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Life Arts    H3'ed 9/15/09

Barack Obama Astrology Chart Analysis

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Gurmeet Singh
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President Barack Obama is born on August 4th, 1961 in Honolulu Hawaii at 7:24 PM. Obama's birth time is rectified and corrected to 7:14 PM using the past important events in his life and the dates when these events happened.

Obama is Capricorn ascendant with ascendant at 21 degrees 56 minutes. The Lord of Ascendant, and 2nd house of speech & money Saturn (2 degrees 06 minutes) is in 12th house in Capricorn sign with 12th lord Jupiter (7 degrees 38 minutes), and they both are in 8th lord Sun's constellation. This confused many Vedic Astrologers how Obama became President during the Maha Dasha of 12th lord Jupiter as 12th lord is not considered a good planet in any chart. So they came up with a yoga called MahaPursha yoga in his chart, he has Ascendant lord Saturn conjunct 12th lord Jupiter in Capricorn sign, and that is why he became President during 12th lord Jupiter's Mahadasha.

In my opinion in Vedic Astrology any planet in the constellation of lord of 8th occupying the 6th house will invariably bring luck without any strain. 6 and 8 are the 2nd and 12th houses to the opponents represented by 7th house. So if there is a connection between houses 2 and 12 one is to lose. Hence the opponent's loss is the native's gain. In Obama's case three important planets Saturn the Ascendant lord,
Jupiter the 12th lord, and Mars the 10th lord are in the Constellation of Sun and Sun rules the 8th house and it is located in 6th house. Further Sun is in the constellation of 6th house lord Mercury, again located in the 6th house. So these planets will bring luck without any strain, and the person will be successful in anything they want to do in their life. The opponents are bound to loose in a big way as these planets will bring loss to the opponents because these planets are in the constellation of 8th lord sun and sun is in 6th house in the constellation of 6th lord mercury and mercury is also in 6th house. The 6th and 8th house connection represents the 2nd and 12th house for the opponents represented by 7th house. So this is the scientific explanation why
Obama became President in 12th lord Jupiter's Mahadasha. This also explains why Obama became so successful in such a short period, was able to overcome all obstacles, raise huge campaign funds for the 2008 Presidential Election, win the Primaries first, and then the Presidency.

As Obama became President during the Maha Dasha of the 12th lord Jupiter, and 12th lord also represents spending, and loss of money. In Feb 2009 transit Jupiter was afflicted by conjunction with transit Rahu. On Feb 17, 2009, Barack Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, a $787 billion economic
stimulus package aimed at helping the economy recover from the deepening worldwide recession. The act includes increased federal spending for health care, infrastructure, education, various tax breaks and incentives, and direct assistance to individuals, which is being distributed over the course of several years. In March 2009,
Obama took further steps to manage the financial crisis, including the Public-Private Investment Program which contains provisions for buying up to $2 trillion in depreciated real estate assets. Obama intervened in the troubled automotive industry in March, renewing loans for General Motors and Chrysler Corporation to continue operations while reorganizing. So there will be lot of spending in the coming years as Obama is going to be in 12th lord Jupiter's Maha Dasha until July 2012.
Obama will not be able to control spending even if he tries his level best until July 2012. After July 2012 Obama will be able to control spending and balance the budget when he will enter the Main period of Saturn.

Obama is in Jupiter Maha Dasha Mars Bhukti from March 2009 to Feb 2010. Mars is the Badhaka planet (Planet of Obstruction) for Obama, as Mars rules the 11th house for Capricorn ascendant. This period will not be very good for Obama as he will face obstruction, delay, and road blocks from his opponents. His approval ratings have also gone down after Jupiter became retrograde on June 15th, 2009, and then Saturn, Mars square in Mid August 2009 was very malefic for him. At present Rahu and Ketu are transiting over Obama's ascendant lord natal Saturn, is not good for him at all. Rahu and Ketu will be right on his natal Saturn in the month of Oct 2009, so his life could be in danger during this period. During this time he will face lot of opposition
from his opponents on Health Care Reform. Obama's time will improve when Jupiter will become direct on Oct 12th, 2009. But still Mars Bhukti in Jupiter Mahadasha will continue until Feb 2010, and transit Jupiter is going to be in Badhaka Planet Mars constellation. So the chances of getting health care reform done before Feb 2010 are still very slim. But next year Obama should get Health Care Reform done after Feb
2010, if he could not get it done in the second half of this year. 2010 will be a very good year for President Obama when he will enter Rahu Bhukti in Jupiter Maha Dasha. The best period for Obama is from Feb 2010 to Feb 2011 when he can get most things done, and achieve his goals and ambitions.

President Obama will go through a difficult period from Feb 2011 to Oct 2012. First Ketu will transit Mars nakshatra in Gemini and Taurus signs from Feb 2011 to Oct 2011. During this period Obama will be in Jupiter/Rahu/Ketu period in the months of July, August and September 2011, a very sensitive time. Then Saturn the ascendant lord will transit Badhaka Planet Mars nakshatra from Sept 2011 to Oct 2012 will be a
very sensitive time. These are the periods when Obama will face big challenges, bstruction, delay, and road blocks from his opponents. Whether Obama gets re-elected for the 2nd term will largely depend upon how he handles this challenging period. If gets elected for the second term he will be a very successful President as he will be in ascendant lord and 2nd lord Saturn's Maha Dasa, and Saturn is very strongly placed in the constellation of 8th lord sun in his 6th house, and sun is in 6th lord Mercury's constellation. In his second term he will be able to accomplish a lot, control spending, and balance the budget. His 2nd term will be much better than the first term if he is given the opportunity.

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Gurmeet Singh is an internationally acclaimed Vedic Astrologer, and KP System Astrologer with over 20 years of experience as a full time consulting astrologer. He is a long standing member of the astrological community in the San Francisco, and (more...)
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