genocide in the Muslim Middle East? (4 comments)
The Greater Evil (4 comments)
Media Blind Spots and the 2016 Democratic Primary Election Hijackings (4 comments)
PLEASE SIGN WH PETITION: Complete FBI investigation of Clinton PRIOR to Dem. Convention (6 comments)
Investing in Death (20 comments)
20 Years of Living With a Psychopath Gives Me The Expertise To Call Out Donald Trump (18 comments)
Monday, June 6:
Beauty Contestants Now for World War, not World Peace (5 comments)
Are U.S. Political Party Splits Coming? (2 comments)
If Hillary Clinton Gets a Pass on Espionage From President Obama, So Should Whistleblowers (11 comments)
America's party-line corporate media: The Democratic Primary Race Has Been Called Before 15% of the Country Votes (6 comments)
Tangled Up in Trump (1 comments)
Will Hillary Clinton Get Favored Treatment? (8 comments)
What Will Finally Shut Down Diablo Canyon Nukes? Could a Bernie Win Help? (5 comments)
One Year Later, After Hillary's First Year in the White House (1 comments)
Facebook, Black Self-Hatred and "Colorism" (7 comments)
Peak Oil: Now Is A Good Time To Get Serious Pt 4 (2 comments)
What is That unto which the Cosmos expands? (1 comments)
Trump's Top 25: Lies, Incompetence, and Bigotry (1 comments)
Is a Bernie/Hillary Ticket Necessary? (40 comments)
5 Formal Requests to Preet Bharara to Redo Primary from Seattle, New York City, Spokane, Santa Fe, and Brooklyn (1 comments)
This is our neoliberal nightmare: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and why the market and the wealthy win every time (7 comments)
Netanyahu frets over how to tackle French peace plan (2 comments)
MH-17 Probe Relies on Ukraine for Evidence (3 comments)
Sunday, June 5:
Shut Down the Democratic National Convention (15 comments)
Bringing Back Bill (3 comments)
Did Clinton's Emails Expose CIA Agents? (41 comments)
"Left, Right & Center": A Movement for Peace
The fall of Trump's house of cards? (5 comments)
War And Debt Is Why Our Trains Are Broken (1 comments)
The US elections and the criminalization of American politics (4 comments)
Three Letters to Preet Bharara asking for Federal Court to Decertify NY's Primary and Order a New One (14 comments)
Muhammad Ali Speaks to the Activist Soul (5 comments)
The Mainstream Media's Climate Malpractice (9 comments)
Saturday, June 4:
Putting Boots (Birkenstocks) on the Ground: Part III (12 comments)
Muhammad Ali: A Profile in Moral Courage (2 comments)
Libya's "Chaos Theory" Undercuts Hillary (4 comments)
The People Are the Story -- and Corporate Media Are Missing It (2 comments)
Fictitious Transcript of Trump-Ryan Conversation Prior to Ryan Capitulation (1 comments)
Sanders to Clinton: Yes, Trump's Foreign Policy Ideas Are Scary. But So Are Yours (3 comments)
Why Andrew Jackson is Being Targeted for Removal from the $20 Bill (14 comments)
Who Would Jesus Vote For? (37 comments)
48 Days From CA Primary to Philly Convention; What Could Happen? (16 comments)
Credibility of Brazil's Interim President Collapses as He Receives 8-Year Ban on Running for Office
I just thought you should know; lunch really can be free (5 comments)
Monetary Sovereignty: The key to understanding economics (100 comments)
Cutting through transgender debate (13 comments)
The National Debt is not a Monetary Problem (5 comments)
The Democratic Primary: Big Stake for the Green Party (9 comments)
Hillary's Exploitation of Democratic Institutions (Including Superdelegates) Exposed (17 comments)
Iconic LA Coffee Shop Morphs into Sanders HQ
Friday, June 3:
Trump or Clinton, Screwed Either Way (8 comments)
The Day of the Rhinos (1 comments)
US Media Fears Civilian Casualties in Iraqi City Coalition Crushed in 2004
Terror War and Trumpery Take US into Terra Incognita (1 comments)
May Jobs Report: Ouch! (5 comments)
Can Trump Whine His Way To The White House With Complaints About "Biased" Media Coverage? (2 comments)
The Proposal For World Congress For Social Credit Debt-Free Money Solutions 2016-2017 (1 comments)
Chewbacca and the World of Semi-Reality News Media (2 comments)
Lessons for Peace from Back in the USSR (1 comments)
Hillary Hawks, Bernie Bros And Political Intolerance (6 comments)
Obama Legitimizes the Drone Wars (1 comments)
Coy Barefoot and David Swanson on Ending Endless War (1 comments)
Ryan Accepts Trump. Move Along. Nothing to See Here. (10 comments)
The Longevity Revolution: The Danger of Thinking It's Just About Social Security and Medicare (5 comments)
Fake "Humanitarianism" (7 comments)
Chris Matthew is No Kingmaker - nor Queenmaker Either (7 comments)
The Hillary Problem (2 comments)
Three Data Points Regarding Clinton's Email Server and the Law
America's Corpocracy: Conspiracy Theory or Conspiracy Reality (59 comments)
Family of slain member of the Omaha Tribe will not let the police get away with "murder" (1 comments)
Thursday, June 2:
Bang Bang Bang (1 comments)
The Bigger Nuclear Risk: Trump or Clinton? (10 comments)
A Hellfire from Heaven won't Smash the Taliban
#TrumpTheFraud's Big Real Estate Success Secret . . . Tax Fraud, And More On The Big Negative Branding Initiative (2 comments)
A Very Brazilian Coup (2 comments)
The Three Historical Stages of Anti-Semitism (5 comments)
Thomas Friedman Says Hillary's Lies No Big Deal (4 comments)
Are humans more valuable than animals? A comment on the killing of Harambe, the Gorilla, to save a human child (47 comments)
Why My Life is Less Valuable Than a Gorilla's (20 comments)
Obama Continues to Ignore Pleas to Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar Lopez Rivera (1 comments)
Chabahar is a real deal for India (2 comments)
Placebo Ballots: Stealing California From Bernie Using an Old GOP Vote-Snatching Trick (9 comments)
Wednesday, June 1:
Ray McGovern on Eric Holder and Snowden (1 comments)
America's Zoos: Racism And Selective Memory (1 comments)
The Elites and the Rise of Donald Trump (6 comments)
Lame Duck TPP Push Hands Trump A Powerful Issue Against Clinton (1 comments)
The Urgency of Family Leave Legislation
For Billionaire Donors, Academic Integrity Comes Cheap (1 comments)
Waiting for California and the FBI (10 comments)
The Public Records and the Law
Dissembler-In-Chief Trump (2 comments)
President Obama, pardon Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning (7 comments)
A plain face can take the sheen out of deadly tobacco products (1 comments)
Seems Republicans Are Championing A Communist Sympathizer! (14 comments)
Write-in Voting and Political Protest (1 comments)
Stephen Hawking Can't Explain #TrumpTheFraud, But We Can, A MILLION Twitter Impressions Already, And More (9 comments)
Common Sense on the Democratic Presidential Race (3 comments)