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(3 comments) SHARE Friday, July 31, 2020 John Lewis Eulogy
I, like so many Americans, owe a great debt to John Lewis and his forceful vision of freedom.
(8 comments) SHARE Tuesday, November 10, 2015 A Trade Deal for Working Families
this agreement will open up new markets to made-in-America goods and services. Today, exports support 11.7 million American jobs. Companies that sell their goods around the world tend to grow faster, hire more employees and pay higher salaries than companies that don't. On average, export-supported jobs pay up to 18 percent more than other jobs.
(6 comments) SHARE Thursday, November 20, 2014 Obama Rouses Republican Congress, Acts on Immigration
President Obama Is giving the finger to the Republican-led congress tonight.
The video of his speech is below. And here's a link to the Whitehouse.gov page that is pitching his plan. One has to ask what affect this action would have had if Obama had done it before the 2014 elections.
(4 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 12, 2011 Healing Words; Text Of President Barack Obama's Speech In Tucson Arizona
text Barack Obama's speec at the "Together We Thrive" memorial service for the victims of the Jan. 8 attack.
"These men and women remind us that heroism is found not only on the fields of battle. They remind us that heroism does not require special training or physical strength. Heroism is here, all around us, in the hearts of so many of our fellow citizens, just waiting to be summoned....
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, September 24, 2010 Obama Fundraising Letter for the DSCC
Here, without the contribution links embedded (we're non-partisan so we can't support any candidates) is an email fundraising letter for the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee with President Obama's signature on it.
(6 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 16, 2009 Why We Need Health Care Reform
by making Medicare more efficient, we'll be able to ensure that more tax dollars go directly to caring for seniors instead of enriching insurance companies. This will not only help provide today's seniors with the benefits they've been promised; it will also ensure the long-term health of Medicare for tomorrow's seniors.
(11 comments) SHARE Wednesday, November 5, 2008 Barrack Obama Acceptance Speech
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
(57 comments) SHARE Sunday, September 21, 2008 Obama Statement on the Bailout
They said they wanted to let the market run free but instead they let it run wild.
the Bush Administration has only offered a concept with a staggering price tag, not a plan.